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Author | Vols. | Tradition | Faculty | Reference | Raab, Christoph (†1748) | 1 | Reformed | Theology, Duisburg (1709-1748) | Zedler | Raab, Christoph (fl.1593-1596) | 1 | n/a | | | Raad, Georgius d. (†1667) | 2 | Reformed | | | Raats, Johannes A. (fl.1743-1747) | 2 | n/a | | | Raban, Edward (†1658) | 0 | Reformed | | | Rabaut, Paul (†1794) | 4 | Reformed | | | Rabe, Paul (†1713) | 14 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Königsberg (1685-1703); Philosophy, Königsberg (1703-1713) | de | Scholasticon | Rabesano, Livio, O.F.M. Obs. (fl.1665-) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Rabisha, William (fl.1649-1661) | 0 | n/a | | | Rabus, Ludwig (†1592) | 64 | Lutheran | | en de | ADB | VGT | Rachel, Samuel (†1691) | 74 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Helmstedt (1658-1665); Law, Kiel (1665-1680) | de | ADB | Rada, Juan de, O.F.M. Obs. (†1608) | 27 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Salamanca | Scholasticon | Rae, John (fl.1625-1648) | 1 | Reformed | Philosophy, Aberdeen (1632-1648) | | Raemond, Florimond de (†1602) | 38 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | en | Raey, Johannes de (†1702) | 19 | Reformed | Philosophy, Leiden (1653-1668); Philosophy, Amsterdam (1668-1702) | en nl | ADB | Raggelman, Johannes, S.J. (†1668) | 4 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1620-1622) | | Raimundo de Sabunde (†1436) | 21 | n/a | | en | Rainolds, John (†1607) | 36 | Reformed | Philosophy, Oxford (1572-1580); Theology, Oxford (1588-1598); President of Corpus Christi, Oxford (1598-1607) | en | Rainolds, William (†1594) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | | Rait, William (†1670) | 1 | Reformed | | | Raith, Balthasar (†1683) | 21 | Lutheran | Theology, Tübingen (1660-1683) | ADB | Ralegh, Walter (†1646) | 2 | Anglican | | en | Ram, Gaspar (fl.1611-) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Ram, Matthias, S.J. (†1665) | 11 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Dillingen; Philosophy, Ingolstadt | Scholasticon | Ram, Robert (†1657) | 1 | Reformed | | | Ramazzini, Bernardino (†1714) | 51 | n/a | | | Rambach, Friedrich E. (†1775) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Rambach, Johann J. (†1735) | 83 | Lutheran | | | Rambach, Johann J. (†1818) | 4 | Lutheran | | | Rambour, Abraham (†1651) | 1 | Reformed | Theology, Sedan (1620-1654) | Haag1 | Ramirez, Lorenzo (†1658) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Rammazenius, Petrus (fl.1620-1649) | 0 | n/a | | | Ramondou, Elie (fl.1659-1685) | 2 | Reformed | Philosophy, Montauban (1659-1685) | | Ramoneda, Christophoro | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Rampegollis, Antonius de, O.E.S.A. (†1432) | 11 | n/a | | | Ramsay, Andrew (†1659) | 1 | Reformed | Theology, Edinburgh (1620-1626); Theology, Saumur | DNB1 | Ramsay, Andrew M. (†1743) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | | Ramsey, John (†1669) | 1 | Reformed | | | Ramus, Petrus (†1572) | 136 | Reformed | Philosophy, Paris (1551-1561); Philosophy, Heidelberg (1569-1570); Philosophy, Lausanne (1570-1570) | en fr | Scholasticon | Rancé, Armand J. (†1700) | 40 | Roman Catholic | | | Ranchin, Guillaume (†1605) | 1 | Reformed | | | Randall, Giles (fl.1648-) | 0 | n/a | | | Randall, Thomas | 1 | n/a | | | Randolph, John (†1813) | 5 | Anglican | | | Randolph, Thomas (†1783) | 21 | n/a | | | Randolph, Thomas (†1635) | 9 | n/a | | | Ranew, Nathanael (†1677) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Ranft, Matthaeus (fl.1630-1646) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Rapagelan, Stanisław (†1545) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Rapedius, Franz, S.J. (†1615) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Rapheleng, Franz (†1597) | 5 | Reformed | Leiden (1587-1597) | en | DBNL | Raphson, Joseph (†1715) | 6 | n/a | | | Rapin, René, S.J. (†1687) | 32 | Roman Catholic | | | Rappolt, Friedrich (†1676) | 22 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Leipzig (1656-1670); Theology, Leipzig (1670-1676) | ADB | SB | Rastell, John (†1577) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Ratcliffe, Thomas (fl.1668-) | 2 | n/a | | | Ratcliffe, Thomas (fl.1619-) | 0 | n/a | | | Ratelband, Johannes (†1793) | 4 | Reformed | | | Rathbone, William (†1644) | 2 | Reformed | | | Ratramnus of Corbie (†c.868) | 11 | n/a | | | Rau, Johann E. (†1770) | 8 | Reformed | Philosophy, Herborn (1721-1731); Theology, Herborn (1731-1770) | ADB | Raulin, Jean, O.S.B. (†1514) | 43 | Roman Catholic | | fr | Ravanellus, Petrus (†c.1680) | 11 | Reformed | | Haag1 | Ravensperger, Herman (†1625) | 65 | Reformed | Theology, Herborn (1610-1612); Theology, Steinfurt (1612-1614); Theology, Groningen (1614-1625) | ADB | Ravensperger, Jacob (†1650) | 2 | n/a | Philosophy, Utrecht (1641-1650) | NNBW | Ravesteijn, Hendrik (†1749) | 0 | Reformed | | | Ravesteyn, Jodocus (†1570) | 27 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven (1546-1570) | CE | Rawlin, Richard (†1757) | 3 | Puritan | | | Rawson, James (fl.1658-) | 0 | n/a | | | Ray, John (†1707) | 109 | n/a | | en | Raynaud, Théophile, S.J. (†1663) | 55 | Roman Catholic | | | Raynerius da Pisa, O.P. (†1351) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Raynolds, Peter (†1768) | 0 | n/a | | | Reading, John (†1667) | 4 | Anglican, Reformed | | | Rebstock, Jeremias (†1660) | 0 | Reformed | | de | Rechenberg, Adam (†1721) | 92 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Leipzig (1677-1699); Theology, Leipzig (1699-1721) | ADB | Reckenberger, Johann L. (†1773) | 23 | Lutheran | | | Record, Robert (†1558) | 1 | n/a | | | Redeker, Arnold (†1660) | 0 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rinteln (1650-1660) | | Redel, Carl A. (†1730) | 3 | Lutheran | | | Reding, Augustin, O.S.B. (†1692) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | HLS | Redman, John (†1551) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Cambridge (1538-1542); Theology, Cambridge (1549-1551) | DNB1 | Redorffer, Wolfgang (†1559) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Reeb, Georg, S.J. (†1662) | 40 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1622-1625); Philosophy, Dillingen (1626-1628) | Scholasticon | Reese, Hinrich (†1528) | 0 | Reformed | | | Reeve, John (†1658) | 12 | n/a | | | Reformed Church of Bremen | 3 | Reformed | | | Reformed Church of France | 33 | Reformed | | | Reformed Church of Germany | 4 | Reformed | | | Reformed Church of Switzerland | 66 | Reformed | | | Reformed Churches in the Netherlands | 33 | Reformed | | | Regis, Peeter (fl.1568-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Régis, Pierre S. (†1707) | 13 | n/a | | en | Regius, Henricus (†1679) | 30 | n/a | | nl | Regius, Johannes (†1738) | 8 | Reformed | Philosophy, Franeker (1685-1738) | | Regnault, Antonin (†1676) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Regourd, Alexandre, S.J. (†1635) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Reichel, Friedrich (†1653) | 9 | Reformed | Frankfurt (1642-?); Frankfurt (1649-?) | | Reid, Thomas (†1796) | 50 | n/a | | en | Reid, Thomas (†1625) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Reiersen, Andreas (fl.1741-) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Reiffenstuel, Ägid (fl.1601-) | 1 | n/a | | | Reigersberch, Nicolaas v. (†1654) | 3 | Reformed | | | Reihing, Conrad, S.J. (†1634) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Reihing, Jacob, S.J. (†1628) | 76 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Ingolstadt (1608-1613); Theology, Tübingen (1622-1628) | NDB | Reimarus, Hermann S. (†1768) | 12 | n/a | | | Reimmann, Jakob F. (†1743) | 4 | n/a | | | Reina, Casiodoro de (†1594) | 22 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | | | Reinbeck, Johann G. (†1741) | 44 | Lutheran | | de | ADB | Reindel, Rupert, S.J. (†1630) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Reineccius, Christian (†1752) | 71 | Lutheran | | | Reineccius, Jacob (†1613) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Reineccius, Reinerius (†1595) | 29 | Lutheran | | | Reiners, Hermannus (†1736) | 2 | Reformed | | | Reinesius, Thomas (†1667) | 69 | Lutheran | | fr | Reinhard, Franz V. (†1812) | 0 | Lutheran | | | Reinhard, Lorenz (†1752) | 38 | Lutheran | | ADB | Reinhard, Michael H. (†1732) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Reinhardt, Elias S. (†1669) | 3 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1668-1669) | Zedler | Reinharth, Tobias J. | 1 | n/a | | | Reinholt, Johann (fl.1715-1735) | 1 | n/a | | | Reinicke, Jacob (†1613) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Reisch, Gregorius (†1525) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Reisnerus, Vitus Conradus (fl.1587-) | 1 | Reformed | | | Reitz, Johann H. (†1720) | 11 | Reformed | | de | ADB | Reland, Adrian (†1718) | 83 | Reformed | Philosophy, Utrecht (1701-1713); Philosophy, Utrecht (1713-1718) | en nl | Relly, James (†1788) | 2 | n/a | | | Rempen, Johann (†1744) | 22 | Lutheran | | | Remy, Nicholas (†1612) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Renato, Camillo, O.F.M. (†1575) | 0 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Socinian-Unitarian | | en | Renaud, Antoine (†1610) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Saumur (1603-1606) | Haag1 | Renaudot, Eusèbe (†1720) | 18 | Roman Catholic | | | Renée de France (†1575) | 1 | n/a | | | Renerius, Henricus (†1639) | 0 | n/a | Philosophy, Utrecht (1636-1639) | | Renesse, Lodewijk Gerardus van (†1671) | 2 | Reformed | | | Rennecher, Hermann | 8 | Reformed | Philosophy, Bremen (1584-1587); Philosophy, Heidelberg (1594-1600) | Rotermund | Renner, Michael, S.J. (†1611) | 1 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1587-1590) | | Rentz, Placidus, O.S.B. (†1748) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Renwick, James (†1688) | 11 | Reformed | | | Reravius, Rasmus H. (†1582) | 0 | Lutheran | | | Resbury, Richard (†1674) | 1 | Reformed | | | Resen, Hans P. (†1638) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Reuchlin, Christoph (†c.1706) | 4 | Lutheran | ; Theology, Tübingen | | Reuchlin, Johann (†1522) | 48 | Roman Catholic | | | Reuden, Ambrosius (†1615) | 10 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1572-1573); Philosophy, Jena (1578-1596); Theology, Jena (1596-1615) | | Reusch, Johann P. (†1758) | 3 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1738-1755); Theology, Jena (1755-1758) | ADB | Reusner, Nicolaus (†1602) | 1 | Lutheran | | en | Reuter, Christian (†1744) | 10 | Lutheran | | | Reuter, Quirinus (†1613) | 17 | Reformed | Theology, Heidelberg (1602-1613) | ADB | VGT | Reutlinger, Johann J., Jr (†1749) | 3 | Reformed | | HLS | Reutlinger, Johann J., Sr (†1705) | 0 | Reformed | | HLS | Reveau, Georges (fl.1649-) | 1 | n/a | | | Revius, Jacobus (†1658) | 83 | Reformed | Theology, Leiden (1641-1658) | en nl | ADB | NNBW | Scholasticon | Reyher, Andreas (†1673) | 2 | n/a | | | Reyner, Edward (†1660) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB2 | Reynolds, Edward (†1676) | 73 | Anglican, Reformed | | en | Reynolds, John (fl.1621-1650) | 0 | n/a | | | Reynolds, Joshua (†1792) | 10 | n/a | | | Rhau, Georg (†1548) | 14 | Lutheran | | en de | Rhegius, Urbanus (†1541) | 372 | Lutheran | | de en | ADB | VGT | Rhenanus, Beatus (†1547) | 18 | Roman Catholic | | | Rhenferd, Jacob (†1712) | 11 | Reformed | Theology, Franeker (1682-1712) | NNBW | Rho, Alessandro (†1627) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Rhode, Georg L. (†1739) | 0 | Reformed | | Rotermund | Rhode, Marcus (†1715) | 38 | Lutheran | | | Rhodes, Georges de, S.J. (†1661) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Rhoding, Bartholomäus (†1629) | 0 | Reformed | | | Rhodomann, Lorenz (†1606) | 6 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1591-1598); Philosophy, Wittenberg (1602-1606) | de | Ribadeneyra, Pedro de (†1611) | 59 | Roman Catholic | | en es | Ribera, Francisco, S.J. (†1591) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | en | Ribit, Jean (†1564) | 7 | Reformed | Greek, Lausanne (1540-1547); Theology, Lausanne (1547-1559); Regent, Geneva (1559-1562); Theology, Orléans (1562-1564) | | Ribit de la Rivière, Jean (†1605) | 0 | Reformed | | | Ricardus Anglicus (fl.1226-) | 2 | n/a | | | Ricaud, Jean (fl.1572-) | 7 | Reformed | | | Riccaltoun, Robert (†1769) | 18 | Reformed | | | Riccardi, Niccolò, O.P. (†1639) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | en | Ricci, Matteo, S.J. (†1610) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Richard of Middleton (†1302) | 26 | n/a | | | Richard of St. Victor (†1173) | 16 | n/a | | | Richardot, Francois (†1574) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Richardson, Alexander (†1629) | 0 | n/a | | | Richardson, John (†1625) | 1 | Anglican | Theology, Cambridge (1606-1617) | | Richardson, John (†1654) | 1 | Reformed | | | Richardson, Samuel (fl.1643-1658) | 12 | Anabaptist, Baptist | | | Richardus Rufus Cornubiensis, O.F.M. (fl.1231-1256) | 0 | n/a | | | Richelet, Pierre (†1698) | 54 | n/a | | | Richelieu, Armand-Jean D. (†1642) | 53 | Roman Catholic | | | Richeome, Louis, S.J. (†1625) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | | Richer, Edmond (†1631) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | | Richer, Pierre (†1580) | 2 | Reformed | | en fr | Haag1 | Richter, Christoph P. (†1673) | 0 | Lutheran | Law, Jena | | Richter, Johann G. (†1780) | 5 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1751-1765); Theology, Leipzig (1765-1780) | | Richter, Johann G. (†1800) | 4 | n/a | | | Ridder, Franciscus de (†1683) | 69 | Reformed | | ADB | NNBW | Rider, John (†1632) | 2 | Anglican | | en | Ridgley, Thomas (†1734) | 40 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Ridley, Glocester (†1774) | 15 | Anglican | | | Ridley, Lancelot (†1576) | 0 | Reformed | | en | Ridley, Mark (†c.1624) | 1 | n/a | | | Ridley, Nicholas (†1555) | 11 | Reformed | | en | Rieger, Johannes (†1605) | 2 | n/a | | | Ries, Franz U. (†1755) | 3 | Reformed | Philosophy, Marburg (1721-1735); Theology, Marburg (1735-1755) | Strieder | Ries, Hans de (†1638) | 3 | Anabaptist | | de | Riesselmann, Johann (†1698) | 1 | Reformed | Philosophy, Frankfurt (1660-1668); Theology, Frankfurt (1668-1698) | Zedler | Rigault, Nicolas, S.J. (†1654) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | | Rinckart, Martin (†1649) | 20 | Lutheran | | en de | Ringelberg, Joachim van (†1531) | 12 | n/a | | de | Ringier, Johann H., Jr (†1745) | 7 | Reformed | Philosophy, Bern (1715-1720); Theology, Bern (1718-1720); Theology, Bern (1720-1745) | de | ADB | Ringier, Johann H., Sr (†1686) | 1 | Reformed | | ADB | Ringmayr, Thomas (†1652) | 7 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Salzburg; Theology, Salzburg | | Ringwaldt, Bartholomäus (†1599) | 18 | Lutheran | | de en | Riolan, Jean, Jr (†1657) | 14 | n/a | | | Riolan, Jean, Sr (†1605) | 26 | Reformed | | | Ripa, Raphael, O.P. (†1611) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Ripalda, Juan M., S.J. (†1648) | 23 | Roman Catholic | | | Rippon, John (†1836) | 2 | Baptist | | | Rispoli, Giovanni M., O.P. (†1639) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Rist, Johann (†1667) | 0 | Lutheran | | | Rithaymerus, Georgius (†1557) | 5 | n/a | | | Ritschel, Georg (†1683) | 3 | Anglican | | DNB1 | Ritschel, George, Jr (†1717) | 1 | Anglican | | | Rittangel, Johann S. (†1652) | 6 | Lutheran, Reformed | Königsberg (?-1652) | Zedler | Ritter, Israel (†1588) | 0 | Reformed | Arts, Basel (1586-1588) | | Rittershausen, Konrad (†1613) | 6 | n/a | | | Ritthaler, Michael (†1685) | 9 | Lutheran | | | Rittmeier, Christoph H. (†1719) | 22 | n/a | | | Rittmeyer, Johann (†1698) | 10 | Lutheran | | | Rivaudeau, André de (†c.1580) | 4 | Reformed | | | Rivet, André (†1651) | 147 | Reformed | Theology, Leiden (1620-1646) | en fr | ADB | DBNL | Haag1 | Rivet, Guillaume (†1651) | 7 | Reformed | | | Rivière, Lazarus (†1655) | 19 | n/a | | | Rivinus, Tileman A. (†1692) | 13 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1690-1692) | Zedler | Rivius, Johann (†1553) | 32 | Lutheran | | de | ADB | Rixner, Heinrich (†1692) | 114 | Lutheran | | ADB | Rizaeus, Albert (†1574) | 2 | Reformed | | en de | NDB | Rotermund | Robe, James (†1753) | 3 | Reformed | | | Röber, Paul (†1651) | 132 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1627-1651) | de | Zedler | Robert, Karl W. (†1803) | 1 | Reformed | Theology, Marburg (1766-1778); Law, Marburg (1778-1797) | Strieder | Roberts, Alexander (†1620) | 1 | n/a | | | Roberts, Francis (†1675) | 23 | Reformed | | en | Robertson, William (fl.1651-1685) | 1 | Reformed | | en | Robertson, William (†1793) | 0 | n/a | | | Robinson, Benjamin (†1724) | 1 | Reformed | | en | Robinson, Christopher | 0 | n/a | | | Robinson, John (†1625) | 32 | Reformed | | | Robinson, John (†1723) | 6 | Anglican | | | Robinson, Matthew (†1694) | 1 | n/a | | | Robinson, Nicholas (†1775) | 5 | Anglican | | | Robinson, Ralph (†1655) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Robinson, Richard (fl.1574-) | 1 | n/a | | | Robinson, Robert (†1790) | 7 | Baptist | | | Robinson, Thomas (†1813) | 6 | Anglican | | | Robinson, Thomas (fl.1621-) | 8 | n/a | | | Robinson, Thomas (†1719) | 0 | n/a | | | Roborough, Henry (†1649) | 2 | Anglican, Reformed | | | Robotham, John (fl.1654-) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Rocaberti, Juan T. (†1699) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Rocca, Angelo (†1620) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | | Rocha, Antich (fl.1560-) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Roche, Antoine-Martin (†1755) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Roche, John (fl.1751-) | 2 | n/a | | | Rocheblave, Henri de (†1709) | 3 | Reformed | | | Roches, François de (†1769) | 3 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1749-1769) | HLS | Rocholl, Heinrich G. (†1762) | 0 | Reformed | Philosophy, Duisburg (1761-1762); Theology, Duisburg (1761-1762) | | Rochon, Antoine, S.J. (fl.1672-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Rode, Hinne (†c.1537) | 0 | Reformed | | | Rodenborch, Johann (†1617) | 2 | Reformed | | | Roding, Johann (fl.1589-) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Roding, Nicolaus (†1580) | 5 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Marburg (1549-1554); Theology, Marburg (1576-1580) | VGT | Zedler | Rodolph, Johann R. (†1718) | 27 | Reformed | Philosophy, Bern (1676-1688); Theology, Bern (1688-1698); Theology, Bern (1698-1718) | de | ADB | HLS | Zedler | Rodolphi, Joannes (fl.1620-) | 1 | Reformed | | | Rodrigues da Veiga, Tomás (†1579) | 11 | n/a | | | Rodriguez, Alonso (†1616) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Röell, Hermann A. (†1718) | 17 | Reformed | Philosophy & Theology, Franeker (1685-1704); Theology, Utrecht (1704-1718) | de nl | ADB | NNBW | Rogall, Georg F. (†1733) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Rogers, Daniel (†1652) | 3 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Rogers, Henry (†1658) | 0 | n/a | | | Rogers, John (†1636) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB2 | Rogers, John (†1665) | 3 | n/a | | en | Rogers, John (†1729) | 2 | Anglican | | en | Rogers, Nehemiah (†1660) | 3 | Anglican | | | Rogers, Richard (†1618) | 6 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Rogers, Thomas (†1616) | 13 | Reformed | | en | Rogers, Timothy (†1728) | 5 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Rogers, Timothy (†c.1650) | 3 | n/a | | | Rohan, Henri (†1638) | 2 | Reformed | | | Rohault, Jacques (†1672) | 50 | n/a | | en fr | Rolandus, Jacobus (†1632) | 0 | Reformed | | ADB | NNBW | Rollock, Robert (†1599) | 53 | Reformed | Arts, St Andrews (1574-1583); Arts, Edinburgh (1583-1587); Theology, Edinburgh (1587-1599) | en | DNB1 | Rolls, Samuel (†1680) | 0 | Puritan, Reformed | | DNB1 | Rolt, Richard (†1770) | 15 | n/a | | | Romaine, William (†1795) | 8 | Anglican | | | Roman Catholic Church | 3 | n/a | | | Rombouts, Rumoldus (†1692) | 0 | Reformed | | | Romeo, Francesco, O.P. (†1552) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | en | Rommel, Johann (fl.1611-1624) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Rönnberg, Bernhard H. (†1760) | 0 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rostock (1739-1746); Theology, Rostock (1753-1753) | | Rooleeuw, Reinier (†1684) | 2 | n/a | | | Roper, William (†1578) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Roper, William (†1578) | 1 | n/a | | | Roques, Pierre (†1748) | 15 | Reformed | | | Rörer, Georg (†1557) | 5 | Lutheran | | de | NDB | Rosa, Johann (†1572) | 4 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1554-1572) | | Rosenbach, Zacharias (†1638) | 5 | Reformed | Medicine, Herborn (1623-1638); Philosophy, Herborn (1624-1638) | ADB | Roset, Michel (†1613) | 2 | n/a | | | Rosewell, Thomas (†1692) | 0 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Rosius, Jakob (†1676) | 2 | Reformed | | de | Rösler, Johann E. (†1733) | 13 | Lutheran | | | Röslin, Helisaeus (†1616) | 5 | Lutheran | | en de | Ross, Alexander (†1654) | 24 | Anglican | | en | Ross, Alexander (†1720) | 1 | Reformed | Theology, Glasgow (1682-1687) | | Rosset, Jean A. (†1766) | 5 | Reformed | Theology, Lausanne (1743-1748); Theology, Lausanne (1748-1766) | Leu | Rossi, Arcangelo (fl.1601-) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Rotan, Jean-Baptiste (†1598) | 1 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1587-1589) | Haag1 | Roterus, Spiritus, O.P. (†1564) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Rotterdam, Arnoldus (†1781) | 14 | Reformed | | DBNL | Roüillard, Sébastien (†1639) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Rous, Francis (†1643) | 11 | n/a | | en | Rous, Francis (†1658) | 17 | Puritan | | | Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (†1778) | 159 | n/a | | | Roussel, Gérard (†1550) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Rousselet, Claude (fl.1765-) | 7 | n/a | | | Roux, David (fl.1686-1691) | 2 | Reformed | | | Rovetta, Andrea (fl.1691-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Rowe, John (†1677) | 0 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Rowning, John (†1771) | 1 | n/a | | | Roy, Albert (†1733) | 45 | Reformed | Theology, Lausanne (1700-1702); Theology, Lausanne (1702-1733) | Haag1 | Roy, Daniel le (†1722) | 17 | Reformed | | NNBW | Royal Society | 15 | n/a | | en | Royère, Pierre (fl.1686-1687) | 2 | Reformed | | Haag1 | Ruari, Martinus (†1657) | 3 | Socinian-Unitarian | | | Rubeis, Bernardo M., O.P. (†1775) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Rubio, Antonio, S.J. (†1615) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Rubione, Guilelmus de, O.F.M. (fl.1333-) | 2 | n/a | | | Ruchat, Abraham (†1750) | 122 | Reformed | Philosophy, Lausanne (1721-1733); Theology, Lausanne (1733-1750) | | Rückersfelder, Abraham F. (†1799) | 11 | Reformed | | | Rudbeckius, Johannes (†1646) | 1 | Lutheran | Theology, Uppsala (1609-1613) | SBH | Rudd, Anthony (†1615) | 0 | Anglican, Reformed | | en | Rüdinger, Esrom (†1591) | 8 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Wittenberg (1557-?) | ADB | Rudolphi, Antonio A. (fl.1753-) | 1 | n/a | | | Rudrauf, Kilian (†1690) | 25 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Giessen (1659-?); Theology, Giessen (1675-1690) | Zedler | Rüegg, Johann J. (†1693) | 2 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | ADB | Ruerk, Anthony, O.F.M. Obs. (fl.1746-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Rüff, Jakob (†1558) | 13 | n/a | | | Ruiz, Gregorio (†1699) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Ruiz de Montoya, Diego, S.J. (†1632) | 28 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Granada (1585-1588); Theology, Seville (1588-1592); Theology, Granada (1592-1594); Theology, Seville (1603-?) | en | BBKL | Scholasticon | Rule, Gilbert (†1701) | 3 | Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Rumlang, Eberhard von (†1551) | 5 | Reformed | Theology, Bern (1548-1551) | | Rumpaeus, Justus W. (†1730) | 13 | Lutheran | | ADB | Runge, Conradus H. (†1792) | 5 | Reformed | | | Runge, David (†1604) | 75 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1595-1604) | de | VGT | Rupert of Deutz (†1129) | 33 | n/a | | | Rus, Johann R. (†1738) | 33 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1715-1733); Theology, Jena (1733-1738) | ADB | Ruspe, Fulgentius o. (†c.527) | 1 | n/a | | | Russen, David (fl.1702-1703) | 1 | n/a | | | Rust, George (†1670) | 2 | Anglican, Latitudinarian | | | Rutgers, Wijnand (†1667) | 3 | Reformed | Theology, Steinfurt (1615-1641) | | Rutherford, Samuel (†1661) | 125 | Reformed | Theology, Edinburgh (1649-1650) | en | DNB1 | Scholasticon | Rutherforth, Thomas (†1771) | 12 | Anglican | Theology, Cambridge (1756-1771) | en | Rütimeyer, Markus (†1647) | 3 | Reformed | Philosophy, Bern (1613-?) | | Rutland, Johann C. (fl.1560-) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Rutland, John (†1718) | 1 | Reformed | | | Ruyl, Henricus (†1680) | 0 | Reformed | | | Ruytinck, Simeon (†1621) | 8 | Reformed | | | Ryan, Edward (†1818) | 3 | n/a | | | Ryder, John (†1632) | 0 | n/a | | | Ryland, John (†1792) | 1 | n/a | | | Rymer, Thomas (†1713) | 18 | Anglican | | | Ryssen, Leonhard (†1700) | 36 | Reformed | | NNBW | Ryves, Thomas (†1652) | 14 | n/a | | |
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