Share:  | | Ane Catholik and facile traictise, drauin out of the halie scriptures, treulie exponit be the ancient doctores, to confirme the real and corporell praesence of Chrystis pretious bodie and blude in the sacrament of the alter... / be John Hamilton,... ( Paris, 1581) | BNF |  |   |
| IA |  |   |
The Catechism of John Hamilton, Archbishop of St. Andrews, 1552, ed. Thomas Graves Law (Clarendon Press, 1884) | GB |  |   |
The catechism of John Hamilton, archbishop of St. Andrews, 1552, ed. Thomas Graves Law (Clarendon Press, 1884) | GB |  |   |
The catechism set forth by Archbishop Hamilton, printed at Saint Andrews, 1551 : Together with The two-penny faith, 1559 | | Edinburgh : William Paterson, 1882 [Last Catholic confession of faith published by authority in Scotland prior to the Reformation] | IA |  |   |
The catechism set forth by Archbishop Hamilton, printed at Saint Andrews, 1551: Together with The two-penny faith, 1559 (William Paterson, 1882) | GB |  |   |
| GB |  |   |
A facile traictise, contenand first : ane infallible reul to discer, ne trew from fals religion, nixt, a declaration of the nature, number, vertew & effects of the sacrements, togiter with certaine prayeres of devotion / be Maister John Hamilton,... ( at Lovan : imprited by Laurence Kellam, 1600) | BNF |  |   |