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Andrew Fuller (1754-1815)
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The atonement of Christ: and the justification of the sinner (American Tract Society, 1854)
New-York : American Tract Soc, 1840IA 
The backslider; or, An enquiry into the nature, symptoms, and effects of religious declension, with the means of recovery (J.W. Morris., 1801)
Brief narrative of the Baptist mission in India: including an account of translations of the Scriptures, into the various languages of the East : with an appendix, bringing the narrative down to the year 1811 (Lincoln & Edmands, 1811)
The Calvinistic and Socinian systems examined and compared, as to their moral tendency : in a series of letters addressed to the friends of vital and practical religion ; to which is added, a postscript, establishing the principle of the work against the exceptions of Dr. Toulmin, Mr. Belsham, &c. (Boston : Lincoln & Edmands, 1815)
The Calvinistic and Socinian systems examined and compared, as to their moral tendency: in a series of letters addressed to the friends of vital and practical religion ; to which is added, a postscript, establishing the principle of the work against the exceptions of Dr. Toulmin, Mr. Belsham, &c (Lincoln & Edmands, 1815)
A defence of a treatise, entitled the Gospel of Christ worthy of all acceptation: containing a reply to Mr. Button's remarks, and the observations of Philanthropos [pseud.] (W. W. Woodward, 1810)
Dialogues, letters and essays on various subjects: To which is annexed, an essay on truth: containing an inquiry into its nature and importance; with the causes of error, and reasons of its being permitted (Oliver D. Cooke, 1810)
Expository discourses on the Book of Genesis (Philadelphia : Lond, 1806)
Expository discourses on the Book of Genesis : interspersed with practical reflections (London : T. Tegg, 1836)
The Gospel its own witness
Isaac Collins for Cornelius Davis, 1801GB 
New York : Isaac Collins for Cornelius Davis, 1801IA 
The gospel its own witness; or, The holy nature and divine harmony of the Christian religion, contrasted with the immorality and absurdity of deism (William W. Morse, 1801)
The Gospel its own witness: or, The holy nature, and divine harmony of the Christian religion: contrasted with the immortality and absurdity of deism, 3rd ed. (J.W. Morris, Clipstone, 1802)
The Gospel worthy of all acceptation, or, The duty of sinners to believe in Jesus Christ, 3rd ed. (Charles Cist, 1805)
An inquiry into the nature, symptoms, and effects of religious declension: with the means of recovery ... (editor, 1829)
Jesus the true messiah: a sermon delivered in the Jews' Chapel, Church Street, Spitalfields, on the Lord's Day evening, November 19, 1809, 3rd ed. (London : Society for promoting Christianity amongst Jews by B. R. Goakman, 1810)
Miscellaneous pieces on various religious subjects : being the last remains of the Rev. Andrew Fuller (London : Wightman and Camp, 1826)
Miscellaneous pieces on various religious subjects, collected, with notes, by J.W. Morris. Intended as a suppl. to his Memoirs of the author (1826)
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