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« John Turner (fl.1641-)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
John Turner (c.1649-)
TraditionAnglican, Arminian-RemonstrantReference Academic TitleFellow of Christ's College, Cambridge
Primary Sources (4 titles, 4 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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A discourse on fornication shewing the greatness of that sin, and examining the excuses pleaded for it, from the examples of antient times : to which is added an appendix concerning concubinage : as also a remark on Mr. Butler's explication of Hebr. xiii, 4 in his late book on that subject (London : John Wyat ..., 1698)
New dangers to the Christian priesthood : or, A serious enquiry into the proper administrator of Christian baptism, in a letter to the author of Lay-baptism invalid .. (London : John Morphew, 1712)
A phisico-theological discourse upon the Divine Being, or first cause of all things, providence of God, general and particular, separate existence of the human soul, certainty of reveal'd religion, fallacy of modern inspiration, and danger of enthusiasm to which is added An appendix concerning the corruption of humane nature, the force of habits, and the necessity of supernatural aid to the acquest of eternal happiness : with epistolary conferences between the deceased Dr. Anthony Horneck and the author, relating to these subjects : in several letters from a gentleman to his doubting friend. (London : F.C. for Timothy Childe ..., 1698)
A vindication of infant baptism, from the four chief objections brought against it .. (London : John Wyat, 1699)

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