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T he Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL) is a select database of digital books relating to the development of theology and philosophy during the Reformation and Post-Reformation/Early Modern Era (late 15th-18th c.). Late medieval and patristic works printed and referenced in the early modern era are also included. The PRDL is a project of the Junius Institute for Digital Reformation Research.
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Luther, Martin (1483-1546)  de en
Servum arbitrium, dat is, een uyt-nemend Tractaet van de Knechtelijcke wille: Verclarende, dat de vrije-wille niet en is: gheschreven teghen Erasmus van Rotterdam (Jan Christianus boeckverkoper / int Schrijf boeck, 1610)
GB 10/12
Niger, Antonius (c.1500-1555)
Consilium de tuenda valetudine
Leipzig : Bapst, 1554UBL 10/11
Leipzig : Bapst, 1555ULBH 10/11
Wittemberg : Schleich u.a., 1573BSB 10/11
Wittemberg, 1581BSB 10/11

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