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Annotations on five poetical books of the Old Testament (viz.) Job, Psalmes, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Canticles ( London : A.M. for T. Pierpoint ... E. Brewster ... and M. Keinton ..., 1657) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Annotations upon all the New Testament philological and theological ( Lipsiae : Deer, 1732) | BSB |  |   |
Annotations upon all the New Testament philologicall and theologicall wherein the emphasis and elegancie of the Greeke is observed, some imperfections in our translation are discovered, divers Jewish rites and customes tending to illustrate the text are mentioned, many antilogies and seeming contradictions reconciled, severall darke and obscure places opened, sundry passages vindicated from the false glosses of papists and hereticks ( London : W.W. and E. G. for William Lee, and are to be sold at his shop ..., 1650) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Annotations upon all the New Testament, Philologicall and Theologicall. Wherein the emphasis and elegancie of the Greeke is observed; some imperfections in our translation are discovered, etc ( 1650) | GB |  |   |
Critica sacra | |
Mevius, 1706 | GB |  |   |
Amstelodamum, 1688 | BSB |  |   |
Critica sacra : in two Parts: The first containing observations on all the radices of primitive Hebrew Words of the Old Testament in Order alph ... The second: Philological and Theolog. observations upon all the Greek Words of the New Testament, in Ord. alph. ( London : Miller u.a., 1662) | BSB |  |   |
Critica Sacra / 1 : Quarum Prima continet Observationes Philologica & Theologicas In omnes Radices Veteris Testamenti ( Amstelodami : Someren, 1679) | BSB |  |   |
Critica Sacra / 2 : Id est Philologicae & Theologicae Observationes In omnes Voces Graecas Novi Testamenti, ... ( Amstelodami : Someren, 1679) | BSB |  |   |
Critica sacra duabus partibus: quarum prima continet observationes philologicas&theologicas in omnes radices Veteris Testamenti. Secunda continet philologicas&theologicas observationes in omnes græcas voces Novi Testamenti. Ante hac ab Eduardo Leigh ... maxima ex parte anglicè ..., vol. 2 (Typis Viduæ Johannis à Someren, 1679) | GB |  |   |
Critica sacra duabus partibus. Quarum prima continet obseruationes philologicas & theologicas in omnes radices Veteris Testamenti. Secunda continet philologicas & theologicas obseruationes in omnes græcas voces Noui Testamenti. Ante hac ab Eduardo Leigh ... nunc vero ab Henrico a ..., vol. 2 (typis viduae Johannis a Someren, 1679) | GB | |   |
Critica sacra in two parts : the first containing observations on all the radices, or primitive Hebrew words of the Old Testament, in order alphabetical ... : The second Philologicall and Theologicall observations upon all the Greek words of the New Testament, in order alphabetical, 3rd ed. ( London : A. Miller, 1650) | DTS | |   |
Critica Sacra in Two Parts: the First Containing Observations on All the Radices Or Primitive Hebrew Words of the Old Testament, in Order Alphabetical. ... The Third Edition, Corrected and Much Enlarged by the Authour; with an Addition of a Supplement to Both Parts. The Second Philological and ... | |
A. M., 1662 | GB |  |   |
Andrew Crook, at the Green Dragon, and Edward Brewster at the Crane in S. Paul Church-yard, 1662 | GB |  |   |
4th ed. / London : John Redmayne, 1662 | GB | |   |
Critica sacra or observations on all the radices, or primitive hebrew words of the Old Testament in order alphabeticall, 2nd ed. ( London : A. Miller, 1650) | GB |  |   |
Critica Sacra Veteris Et Novi Testamenti ( Gothae, 1706) | BSB |  |   |
Critica sacra Veteris et Novi Testamenti, Eduardi Leigh (Jacobus Mevius, 1735) | GB |  |   |
Critica sacra, cujus pars prior observationes ... in omnes radices veteris testamenti, et posterior in omnes graecas voces novi testamenti continet. Ed. III, cui acceddit prodromus criticus seu observationes ... in omnes voces chaldaicas veteris testamenti a Johanne Heeser (Vidua Johannis a Someren, 1696) | GB |  |   |
Critica sacra, cujus pars prior observationes philologicas & theologicas in omnes radices Veteris Testamenti, et posterior in omnes graecas voces Novi Testamenti, continet ( Amsterdam : typis viduae Johannis à Someren, 1696) | GB |  |   |