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Arrowsmith, John (1602-1659)  en
Armilla Catechetica: A Chain of Principles; Or, An Orderly Concatenation of Theological Aphorismes and Exercitations; Wherein the Chief Heads of Christian Religion are Asserted and Improved (Cambridge : J. Field and are to be sold at the Signe of the Seven stars, 1659)
Armilla catechetica. A chain of principles; or, An orderly concatenation of theological aphorismes and exercitations; wherein the chief heads of Christian religion are asserted and improved
Cambridge : John Field, 1659WAP 
Aurelius, Marcus Antoninus (121-180)
Marci Antonini Imperatoris de rebus suis
trans. Thomas Gataker (Cantabrigia, 1652)BSB 
trans. Thomas Gataker (Cantabrigiae : Buck, 1652)BSB 
ed. Thomas Gataker, trans. Thomas Gataker (Cantabrigiae : T. Buck, 1652)BNF 
Bacon, Roger (1214-1295)
The Greek grammar of Roger Bacon and a fragment of his Hebrew grammar;
Cambridge : The University Press, 1902IA 
Cambridge : The University press, 1902IA 
Bale, John (1495-1563)  en
Select works of John Bale, D.D. : Bishop of Ossory. containing the examinations of Lord Cobham, William Thorpe, and Anne Askew, and the Image of both churches
Cambridge : University Press, 1849IA 
Ball, John (1585-1640)  en
A friendly triall of the grounds tending to separation in a plain and modest dispute touching the lawfulnesse of a stinted liturgie and set form of prayer, Communion in mixed assemblies, and the primitive subject and first receptacle of the power of the Keyes: tending to satisfie the doubtfull, recall the wandering, and to strengthen the weak: by John Ball. ([Cambridge] : Roger Daniel printer to the Universitie of Cambridge; for Edward Brewster, [London,] and are to be sold at his shop at the Bible on Fleet-bridge, 1640)
Barne, Miles (-1709)
A discourse concerning the nature of Christ's Kingdom with relation to the kingdoms of this world in two sermons preach'd at St. Maries before the University of Cambridge by Miles Barne. (Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] : J. Hayes for R. Green, 1682)
A sermon preach'd before the University of Cambridge on the 9th of September being the day of publick thanksgiving for the delivery of His Majesties Sacred Person, his royal brother, and the government, from the late hellish fanatick conspiracy (Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] : J. Hayes ..., for R. Green ..., 1683)
Barrow, Isaac (1630-1677)  en
The theological works / 1 (Cambridge : Univ. Pr., 1859)
The theological works / 2 (Cambridge : Univ. Pr., 1859)
The theological works / 3 (Cambridge : Univ. Pr., 1859)
The theological works / 4 (Cambridge : Univ. Pr., 1859)
The theological works / 5 (Cambridge : Univ. Pr., 1859)
The theological works / 6 (Cambridge : Univ. Pr., 1859)
The theological works / 7 (Cambridge : Univ. Pr., 1859)
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