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Danzig, Poland
(Est. 1558)
Faculty (16) | Disputations (3) | Websites (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Jacob FabriciusRector (1580-1629) 2Lutherande
Bartholomäus KeckermannRector (1602-1608) 208Reformeden de | Bayle | NDB | Scholasticon | Zedler
Johannes BolsackRector (1630-?) 0Lutherann/a
Johann BotsacRector (1631-1643) 21Lutherande | ADB
Abraham CalovRector (1643-1650) 675Lutherande en | EMLO | NDB | Scholasticon
Johann Georg AbichtRector (1717-1730) 76Lutherande en | ADB | Zedler
Faculty of Arts
Enoch HutzingProf. of Logic & Hebrew (1628-?) 1Lutherann/a
Faculty of Philosophy
Andreas HojerProf. of Philosophy (1616-1621) 3Lutherann/a
Heinrich NicolaiProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1631-?) 37LutheranADB
Gabriel GroddeckProf. of Philosophy (1699-1709) 15Lutherann/a
Andrew AidyProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 3Reformedpl
Michael FalckProf. of Logic, Metaphysics, & Practical Philosophy (?-?) 5LutheranZedler
Johann RodenborchProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 2Reformedn/a
Faculty of Theology
Samuel SchelwigRector, Prof. of Theology (1685-1715) 32LutheranADB
Ernst August BertlingProf. of Theology (1753-1769) 48Lutherande | ADB
Johann MaukischProf. of Theology (?-?) 22LutheranADB | Zedler

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