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Utrecht, Netherlands
(Est. 1636)
Faculty (58) | Disputations (53) | Related Primary Sources (6) | Secondary Sources (2) | Websites (2)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Antonius AemiliusProf. of History & Politics (1636-1660) 2ReformedEMLO
Hieronymus Simons van AlphenProf. of Theology (1714-1742) 10Reformedde | NNBW
Joannes Conradus BarchusenProf. of Philosophy (1703-1723) 24n/an/a
Paul BauldriProf. of Sacred History (1686-1706) 3ReformedHaag2
Daniel BerckringerProf. of Practical Philosophy (1640-1667) 22Reformedn/a
Gijsbert BonnetProf. of Theology (1761-1804) 14Reformedn/a
Johannes de BruynProf. of Physics & Mathematics (1652-1675) 7n/aNNBW
François Burman, JrProf. of Theology (1714-1719) 2ReformedNNBW
Frans BurmanProf. of Theology (1662-1671) 85Reformednl de | BBKL | DBNL
Frans BurmanProf. of Church History (1671-1679) 85Reformednl de | BBKL | DBNL
Gijsbertus Matthias ElsnerusProf. of Theology (1739-1775) 7Reformedn/a
Johannes EnsProf. of Theology (1720-1732) 5Reformedn/a
Andreas EsseniusProf. of Theology (1653-1677) 103Reformeden nl | ADB | NNBW
Arnoldus à GoorProf. of Practical Philosophy (1638-1638) 0Reformedn/a
Joannes Georgius GraeviusProf. of Rhetoric (1661-1703) 2Reformedn/a
Joannes Georgius GraeviusProf. of History & Politics (1667-1703) 2Reformedn/a
Herman van HalenProf. of Theology (1681-1701) 2Reformedde
IJsbrand van HamelsveldProf. of Theology (1784-1787) 35Reformedn/a
Joan van den HonertProf. of Theology (1727-1734) 118Reformedde
Johannes HoornbeeckProf. of Theology (1644-1654) 226Reformednl en | ADB | DBNL | GAMEO
Johannes HorthemelsProf. of Philosophy (1742-1776) 1Reformedn/a
Willem van IrhovenProf. of Theology (1737-1740) 19ReformedDBNL
Willem van IrhovenProf. of Church History (1740-1760) 19ReformedDBNL
Friedrich Adolph LampeProf. of Theology (1720-1727) 158Reformedde nl | NDB | Rotermund
Johannes LeusdenProf. of Oriental Languages (1650-1699) 85Reformeden nl
Melchior LeydekkerProf. of Theology (1676-1721) 87Reformedde | DBNL
Justus LiraeusProf. of Classical Literature (1634-1646) 0Reformedn/a
Jan LuytsProf. of Physics and Mathematics of Philosophy (1677-1721) 5n/ade
Carolus de MaetsProf. of Theology (1640-1651) 9ReformedADB
Regnerus van MansveldProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1660-1671) 4ReformedNNBW
Petrus van MastrichtProf. of Theology (1677-1706) 61Reformedde | ADB | NNBW
David MillProf. of Oriental Languages (1718-1727) 24Reformedn/a
David MillProf. of Hebrew Antiquities (1727-1756) 24Reformedn/a
Pieter van MusschenbroekProf. of Philosophy (1723-1739) 75Reformeden nl | DBNL
Matthias NethenusProf. of Theology (1654-1662) 22Reformedde | ADB | NNBW
Jacobus OdéProf. of Philosophy (1723-1743) 22Reformedn/a
Jacobus OdéProf. of Theology (1727-1736) 22Reformedn/a
Jacobus OdéProf. of Astronomy, Math. & Exp. Phil. (1743-1751) 22Reformedn/a
Henricus PontanusProf. of Theology (1700-1714) 18Reformedde | NNBW
Jacob RavenspergerProf. of Philosophy (1641-1650) 2n/aDBNL
Henricus RegiusProf. of Medicine (1638-?) 30n/anl
Adrian RelandProf. of Oriental Languages (1701-1713) 83Reformeden nl
Adrian RelandProf. of Sacred Antiquities (1713-1718) 83Reformeden nl
Henricus ReneriusProf. of Philosophy (1636-1639) 0n/an/a
Hermann Alexander RöellProf. of Natural Theology (1704-1718) 17Reformedde nl | ADB | NNBW
Marten SchoockProf. of Literature and Rhetoric (1638-1638) 65ReformedScholasticon
Meinardus SchotanusProf. of Theology (1637-1644) 3ReformedADB
Arnold SenguerdiusProf. of Metaphysics & Physics (1639-1648) 19Reformedn/a
IJsbrand van DiemerbroeckProf. of Medicine (1649-1674) 8Arminian-Remonstrantn/a
Joannes VoetProf. of Law (1673-1680) 26Reformeden nl | DBNL
Paulus VoetProf. of Metaphysics & Logic (1641-1654) 73Reformedde
Paulus VoetProf. of Law (1654-1667) 73Reformedde
Gisbertus VoetiusProf. of Theology (1636-1676) 251Reformeden nl | BBKL | DBNL | Scholasticon
Albertus VogetProf. of Theology (1735-1771) 11Reformedde
Gerardus de VriesProf. of Philosophy (1674-1705) 83ReformedNNBW | Scholasticon
Gerardus de VriesProf. (extraordinarius) of Theology (1685-1705) 83ReformedNNBW | Scholasticon
Herman WitsiusProf. of Theology (1680-1698) 272Reformedde en | DBNL
Ludwig WolzogenProf. of Church History (1664-1670) 3ReformedADB | NNBW

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