Primary Sources
Other Resources
Primary Sources (6 titles, 6 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | | Buchanan, George (1506-1582) | George Buchanan in the Lisbon inquisition. The records of his trial, with a translation thereof into English, fac-similes of some of the papers and an introduction, by Guilherme J.C. Henriques (Carnota) ( Lisboa : Typographia da Empreza da Historia de Portugal, 1906) | IA |  |   |
The indictment of Mary Queen of Scots as derived from a manuscript in the University Library at Cambridge hitherto unpublished. With comments on the authorship of the manuscript and on its connected documents by R.H. Mahon ( Lisboa : Cambridge University Press, 1923) | IA |  |   |
| Genovesi, Antonio (1713-1769)  | As instituições da logica ( Lisboa : Lacerdina, 1806) | BSB |  |   |
As instituições da metafysica ( Lisboa : Augusto, 1835) | BSB |  |   |
| Molina, Luis de, S.J. (1536-1600) en | Concordia liberi arbitrii cum gratiae donis diuina praescientia, prouidentia, predestinatione et reprobatione ( Lisboa : apud Antonium Riberium, 1588) | GB |  |   |
| Segneri, Paolo (1624-1694) | Desengano dos peccadores, necessario a todo genero de pessoas, utilissimo aos missionarios, e aos prégadores desenganados, que só desejão a salvação das almas, ( Lisboa, : na offic. de Miguel Manescal da Costa, impressor do Santo Officio., 1765) | IA |  |   |