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Primary Sources (5 titles, 7 vols.) Suggest a New Source
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Ambrose, Isaac (1604-1664)  en
Looking unto Jesus : a view of the everlasting gospel ; or, the soul's eying of Jesus, as carrying on the great work of man's salvation, from first to last (Belfast : James Magee, 1763)
Church of England
Records of the General Synod of Ulster, from 1691 to 1820 (Belfast : Archer and Sons)
Vol. 1 (1890)
Vol. 2 (1890) IA 
Vol. 3 (1890) IA 
Dent, Arthur (1553-1607)  en
The plain man's pathway to Heaven, wherein every man may clearly see whether he shall be saved or damned, with a table of all the principal matters, and three prayers necessary to be used in private families, hereunto added (Belfast : North of Ireland Bk. [and] Tract Depository, 1859)
Palmer, Samuel (-1724)
The Protestant-dissenter's catechism : Containing, I. A brief history of the Non-conformists: II. The reasons of the dissent from the national church. Designed to instruct and establish young persons among the dissenters in the principles of nonconformity (Belfast : James Magee, 1774)
Westminster Assembly (1643-1653)  en
The Confession of faith, the Larger and Shorter catechisms, with the Scripture-proofs at large : together with The sum of saving knowledge ... Covenants, national and Solemn league; Acknowledgement of sins, and engagement to duties; Directories for publick and family worship; Form of church-government .. ([Belfast : James Blow, 1729) / added author(s): Church of Scotland

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