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Benjamin Keach (1640-1704)
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[The ax laid to the root, or, One blow more at the foundation of infant baptism and church-membership containing an exposition of that metaphorical text of Holy Scripture, Mat. 3, 10]. (London : author, and are to be sold by John Harris, 1693)
An answer to Mr. Marlow's Appendix. Wherein his arguments to prove that singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, was performed in the primitive church by a special or an extraordinary gift, and therefore not to be practised in these days, are examined, and clearly detected. Also some reflections on what he speaks on the word hymnos, hymnos: and on his undue quotations of divers learned men. By a learned hand. By B. Keach. (London : John Hancock in Castle-Alley on west side of Royal-Exchange, and by author at his house near Horselydown in Southwark, 1691)
Antichrist stormed, or, Mystery Babylon the great whore, and great city, proved to be the present Church of Rome wherein all objections are fully answered : to which is added, the time of the end, or a clear explanation of Scripture prophecies, with the judgment of divers learned men concerning the final ruine of the Romish Church, that it will be in this present age : together with an account of the two witnesses, who they are, with their killing, resurrection & ascention : also an examination and confutation of what Mr. Jurieu hath lately written concerning the effusion of the vials ... : likewise a brief review of D. Tho. Goodwins exposition of the 11th chapter of the Revelations, concerning the witnesses, and of that street in which they should lie slain, proving it to be meant of Great Brittain : and a brief collection of divers strange prophecies, some very antient (London : Nath. Crouch ..., 1689)
Antichrist stormed; or Mystery, Babylon, the great Whore, and great city, proved to be the present Church of Rome; ... also an examination and confutation of what Mr. Jurien hath lately written concerning the effusion of the vials, ... likewise a brief review of D. T. Goodwin's Exposition of the ... (1689)
An appendix to the answer unto two Athenian Mercuries concerning pedo-baptism containing twenty seven syllogistical arguments proving infant-baptism a mere humane tradition : the gentlmen called the Athenian Society desiring in the last of the said Mercuries to have syllogism (London : author and sold by John Harris ..., 1692)
The articles of the faith of the Church of Christ, or, Congregation meeting at Horsley-down Benjamin Keach, pastor, as asserted this 10th of the 6th month, 1697. (London, 1697)
The ax laid to the root, or, One blow more at the foundation of infant baptism, and church-membership. Part I containing an exposition of that metaphorical text of Holy Scripture, Mat. 3. 10. : being the substance of two sermons lately preached, with some additions, wherein is shewed that God made a two-fold covenant with Abraham, and that circumcision appertained not to the covenant of grace, but to the legal and external covenant God made with Abraham's natural seed, as such : together with an answer to Mr. John Flavel's last grand arguments in his Vindiciarum Vindex, in his last reply to Mr. Philip Cary, also to Mr. Rothwell's Pædo-baptisms vindicatur, as to what seems most material (London : author, and are to be sold by John Harris ..., 1693)
The banquetting-house, or, A feast of fat things a divine poem, opening many sacred Scripture mysteries ... (London : J.A. for H. Barnard ..., 1692)
The Baptist catechism [microform] : commonly called Keach's catechism : or, a brief instruction in the principles of the Christian religion : agreeably to the confession of faith put forth by upwards of an hundred congregations in Great Britain, July 3, 1689, and adopted by the Philadelphia Baptist Association, September 22, 1742 (Philadelphia : American Baptist Publication Society, 1851)
The Breach repaired in God's worship : or, singing of Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs proved to be an holy ordinance of Jesus Christ ; with an answer to all objections ; as also, an examination of Mr. Isaac Marlow's two papers, one called, A discourse against singing, &c. the other An appendix wherein his arguments and cavils are detected and refuted (London : Author and sold by John Hancock, 1691)
The breach repaired in God's worship, or, Singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, proved to be an holy ordinance of Jesus Christ with an answer to all objections : as also, an examination of Mr. Isaac Marlow's two papers, one called, A discourse against singing, &c., the other, An appendix : wherein his arguments and cavils are detected and refuted (London : John Hancock ... and by author ..., 1691)
The Breach Repaired in God's Worship: Or, Singing of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs Proved to be an ... Ordinance of Jesus Christ ... As Also an Examination of Mr. J. Marlow's Two Papers ... One Called “A Discourse Against Singing, Etc.” the Other “an Appendix,” Etc, vol. 1 (1691)
Christ alone the way to Heaven, or, Jacob's ladder improved containing four sermons lately preach'd on Genesis XXVIII, XII : wherein the doctrine of free-grace is display'd through Jesus Christ : also discovering the nature, office, and ministration of the holy angels : to which is added one sermon on Rom. 8, 1 : with some short reflections on Mr. Samuel Clark's new book intituled Scripture justification (London : Benja. Harris, 1698)
A Counter-Antidote to Purge Out the ... Effects of a Late Counterfeit Prepared by Mr G. Shute ... Being an Answer to His Pretended Antidote, to Prevent the Prevalency of Anabaptism. Showing that Mr H. Collins's Reply to the Said Author Remains Unanswered. With a Further Detection of ..., vol. 1 (1694)
A counter-antidote, to purge out the malignant effects of a late counterfeit, prepared by Mr. Gyles Shute ... being an answer to his vindication of his pretended Antidote to prevent the prevalency of Anabaptism, shewing that Mr. Hercules Collins's reply to the said author remains unanswered : wherein the baptism of believers is evinced to be God's ordinance, and the baptized congregations proved true churches of Jesus Christ : with a further detection of the error of pedo-baptism : to which is added, An answer to Mr. Shute's reply to Mr. Collins's half-sheet (London : H. Bernard ..., 1694)
The counterfeit Christian, or, The danger of hypocrisy opened in two sermons : containing an exposition of that parabolical speech of our Blessed Saviour, Matth. XII, 43, 44, 45 ... (London : and are sold by John Pike ... and by the author ..., 1691)
The display of glorious grace, or, The covenant of peace opened in fourteen sermons lately preached, in which the errors of the present day about reconciliation and justification are detected (London : S. Bridge, and sold by Mary Fabian ... Joseph Collier ... and William Marshall ..., 1698)
Distressed Sion relieved, or, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness wherein are discovered the grand causes of the churches trouble and misery under the late dismal dispensation : with a compleat history of, and lamentation for those renowned worthies that fell in England by popish rage and cruelty, from the year 1680 to 1688 ... (London : Nath. Crouch ..., 1689)
An elegy on the death of that most laborious and painful minister of the gospel, Mr. John Norcot who fell asleep in the Lord the 24th day of this instant March, 1675 (London : Ben. Harris ..., 1676)
Esponiad ar y Cyffelybiaethau a roddir yn yr Ysgrythyrau Sanctaidd, i Dduw'r Tad. Wedi ei dynu allan o waith y Parch. B. Keach, yn nghyd ag eraill, gan Titus Lewis (Peter Evans, 1815)
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