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« Richard Rolt (1724-1770)
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William Romaine (1714-1795)
TraditionAnglicanReference Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (7 titles, 8 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Considerations on the nature and efficacy of the Lord's Supper. To which are added, Prayers composed and used by Samuel Johnson ... Also, A sermon, by the late Rev. William Romaine, A.M. of London. (1809) / added author(s): Vicesimus Knox, Samuel Johnson
Discourses upon Solomon's song : preached at St. Dunstan's church, in the West, London (London : T. Chapman, 1789)
An essay on psalmody ... (printed in the year, 1775)
A treatise upon the life of faith
Williams and Whiting. J. Seymour, 1809GB 
Glasgow, 1809IA 
Treatises on the life, walk and triumph of faith (Glasgow : William Collins, 1830)
Treatises upon the life, walk and triumph of faith (New York : Robinson and Franklin, 1839)
Twelve discourses upon the law and the gospel : preached at St. Dunstan's Church, in the West, London (London : M. Trapp, 1793)

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