Chandieu, Antoine de (1534-1591) fr en |
A treatise touching the Word of God written, against the traditions of men handled both schoolelike, and diuinelike, where also is set downe a true method to dispute diuinely and schoolelike. Trans. John Coxe. ( London : For Iohn Harison, & are to be sold at the VVhite Greyhound in Paules churchyard, 1583) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Chemnitz, Christian (1615-1666) |
Collegium theologicum de sensu Sacrae Scripturae ( Jenae) | |
| GB | | |
Vol. 2 (1654) [De sensu ecclesiae] | GB | | |
Vol. 3 (1654) [De sensu Patrum] | GB | | |
Vol. 4 (1654) [De sensu litterali et mystico] | GB | | |
Vol. 5 (1656) [De illa Quaestione: quodnam sit sufficens fundamentum recedendi a litera, et admittendi tropum? Prior] | GB | | |
Vol. 6 (1656) [De illa Quaestione: quodnam sit sufficens fundamentum recedendi a litera, et admittendi tropum? Posterior] | GB | | |
Clodius, David (1644-1687) de |
| GDZ | | |
Comings, Fowler (c.1727-) |
The printed Hebrew text of the Old Testament vindicated: an answer to Mr. Kennicott's dissertation ( 1753) | GB | | |
Cosin, John (1595-1672) |
A scholastical history of the canon of the Holy Scripture: or, The certain and indubitate books thereof as they are received in the Church of England ( London : E. Tyler and R. Holt for R. Pawlett, 1672) | GB | | |
Crégut, Antoine (fl.1650-1661) |
גלי רזיא Hoc est Revelator arcanorum, vbi illustriora quæuis ac difficiliora scripturæ oracula noua methodo didacticè ac elencticè enucleantur, quæ in Pentateucho continentur. Accessit singularum exercitationum accuratissima analysis in cuiusque frontispicio. Cum indicibus necessariis | |
Genevae : sumptibus Samuelis Chouët, 1661 | GB | | |
D'Apples, Jean-François (1690-1772) |
Exercitatio theologica decima nona de Scripturae Sacrae perfectione adversus enthuasiastas ( Bernae : ex Officina Typog. Illustrissimae Reipublicae Bernensis, 1716) / added author(s): Albert Roy | GB | | |
Daneau, Lambert (c.1530-1595) en |
Methodus S. Scripturae in publicis tum praelectionibus tum concionibus utiliter tractandae ( Geneva : Pierre de St. André, 1579) | GB | | |
Dannhauer, Johann Conrad (1603-1666) en de |
Hermeneutica sacra, sive Methodus exponendarum S. literarum proposita et vindicata ( Argentorati : Staedelius, 1654) | GB | | |
Dathenus, Petrus (c.1531-1588) en nl |
Biblia: dat is, De gantsche Heylighe Schrift, grondelick ende trouvvelick verduydtschet: Met berklaringhe duysterer woorden, hedenen ende Spreucken, ende verscheyden lectien, die in andere loflicke ouersettinghen gheuonden, ende hier aen de kant taeghesettet zyn. Met noch rijdke aenwijck ofte ... (Aelbert Hendricksz, 1581) | GB | | |
Dedekind, Friedrich (fl.1670-) |
Disputatio Secunda Logicae Theologicae, Synoptice ostendens Modum Argumentandi Ex Loco De S. Scriptura, Quam Dei Ter Opt: Max: Gratia Sub Praesidio Viri Clarissimi Ac Doctissimi Dn. Friderici Dedekindi, Philosoph. Mag. Logic. & Metaph. Prof. Ordin. Praeceptoris sui aetatem colendi, in Academia Gryphica ventilandam subiiciet Georgius Rache/ Spandoa Marchicus ( Gryphiswaldiae : Doischerus, 1670) | SBB | | |
Dorsche, Johann Georg (1597-1659) |
Synopsis Theologiae Zacharianae, vol. 2 ( Francofurti : Fischerus, 1653) [Ubi Sectione I. De S. Scripturae & Ecclesiae autoritate, Sectione II. De Deo Uno & Trino Disputationibus Novem agitur] | BSB | | |
Du Moulin, Pierre (1568-1658) en fr |
Het woord Gods, in tegenstelling met de leer der Roomsche Kerk: benevens meer andere stukken, welke in de Roomsche Kerk worden onderhouden, maar welke men verbergt voor degenen, die men daartoe trekken wil (J. de Vos en comp., 1826) | GB | | |
Du Pin, Louis Ellies (1657-1719) en fr |
A Compleat History of the Canon and Writers of the Books of the Old and New Testament: By Way of Dissertation with Useful Remarks on that Subject ( London : H. Rhodes, 1699) [2 vols in 1] | GB | | |