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« William Allen (-1686)
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William Allen (1532-1594)
TraditionRoman CatholicReferenceen | DNB2Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (13 titles, 16 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (15) | Philosophy (1)
Results 1-15
An apologie and true declaration of the institution and endevous of the two English colleges, the one in Rome, the other now resident in Rhemes, against certaine sinister information given up against the same (Mons, 1581)
A briefe historie of the glorious martyrdom of twelve reverend priests : Father Edmund Campion and his companions (London : Burns & Oates, 1908)
Historia del glorioso martirio di sedici sacerdoti (Paolo Gottardo Pontio, 1584)
Holy Bible faithfvlly translated into English: ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions in diuers languages ...
[Rheims ; Rouen] : Iohn Cousturier, 1582GB 
[Rheims ; Rouen] : Iohn Cousturier, 1635GB 
Libri tres, id est, De sacramentis in genere lib. I. De sacramento eucharistiae Lib. I. De sacrificio eucharistiae Lib. I (Antwerp : Iohannes Foulerus, 1576)
Libri Tres. Id est, De Sacramentis in genere, Lib. I. De Sacramento Eucharistiae. Lib. I. De Sacrificio Eucharistiae. Lib. I.: Ex vivae vocis diligenti & accurata tractatione, quem idem his in rebus contra nostri temporis ... (Antverpiae : Fouler, 1576)
Opus aureum ornatum. De sacramentis in genere, de eucharistiae sacramento, de sacrificio eucharistiae: tribus libris distinctum (Douai : Baltazar Beller, 1603)
Traicté politique, composé par William Allen Anglois, Et traduit nouvellement en François, où il est prouvé par l'exemple de Moyse, et par d'autres, tirés hors de l'escriture, que tuer un tyran titulo vel exercitio, n'est pas un meurtre (Lyon, 1658)
A treatise made in defense of the lauful power and authoritie of priesthod to remitte sinnes : of the peoples duetie for confession of their sinnes to Gods ministers : and of the churches meaning concerning indulgences, commonly called the Popes Pardons / by William Allen,... (Louvain : J. Foulerum, 1567)
A true report of the late apprehension and imprisonnement of John Nicole minester, at Roan, and his confession and answers made in the time of his durance there (Rhemes : B. Fogny, 1583)
A True Sincere And Modest Defence Of English Catholiques That Suffer For Their Faith both at home and abrode ([Rouen], 1584) [Date from WorldCat]
A true, sincere and modest defence of English Catholics that suffer for their faith both at home and abroad, against a false, seditions and slanderous libel entitled: (London : The Manresa Press ; St. Louis : B. Herder)
Vol. 1 (1914)
Vol. 2 (1914) IA 

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