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« Charles Boyle (1676-1731)
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Robert Boyle (1627-1691)
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Opera (13) | Theology (25) | Philosophy (205)
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Cogitationes de S. Scripturae stylo
ed. Samuel de Tournes ((Ginebra)) (apud Samuelem de Tournes, 1680)GB 
Coloniae Allobrogum : apud Samuelem de Tournes, 1680GB 
Geneva, 1680BSB 
De amore seraphico, seu, De quibusdam ad Dei amorem stimulis, ed. Samuel de Tournes ((Ginebra)) (apud Samuelem de Tournes, 1693)
A Discourse of Things Above Reason : Inquiring Whether a Philosopher Should Admit There are Any Such, by a Fellow of the Royal Society ; to which are Annexed by the Publisher (for the Affinity of the Subjects) Some Advices about Judging of Things Said to Transcend Reason. Written by a Fellow of ... (London, 1681)
A disquisition about the final causes of natural things: wherein it is inquir'd, whether, and (if at all) with what cautions, a naturalist should admit them? (London : H.C. for John Taylor, 1688)
Excellentia Theologiae
Geneve, 1696BSB 
Excellentia theologiae cum naturali philosophia (prout utraque Hominum studiis objecta proponitur) comparate in Epistolâ ad Amicum datâ, discussa (Coloniae Allobrogum : apud Samuelem de Tournes, 1696)
Excellentia Theologiae cum naturali philosophia... comparatae in epistola ad amicum data, discussa... (Genevae : apud Samuelem de Tournes, 1696)
Excellentia theologiae cum naturali philosophia... comparatae in epistola ad amicum... (S. de Tournes, 1696)
Reasons why a Protestant should not turn Papist; or, Protestant prejudices against the Roman Catholic religion; propos'd, in a letter to a Romish priest (London : H. Clark for J. Taylor, 1687)
Some considerations about the reconcileableness of reason and religion (London : T.N. for H. Herringman, 1675)
Some considerations touching the style of the h. Scriptures. rendered into modern language, by P. Panter, ed. P Panter (1825)
Some motives and incentives to the love of God: pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend (London : H. Herringman, 1665)
Some Motives and Incentives to the Love of God: Pathetically Discours'd of in a Letter to a Friend, 8th ed. (Edw. Jones, 1700)
Summa veneratio Deo ab humano intellectu debita ob sapientiam praesertim ac potentiam... (apud Samuelem de Tournes, 1693)
Summa veneratio Deo ab humano intellectu debita, ob sapientiam praesertim ac potentiam (apud Samuelem de Tournes, 1693)
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