Bèze, Théodore de (1519-1605) fr en |
Acta colloquii Montis Belligartensis 1586 Praeside Friderico, Comite Wirtembergico ... inter Jacobum Andreae et Theod. Bezam ( Wittenberg, 1605) / added author(s): Jakob Andreae | GB |  |   |
Bolton, Samuel (c.1606-1654) en |
The True Bounds of Christian Freedome. : Or a Treatise wherein the rights of the law are vindicated, the liberties of grace maintained; and the severall late opinions against the law are examined and confuted ... Whereunto is annexed a discourse of the learned John Camerons, touching the three- fold Covenant of God with man, faithfully translated ( London : P.S., 1656) / added author(s): John Cameron | IA |  |   |
Bourzeis, Amable de (1606-1672) |
Saint Augustin victorieux de Calvin et de Molina, ou refutation d'un livre intitulé, Le secret du Jansenisme, &c : où l'on fait voir d'une part, la vraye difference entre la doctrine de Saint Augustin, la voix & l'organe de l'Eglise dans la matiere de la Grace & les erreurs de Luther & de Calvin. | |
Paris, 1652 | GB |  |   |
Bradwardine, Thomas (c.1290-1349) |
De causa Dei contra Pelagium et de virtute causarum. Opera et studio Henrici Savilli. Ex scriptis codicibus nunc primum editi, ed. Henry Savile ( Londini : Apud I. Billium, 1618) | IA |  |   |
Brancati, Lorenzo, O.F.M. Conv. (1612-1693) |
Opuscula tria de Deo, quoad opera praedestinationis, reprobationis, et gratiae actualis...a Fr. Laurentio Brancato,... cardinali de Lauraea (Vaultier, 1705) | GB |  |   |
Brinck, Henricus (1645-1723) |
Waare leere der rechtveerdigmaakinge, benadeelt door D. Johannem Vlack, edoch verdeedigt en bevestigt door de EE. vergaderingen van de Classis en Kerkenraad van Utrecht: waar in de handelingen der geseyde vergaderingen met D. Vlack oprechtelijk verhaalt worden en te gelijk des selfs ... (Anthony Schouten, 1690) | GB |  |   |
Brown of Wamphray, John (c.1610-1679) |
The Life of Justification Opened. Or, a Treatise Grounded Upon Gal. 2. 11. Wherein the Orthodox Doctrine of Justification by Faith,&imputation of Christ's Righteousness is Clearly Expounded ... Whereunto are Subjoined Some Arguments Against Universal Redemption. [Edited by J. Koelman and M ..., ed. Melchior Leydekker ( Utrecht, 1695) | GB |  |   |
Brown of Whitburn, John (1754-1832) |
Gospel truth accurately stated and illustrated, by the Reverend Messrs. James Hog, Thomas Boston, Ebenezer and Ralph Erskine, and others: occasioned by the republication of the Marrow of modern divinity (Andrew Munro, 1827) | GB |  |   |
Calixt, Georg (1586-1656) de en |
Disputatio Theologica De Gratuita Per Fidem Iustificatione / Quam D.O.M.A. Sub Praesidio Georgi[i] Calixti ... Publice In Academia Iulia Defendet Christophorus Schrader Proprid. Id. Maias ( Helmaestadi[i] : Jakob Lucius, 1635) | HAB |  |   |
Calov, Abraham (1612-1686) de en |
| GB |  |   |
Cameron, John (c.1579-1625) en |
Amica collatio de gratiae et volvntatis humanae concursu in vocatione et quibusdam annexis, institvta inter Danielem Tilenvm et Iohannem Cameronem | |
Lugduni Batavorum, 1622 | GB |  |   |
Carleton, George (c.1557-1628) en |
An Examination of Those Things Wherein the Author of the Late Appeale Holdeth the Doctrines of the Pelagians and Arminians, to be the Doctrines of the Church of England. Wherevnto Also There is Annexed A Joynt Attestation, Avowing that the Discipline of the Church of England was Not Impeached by ..., 2nd ed. ( London : William Turner, 1626) | GB |  |   |
Christmann, Heinrich |
PARS PIARVM LVCVBRATIOnum in re grauissima & scitu summe necessaria DE SVBLIMI ET DIFFICILI MYSTERIO AETERNAE ELECTIONIS SIVE praedestinationis hominum saluandorum ad vitam & salutem, inter sinceros & orthodoxos Theologos, Caluinianos ac nonnullos alios in disceptationem vocato. IN QVA VERA ET ... (Impensis Sebastiani Mylij, 1602) | GB |  |   |
Church of Scotland |
Act of the Associate Presbytery, concerning the doctrine of grace : wherein the said doctrine, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures, and agreeably thereto, set forth in our confession of faith and catechisms, is asserted and vindicated, from the errors vented and published in some acts of the assemblies of this church, passed in prejudice of the same .. ( Edinburgh : Neill and Co. Sold by W. Laing, Edinburgh; J. Duncan, Glasgow; Morison and Son, Perth; W. Knight, Aberdeen, and R. Nicol, Dundee., 1789) [The act was passed Oct. 21, 1742] | IA |  |   |
Corvinus, Johannes Arnoldi (1582-1650)  |
Responsio ad Ioa. Bogermanni ... Annotationes quibus vindicatam a ... H. Grotio ... Pietatem ill. Ordinum Hollandiae et Westfrisiae denuo impugnavit, vol. 1 (J. Patius, 1614) | GB |  |   |
Crocius, Ludovicus (1586-1655) en de |
Vier tractaten vande volstandicheyt der heyligen, in de vvelcke de selve met bequame ende ghenoechsame argumenten wordt bewesen, ende vande tegenwerpinghen, der gheener de welcke het teghendeel ghevoelen, verdedicht. principalijck ghestelt teghens het boeck P. Bertij Van den afval der ... (voor Hendrick Laurensz. #Boeck-vercooper op't Water, by de oude Brugghe, in't Schrijf-boeck#, 1615) | GB |  |   |
Curtius, Sebastian (1620-1684) |
| GB |  |   |
Davenant, John (1572-1641) en |
Dissertationes duæ: prima de morte Christi ... altera de praedestinatione & reprobatione ... Quibus subnectitur ejusdem ... Sententia de Gallicana controversia: sc. de gratiosa & salutari Dei erga homines peccatores voluntate (Ex officina Rogeri Danielis, 1650) | GB |  |   |