Ridgley, Thomas (1667-1734) |
A body of divinity : wherein the doctrines of the Christian religion are explained and defended : being the substance of several lectures on the Assembly's Larger catechism, vol. 1 ( New York : R. Carter, 1855) | IA |  |   |
Rivet, André (1572-1651) en fr |
Andreae Riveti et Guilielmi Fratrum Epistolae Apologeticae, Ad Criminationes et Calumnias Mosis Amyraldi, ... De Gratia Universali (Waesberge, 1648) / added author(s): Guillaume Rivet | GB |  |   |
Roborough, Henry (-1649) |
The Doctrine of Justification Cleared and Vindicated from Arminian, Socinian, and Popish Errors. Or an Answer to Mr J. Goodwin's Animadversions Upon Master G. Walker's Defence of the True Sense of the Apostle; Rom. Iv. 3, 5. Together with an Examination of ... Mr J. Goodwin's Treatise ... ( 1650) | GB |  |   |
Rutherford, Samuel (1600-1661) en |
Exercitationes apologeticae pro divina gratia : in quibus vindicatur doctrina orthodoxa de divinis decretis, & Dei tum aeterni decreti, tum gratiae efficacis operationis, cum hominis libertate consociatione & subordinatione amicâ : adversus Jacobum Arminium ejusque asseclas, & Jesuitas, inprimis vero Fran. Suarezium, Gabri. Vasquezium, Lovid. Molinam, Leonard. Lessium, Pet. Fonsecam & Robertum Bellarminum ( Franeker : Johannis Dhüiringh, 1651) | IA |  |   |
Sceperus, Jacobus (1607-1677) |
Chrysopolerotus, dat is Goutsche vraeger over de vijff articulen der remonstranten, beantwoort door Poimænius, op aenleydinge van Philaletus (gedruckt by Frans Hoola, boeck-drucker en boeckverkooper, 1661) | GB |  |   |
Schmalfus, Cosmas, O.E.S.A. (1730-1811) |
De correptione et gratia S. Augustini ( 1760) | GB |  |   |
Scholarius, Gennadius (c.1400-1473) en |
Gennadius De Praedestinatione Latinitate Donatus Et Commentariis Illustratus, a Carolo Libertino, trans. Karel Libertin ( 1681) / added author(s): Karel Libertin | GB |  |   |
Schröer, Georg Friedrich (1663-1739) |
Disquisitio Theologica De Gratia Dei Universali ex Matth. XI, v. 28 Contra Reformatos ( Vitembergae, 1713) | SLUB |  |   |
Serry, Jacques-Hyacinthe, O.P. (1659-1738) |
Historia congregationum de auxiliis divinae gratiae ( Antverpiae : sumptibus Societatis, 1709) | GB |  |   |
Simpson, John (fl.1648-) |
The perfection of justification maintained against the Pharise the purity of sanctification against the stainers of it: the unquestionablenesse of a future glorification aganst the Sadduce: in severall sermons. Together with an apologeticall answer to the ministers of the new province of London in vindication of the author against their aspersions ( London : Simmons, 1648) | n/a | |   |
Sixtus, Rippertus (1583-1651) |
Bespreck ofte onderhandelinge ghehouden over eenighe huydendaechsche kerckelijcke verschillen, voor twee notarisen ende verscheyden ghetuyghen wedersijdts tusschen Dom. Sapma ende Ripp. Sixti ...: waer ... byghecomen is: de noodtwendighe verantwoordinghe Ripperti tegens de laetste dictaten ... (Jacob Lenaertsz. Meyn, 1617) | GB |  |   |
Soerinus, Leonhard (fl.1587-1594) |
De rebus quibusdam quae in gratiae et iustitiae Dei maiestate abditae latent, dissertatio theologica / de cuius capitibus, e verbo Dei, rationem reddet in scholis disputantium, xxvii. Decembris, M. Leonhardus Soerinus ... ( Basileae, 1593) | e-rara |  |   |
Spanheim, Frédéric, Sr (1600-1649) en fr |
Exercitationes de Gratia universali Accessere L. Erotemata auctori proposita, et ab eodem decisa ( Lugduni Batavorum : ex officina Ioannis Maire) | |
| GB |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1646) | GB |  |   |
Vol. 3 (1646) | GB |  |   |
Vindiciarum pro exercitationibus suis, de gratia universali, partes duæ posthumæ: adversus specimen animadversionum Mosis Amyraldi ( Amstelodami : apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1649) | GB |  |   |
Spilsbury, John (1593-1668) |
God's ordinance, the saint's privilege, discovered and prov'd in two treatises : the first, The saints interest by Christ in all the priviledges of grace ... the second, The peculiar interest of the elect in Christ, and his saving grace .. ( London : M. Simmons for Benjamin Allen, 1646) | IA |  |   |
Swartte, Johannes (1647-1694) |
Oude en recht-zinnige waarheyd in 't stuk der bedeelinge der tyden en vergevinge der sonden, verduysterd, en bedeckt, met de naame van schaadelyke nieuwigheden, echter naakt ontdekt, en tegens alle ongegronde tegenspraake vertoond, (Barend van Sand-Bergen, 1695) | GB |  |   |
Swinnock, George (1627-1673) |
The Door of Salvation Opened by the Key of Regeneration ; Or, A Treatise Containing the Nature, Necessity, Marks, and Means of Regeneration as Also the Duty of the Regenerate ( London : Parkhurst, 1664) | GB |  |   |
Testard, Paul (1599-1650) |
Eirenikon, seu Synopsis doctrinae de natura et gratia ( Blois : Martin Huyssens, 1633) | GB |  |   |