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The answeres of some brethren of the ministerie : to the replyes of the ministers and professours of divinitie in Aberdeene, concerning the late covenent ( Aberdene, 1638) / added author(s): David Dickson | IA |  |   |
Generall demands concerning the late covenant propounded by the ministers and professors of divinity in Aberdene : to some reverend brethren who came thither to recommend the late covenant to them ... : together with the answers of those reverend brethren to the said demands .. ( Aberdene : ReJohn Forbes, 1662) / added author(s): John Forbes, David Dickson | IA |  |   |
| IA |  |   |
Lives of Alexander Henderson and James Guthrie: with specimens of their writings ( Edinburgh : Assembly's Committee, 1846) / added author(s): James Guthrie | GB |  |   |
Reformation of church-government in Scotland : cleered from some mistakes and prejudices ( [London] : Robert Bostock, 1644) | IA |  |   |
Reformation of church-government in Scotland, cleered from some mistakes and prejudices by the commissioners of the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, now at London ( [London] : Robert Bostock, 1644) | GB |  |   |
A sermon preached to the honourable House of Commons, at their late solemne fast, Wednesday, December 27, 1643 ( London : Robert Bostock, 1644) | GB |  |   |
Sermons, prayers and pulpit addresses ( Edinburgh : John Maclaren, 1867) | IA |  |   |