Heerbrand, Jacob (1521-1600) de en |
| BSB |  |   |
Hemmingsen, Niels (1513-1600) en de |
Tractatus de gratia universali | |
Hafnia, 1591 | GB |  |   |
Oppenhemium, 1616 | GB |  |   |
Hildebrand, Hermann (1590-1649) |
Orthodoxa Declaratio Articulorvm Trium, De Mortis Christi Sufficientia Et Efficacia, Reprobationis Causa Meritoria, Privata Denique Communione : Conscio & instante venerando ministerio Bremensi, pro sopiendis inter quosdam collegas hinc exortis controversiis concepta, & in eodem collegio ann. 1639. d. 4. & 3. Novembris praelecta, Et postmodum Iudiciis Theologorum clarissimorum, in Anglia Reverendiss. Johannis Davenantii Sarisburiensis & Josephi Halli Exoniensis episcoporum ... comprobata, Ac Authoritatibus Ex veneranda patrum, scholasticorum & conciliorum antiquitate ... confirmata ( Bremae : Villierianus, 1642) | SLUB |  |   |
Hommius, Festus (1576-1642) |
Schriftelicke conferentie, gehovden in s'Gravenhaghe inden Iare 1611, tusschen sommighe Kercken-dienaren: aengaende de Godlicke Prædestinatie metten aencleven van dien: Ter ordonnantie vande Ed. Mog. Heeren Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt ghedruckt ( 's Gravenhage : Hillebrandt Jacobssz, 1614) / added author(s): Jan Uytenbogaert | GB |  |   |
Honert, Joan van den (1693-1758) de |
Adam en Christus, onderling, uyt de Schrivten van de twee Verbonden, vergeleken (Samuel Luchtmans en zoonen, 1753) | GB |  |   |
Verhandelingen van de regtvaerdiging des sondaars, uyt en door het geloov ( Leiden : Luchtmans, 1755) | GB |  |   |
Hooker, Thomas (c.1586-1647) en |
The soules exaltation .. & The Soules Ingrafting into Christ ( London : Iohn Haviland for Andrew Crooke, 1638) | IA |  |   |
The Soules Humiliation, 2nd ed. ( London : Andrew Crooke, 1638) | GB |  |   |
The Soules Implantation with the Naturall Olive. By T[homas] H[ooker]. Carefully Corrected and Much Enlarged ( London : R. Young, 1640) | GB |  |   |
The Soules Preparation for Christ. Or a treatise of contrition. Wherein is discovered how God breaks the heart and wounds the soule in the conversion of a sinner to himselfe. By T. Hooker ( London : R. Allot, 1635) | GB |  |   |
Hotchkis, Thomas |
A discourse concerning the imputation of Christ's righteousness to us, and our sins to Him ... Together with reflections more at large upon what hath been published concerning that subject by Mr R. Ferguson in his Interest of Reason in Religion; and by Dr J. Owen in his ... Communion with God ... ( London : Walter Kettilby, 1675) | GB |  |   |
Isaacz, Roelof (fl.1651-) |
Strydt tusschen de oude en nieuwe Lutherschen, over de leer van Godes voorsienigheit, ... Met aanh. in 't welk aenghewezen werden onwaarheden, die A. P. v.d. Linde heeft begaan ... (voor Joh. Troost, 1651) | GB |  |   |
Jansen, Cornelius (1585-1638) |
Augustinus, vol. 1 ( Louvain : Iacobus Zegerus, [n.d.]) | GB |  |   |
Junius, Franciscus (1545-1602) en de |
Disputatio theologica de iustificatione hominis coram Deo, vol. 1 ( 1609) | GB |  |   |
Keach, Benjamin (1640-1704) en |
A Golden Mine Opened: Or, The Glory of God's Rich Grace Displayed in the Mediator to Believers: and His Direful Wrath Against Impenitent Sinners (author, 1694) | GB |  |   |
Kendall, George (bap.1611-1663) |
Θεοκρατια: or, A vindication of the doctrine commonly received in the reformed churches concerning Gods intentions of special grace and favour to his elect in the death of Christ: as also his prerogative, power, prescience, providence, the immutability of his nature and counsels &c. from the attempts lately made against it, by Master John Goodwin in his book entituled Redemption redeemed. Together with some digressions concerning the impossibility of new immanent acts of God, the possibility of faiths being an instrument of justification, and the nature of the covenancts of works and grace ( London : Tho. Ratcliffe, and Edw. Mottershed, 1653) | GB |  |   |
Kimedoncius, Jacobus (c.1550-1596) |
Theses De Gratia et Libero Arbitrio. Ad quas ... Praeside ... Iacobo Kimedoncio, S. Theolog. Doctore et Professore, Respondebit Theodorvs Holtmannvs Amersfortivs, Belga. iii. Maij, loco & horis solitis. ( Heidelberg : Abraham (Erben) Smesmann, 1595) | ULBH |  |   |
Theses de Universalitate Redemtionis Et Gratiae Per Christum ( Heidelbergae, 1591) | BSB |  |   |
La Fite, Jean (-1737) |
Eclaircissemens Sur la Matiere de la Grace, Et Sur Les Devoirs Des Hommes / 1 ( Amsterdam, 1721) | BSB |  |   |