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Allen, William (1532-1594)  en
An apologie and true declaration of the institution and endevous of the two English colleges, the one in Rome, the other now resident in Rhemes, against certaine sinister information given up against the same (Mons, 1581)
Barcos, Martin de (1600-1678)
Exposition de la foi catholique touchant la grâce et la prédestination. Avec un recueil des passages les plus précis & les plus forts de l'écriture sainte, sur lesquels est fondée cette doctrine
Mons : Gaspard Migeot, 1696GB 
Mons : Gaspard Migeot, 1699GB 
Böhme, Jakob (1575-1624)  en
The epistles of Jacob Behmen, aliter, Tevtonicvs philosophvs (London Printed by M. Simmons : for G. Calvert, 1649)
Caryl, Joseph (1602-1673)
An exposition with practicall observations continued upon the thirty second, the thirty third, and the thirty fourth chapters of the booke of Job: being the substance of forty-nine lectures, delivered at Magnus neare the Bridge, London (London, Printed for M. Simmons : and are to be sold by T. Parkhurst, 1661)
Cradock, Walter (c.1606-1659)  en
Gospel-libertie, in the extensions [and] limitations of it. Wherein is laid down an exact way to end the present dissentions, and to preserve future peace among the saints. VVhereunto is added good newes from Heaven, to the worst of sinners on earth. The former in nine sermons on I Cor. 10. 23 ... The latter in three sermons on Luke 2. 10 (London, Printed by M. Simmons : for H. Overton, 1648)
Denis the Carthusian (1402-1471)
Doctoris ecstatici D. Dionysii Cartusiani Opera omnia, in unum corpus digesta ad fidem editionum Coloniensium (Monstrolii : typis Cartusiæ S.M. de Pratis)
Vol. 19 (1896)
Vol. 20 (1896) IA 
Vol. 21 (1896) IA 
Vol. 22 (1896) IA 
Vol. 23 (1896) IA 
Vol. 24 (1896) IA 
Vol. 25 (1896) IA 
Opera omnia in unum corpus digesta ad fidem editionum Coloniensium : cura et labore monachorum sacri ordinis Cartusiensis, favente pont. max. Leone XIII (Monstrolii : Typis Cartusiae S.M. de Pratis)
Vol. 1 (1896)
Vol. 2 (1896) IA 
Vol. 3 (1896) IA 
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