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« John Richardson (c.1579-1654)
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Samuel Richardson (fl.1643-1658)
TraditionAnabaptist, BaptistReference Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (12 titles, 12 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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An ansvver to the London ministers letter: from them to his Excellency & his Counsel of VVar; as also an answer to John Geree's book, entituled, Might overcomming right; with an answer to a book, entituled, The Armies remembrancer. Wherein it appears the accusations of the Army are unjust, and the Armies proceedings justified by the Word of God, and by the light of nature and reason. Also a discovery of that learning, and ordination these ministers have, and the vanity and insufficiencie thereof, by the Word of God, and that those are the things with which they delude and deceive the people. (London : I.C. for Hanah Alin, at the Crown in Popes-Head Alley, 1649)
An apology for the present government, and governour: with an answer to severall objections against them, and twenty queries propounded for those who are unsatisfied, to consider, and answer, if they please. (London : and are to be sold by Gyles Calvert, at at [sic] his shop the west end of Pauls., 1654)
The cause of the poor pleaded. By Samuel Richardson. (London : M. Simmons, for Livewell Chapman, at the Crowne in Popes-head Alley, 1653)
Certain questions propounded to the assembly, to answer by the Scriptures whether corporall punishments may be inflicted upon such as hold errours in religion. (London, 1646)
A discourse of the torments of hell The foundation and pillars thereof discovered, searched, shaken and removed. With many infallible proofs, that there is not to be a punishment after this life for any to endure that shall never end. By S. Richardson. (London : [s.n.], in the year, 1660)
Divine consolations, or, The teachings of God in three parts ... with an answer to the objections made against it, and Doctor Crips [sic] booke justified against Steven Geree (London : M. Simmons ..., 1649)
Fifty questions propounded to the Assembly, to answer by the Scriptures: whether corporall pnnishments [sic] may be inflicted upon such as hold different opinions in religion. By S.R. (London : [s.n], Printed, 1647)
Justification by Christ alone, a fountaine of life and comfort, declaring that the whole worke of mans salvation was accomplished by Jesus Christ upon the crosse, in that he tooke away & healed all his, from all sinnes, and presented them to God holy without fault in his sight. And the objections against this are answered, for the consolation of such as beleive; & that they may not ascribe that which is proper to Christs preistly office, to their beleiving. (London; : M.S. & are to be sould by Hannah Allen at the signe of the Crowne in Popes-head-Alley. And George Whittington at the Anchor neere the Royall-Exchange., 1647)
Justification by Christ alone: a fountain of life and comfort (London : John Hart; sold by J. Lewis, 1647)
Plain dealing: or the unvailing of the opposers of the present government and governors. In answer of several things affirmed by Mr. Vavasor Powell and others: shewing, 1. That there is no reason to oppose or finde fault with the present government. 2. That there is not any scripture that doth justifie their opposing the present government. 3. That the word of God is for the present government and governors, and requireth us to own them and to be subject to them. 4. That the holy scriptures are against the opposition that is made against the present government and governors. 5. Reasons to prove that his highnesse Oliver Cromwell and the right honourable his councel ought to execute the legislative power. (London : E.C. and are to be sold by John Clarke at the entrance into Mercers Chappel at the lower end of Cheapside, 1656)
The saints desire, or, A cordiall for a fainting soule declaring that in Christs righteousnesse onely ... there is life, happiness, peace ... also the happy estate of a man in Christ ... (London : M. Simmons, and are to be sold by Hannah Allen ..., 1647)
Some briefe considerations on Doctor Featley his book, intituled, The dipper dipt, wherein in some measure is discovered his many great and false accusations of divers persons, commonly called Anabaptists, with an answer to them, and some brief reasons of their practice. In seven sections, viz. I. Dr. Featley his secret and haynous accusing the honourable Parliament. II. That he is guilty of greater errors, than to go into the water to be dipt. ... VI. Some reasons alledged against infants being baptized. A question proposed to consideration, that if it be an error to be baptized again, whether the punishment, some would have inflicted upon them, and some have suffered, be not too great? VII. How many sorts of Anabaptists he saith there are, and what they hold. Whereunto is added, what is conceived the Doctors mysticall frontispiece may more properly declare. (London : [s.n], Printed, 1645)

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