Dresing, Bernhard (1635-1690) |
Nuclei Theologici Disquisitionem Trigesimam Tertiam De Gratiae Dei Ad Salutem Universalitate ( Tremoniae : Rühl, 1676) | GDZ |  |   |
Du Bosc, Pierre (1623-1692) |
La doctrine de la grâce: ou sermon sur ces paroles de saint Paul en son Epistre aux Ephes. ch. 2.V.3 | |
Geneva : Samuel de Tournes, 1662 | GB |  |   |
Geneva : Samuel de Tournes, 1682 | GB |  |   |
Eiselin, Michael, S.J. (1568-1613) |
| BSB |  |   |
Erni, Heinrich (1565-1639) |
Pentas quaestionum, contra anabaptistas : 1. De concionandi licentia. 2. De iustificatione. 3. De gratiae dei participatione. 4. De anima humana. 5. De diabolorum & reproborum conditione ( Tiguri : apud haeredes Bodmerianos, 1630) | e-rara |  |   |
Eyre, William (c.1612-1670) |
Vindicæ Justificationis gratuitæ: Justification without Conditions; or the free Justification of a Sinner, explained, confirmed, and vindicated, from ... the assertion of conditional justification: more especially from the attempts of Mr B. Woodbridge, ... of Mr Cranford ... and of Mr ...,, 2nd ed. ( 1695) | GB |  |   |
Fabritius, Johann Ludwig (1632-1697) |
| BSB |  |   |
Firmin, Giles (1614-1697) en |
The Real Christian, Or a Treatise of Effectual Calling, Etc ( London : Dorman Newman, 1670) | GB |  |   |
Flavel, John (c.1630-1691) en |
The Method of Grace, in Bringing Home the Eternal Redemption ... The Second Edition, Very Much Corrected ( London : Tho. Parkhurst, 1699) | GB |  |   |
Fletcher, John William (1729-1785) |
Bible-Arminianism & Bible-Calvinism: a two-fold essay, part the first, displaying the doctrines of partial grace, part the second, those of impartial justice, by John Fletcher (R. Hawes, and sold at the Foundry; and at the Rev. Mr. Wesley's preaching-houses, in town and country, 1777) | GB |  |   |
Forbes, John (c.1568-1634)  |
A Treatise Tending to Cleare the Doctrine of Ivstification, vol. 1 ( Middelburg : Richard Schilders, 1616) | GB |  |   |
Froysell, Thomas (c.1610-1673) |
Sermons concerning grace and temptations ( London : Tho. Parkhurst, 1678) | GB |  |   |
Geddes, William (c.1630-1694) |
The saints recreation upon the estate of grace : containing and methodically delineating a Christian's progress, priviledges, comforts and duties, beginning at conversion : describing also the Blessed Redeemer Jesus, both absolutely and comparatively : and all these in spiritual hymns and songs, ... ( Glasgow : J. Bryce and D. Patterson, for George Park, school-master in Glasgow, 1753) | IA |  |   |
Gomarus, Franciscus (1563-1641) en nl |
Dispvtationvm theologicarvm vigesima-tertia, de fide ivstificante,: quam ... præside ... Francisco Gomaro ... (ex officinâ Ioannis Patii, 1603) | GB |  |   |
Goodwin, Thomas (1600-1680) en |
Christus voorgestelt in zijn doodt, opstandingh, hemelvaart, zittingh ter rechterhant Godts en voorbiddingh, als d'oorzaak van rechtvaardighmakingh enz, vol. 1 ( Amsterdam : voor Jan Hendricksz., 1660) | GB |  |   |
Moedt-geevingen om te gelooven, enz ( Amsterdam : voor Jan Hendricksz., 1659) | GB |  |   |
Goudin, Antonine, O.P. (1635-1695) |
Tractatus theologici... (Steinhaus, 1723) | GB |  |   |
Grapius, Zacharias, Jr (1671-1713) |
Controversiam recentiorem theologicam Paionismi in Gallia et Belgio hucusque agitatam de verbi divini influxu in conversione ( Rostochii, 1698) | BSB |  |   |
Gratianus, Liberius, S.J. (1655-1730) |
Historiae controversiarum de divinae gratiae auxiliis sub summis pontificibus Sixto V, Clemente VIII, et Paulo V libri sex ( Antwerp : Typis Petri Jacobs, 1705) | GB |  |   |
Grebenitz, Elias (1627-1689) |
| SBB |  |   |