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Ailly, Pierre d' (1351-1420)  en
Tractatus de anima / ed. a domino Petro de Ailliaco (Parisiis : Guidonem, 1494)
Tractatus de anima / editus a domino Petro de Alliaco (Paris : J. Petit, 1505)
Albertus Magnus, O.P. (c.1193-1280)
[De anima. De intellectu] / Albertus Magnus ([Venedig] : [Reynaldus de Novimagio], 1481)
Le paradis de l'âme, ou traicté des vertus, trans. Pierre du Jarric (Bordeaux : S. Millanges, 1616)
Andala, Ruard (1665-1727)
Disputatio Philosophica De Quatuor Fictis Simplicium Speciebus, Ex Quibus Illustris Leibnizius Cum Cl. Wolfio Derivare Volvit Omnia Mundi Corpora, Animas Brutorum, Et Hominum, Ut Et Ipsum Intellectum Divinum (Halae Saxonvm, 1727)
Dispvtatio Philosophica De Qvatvor Fictis Simplicivm Speciebvs, Ex Qvibvs Illvstris Leibnizivs Cvm Cl. Wolfio Derivare Volvit Omnia Mvndi Corpora, Animas Brvtorvm, Et Hominvm, Vt Et Ipsvm Intellectvm Divinvm / Qvam ... Svb Praesidio Viri Clarissimi, D. Rvardi Andala, a. L. Mag. Et S. S. Theol. Et Phil. Doct. Et Professoris Ord. Publicæ disquisitioni subjicit Bernhardvs Iorna, Frisivs. a. D. 26. Febr. MDCCXXVII. H. L. Q. S. (Halae Saxonvm : Halma, 1727)
Andreae, Tobias (1604-1676)
Brevis replicatio reposita brevi explicationi mentis humanae, sive Animae rationalis D. Henrici Regii, notis Cartesii in Programma ejusdem Argumenti firmandis veritatique magis illustrandae (Amstelodami : L. Elzevirii, 1653)
Aristotle (384-322)  en
Aristotelus peri psychēs biblia tria. Aristotelis de anima libri tres. Vna cvm Iacobi Fabri Stapvlensis in eosdem introductione: Et Themistij commentatiuncula. (Basel : Thomas d.Ä. Platter, 1538) / added author(s): Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples
De anima, ed. Julius Pacius (Francofurti, 1621)
Arnoldi, Bartholomaeus (1464-1532)
Exercitium de anima (Erfurt, 1507)
Aubery, Claude (1545-1596)
De immortalitata anime, oratio apodicta
[Genève] : Jean Le Preux, 1586BSB 
Augustine, Aurelius (354-430)
De quantitate animae ([Augsburg], ca. 1473)
Averröes (1126-1198)
Aristotelis omnia quae extant opera, selectis translationibus .., vol. 9 (Venetiis : Apvd Ivnctas, 1562) / added author(s): Aristotle
Bartenstein, Johann Philipp (fl.1672-1721)
Meletema metaphys. de anima hominis separata (Argentorati : Spoor, 1706)
Baxter, Richard (1615-1691)  en de
Of the immortality of mans soul, and the nature of it and other spirits : two discourses, one in a letter to an unknown doubter, the other in a reply to Dr. Henry Moore's Animadversions on a private letter to him, which he published in his second edition of Mr. Joseph Glanvil's Sadducismus triumphatus, or, History of apparitions (London : B. Simons, 1682)
The reasons of the Christian religion. The first part, of godliness: proving by natural evidence the being of God, the necessity of holiness, and a future life of retribution; the sinfulness of the world; the desert of Hell; and what hope of recovery mercies intimate. The second part, of Christianity: proving by evidence supernatural and natural, the certain truth of the Christian belief: and answering the objections of unbelievers. First meditated for the well-setling of his own belief; and now published for the benefit of others, by Richard Baxter. It openeth also the true resolution of the Christian faith. Also an appendix, defending the soul's immortality against the Somatists or Epicureans, and other pseudo-philosophers. (London : R. White, 1667)
Belluto, Bonaventura, O.F.M. Conv. (1600-1676)
Tomus tertius : continens Disputationes ad mentem Scoti in Aristotelis Stagiritae Libros De Anima, De Generatione, & Corruptione, De Caelo, & Metheoris (Venetiis : apud Nicolaum Pezzana, 1727) / added author(s): Bartolomeo Mastri
Belsham, Thomas (1750-1829)
Elements of the philosophy of the mind, and of moral philosophy : to which is prefixed a compendium of logic (London : J. Johnson by Taylor and Wilks, 1801)
Elements of the philosophy of the mind, and of moral philosophy: to which is prefixed a compendium of logic (J. Johnson by Taylor and Wilks, 1801)
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