Trelcatius, Lucas, Jr (1573-1607) |
Dispvtatio theologica de ivstificatione hominis coram Deo,: quam ... sub præsidio ... Lucæ Trelcatii L.F. ... (ex officinâ Ioannis Patii, 1604) | GB |  |   |
Troughton, John (c.1637-1681) |
Lutherus Redivivus: or, the Protestant doctrine of Justification by Faith only, vindicated. And a plausible opinion of Justification by faith and obedience proved to be Arminian, Popish, and to lead unavoidably into Socinianism. Part I. (Lutherus Redivivus: or, the Protestant doctrine of ... ( 1677) | GB |  |   |
Twisse, William (c.1577-1646) en |
Opera, vol. 3 ( Amsterdam : Joannes Janssonius, 1649) [Ad Jacobi Arminii Collationem cum Francisco Junio, & Johan. Arnoldi Corvini Defensionem sententiae Arminianae, De Praedestinatione, Gratia, & Libero Arbitrio, &c. Quam Adversus Danielis Tileni Confiderationem edidit, Animadversiones] | BSB |  |   |
Opera Volumen 1, vol. 1 ( Amsterdam : Janssonius, 1652) [De vindiciis gratiae, potentiae, ac providentia Dei; Hoc est, ad examen libelli Perkinsiani de Praedestinationis modo & ordine, institutum a J. Arminio responsio scholastica] | GB |  |   |
Vindiciae gratiae, potestatis ac providentiae Dei: hoc est Ad examen libelli Perkinsiani de praedestinationis modo et ordine, institutum a Jacobo Arminio, responsio scholastica, tribus libris absoluta, 2nd ed. | |
2nd ed. / Amsterdam : Joannes Janssonius, 1648 | GB |  |   |
Vindiciae gratiae, potestatis, ac providentiae Dei, hoc est, ad Examen libelli Perkinsiani De praedestinationis modo et ordine, institutum a Iacobo Arminio, responsio scholastica, III libris absoluta ( Amsterdam : apud Guilielmum Blaeu, 1632) | GB |  |   |
van der Keessel, Dionysius (1700-1755) |
De vastgestelde leer en praktyk van Neerlands kerk omtrent Gods byzondere, algenoegzame en krachtdadige genade in Christus, gezuivert van het misbruik derzelve: waar van een sommier in opzigt tot de genade-werkingen des H.Geestes ... by een gebragt ... waar by gevoegt zijn de Dordse leer-regelen ... ( Deventer : Abraham van Wezel) | |
| GB |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1749) | GB |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1750) | GB |  |   |
Vincentius, Joannes, O.P. (1544-1595) |
Relectio de habituali Christi Saluatoris nostri sanctificante gratia (ex Typographia Pauli Diani, 1591) | GB |  |   |
Vlak, Johannes (c.1635-1690) |
Eewig evangelium, of leere der zaligheid: vervat in een na-leezing over de beloften aan de vaderen, wet door Mozes en waarheid in Christus : tot een sleutel der kennis en slot der geschillen ( Amsterdam : Gerardus Borstius, 1684) | GB |  |   |
Walenburch, Adrian von (1608-1669) |
Tractatus speciales de controversiis fidei, vol. 2 ( Cologne : Apud Ioannem Wilhelmum Friessem, 1670) | GB |  |   |
Whitby, Daniel (c.1637-1726) en |
A discourse concerning I. the true import of the words election and reprobation : and the things signified by them in the Holy Scripture. II. The Extent of Christ's Redemption. III. The Grace of God ; where it is enquired, Whether it be vouchsafed sufficiently to those who improve it not, and irresistibly to those who do improve it ; and whether Men be wholly passive in the Work of their Regeneration? IV. The Liberty of the Will in a State of Trial and Probation. V. the perseverance or defectibility of the saints ; with some Reflections on the State of Heathens, the Providence and Prescience of God. To which is added a postscript, in answer to some of Doctor Edwards's remarks | |
London : F.C. and J. Rivington, 1816 | IA |  |   |
London : F.C. and J. Rivington, 1817 | IA |  |   |
A discourse concerning I. the true import of the words election and reprobation : and the things signified by them in the Holy Scripture. II. The Extent of Christ's Redemption. III. The Grace of God ; where it is enquired, Whether it be vouchsafed sufficiently to those who improve it not, and irresistibly to those who do improve it ; and whether Men be wholly passive in the Work of their Regeneration? IV. The Liberty of the Will in a State of Trial and Probation. V. the perseverance or defectibility of the saints ; with some Reflections on the State of Heathens, the Providence and Prescience of God, 2nd ed. ( London : Aaron Ward and Richard Hett, 1735) | IA |  |   |
Six discourses concerning : I. Election and reprobation. II. Extent of Christ's redemption. III. The grace of God. IV. Liberty of the will. V. Defectibility of the saints. VI. Answer to three objections | |
London, 1801 | IA |  |   |
Worcester, Mass. : Isaiah Thomas, 1801 | IA |  |   |
Six discourses, concerning I. Election and reprobation. II. Extent of Christ's redemption. III. The grace of God. IV. Liberty of the will. V. Defectibility of the saints. VI. Answer to three objections ( Worcester, Mass. : I. Thomas, 1801) | IA |  |   |