Luther, Martin (1483-1546) de en |
Die gantze Bibel, der ursprügliche[n] Ebraischenn unnd Griechischenn warheyt nach, auffs aller treüwlichest verteütschet ( Zürich, 1530) | BSB |  |   | 5/2 |
Abbadie, Jacques (c.1654-1727) fr en |
La science du chrétien ( Paris : Henry Servier, 1829) | BNF |  |   | 4/29 |
| GB |  |   | 4/29 |
The deity of Jesus Christ essential to the Christian religion: A Treatise on the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, trans. Abraham Booth ( London : J. Harris, 1777) | GB |  |   | 4/29 |
L'art de se connoître soi-mesme ou la recherche des sources de la morale | |
La Haye : Jean Neaulme, 1760 | GB |  |   | 4/29 |
La Haye : Jean Neaulme, 1749 | GB |  |   | 4/29 |
2nd ed. / La Haye : Henry van Bulderen, 1700 | GB |  |   | 4/29 |
Coccejus, Johannes (1603-1669) en nl |
Summa doctrinae de foedere et testamento Dei explicata ( Leiden : Elseviriorum, 1654) | GB |  |   | 4/29 |
Chandieu, Antoine de (1534-1591) fr en |
Locus de Verbo Dei scripto, adversus humanas traditiones, theologice et scholastice tractatus : ubi agitur de vera methodo theologice simul, et scholastice disputandi ( Morges : Jean le Preux, 1580) | GB |  |   | 4/29 |
Bèze, Théodore de (1519-1605) fr en |
Confessio christianae fidei ( Geneva : E. Vignon, 1577) | GB |  |   | 4/29 |
Abbadie, Jacques (c.1654-1727) fr en |
Vindication of the Truth of Christian Religion Against the Objections of All Modern Opposers, trans. Henry Lussan ( London : J. Robinson) | |
| GB |  |   | 4/29 |
Vol. 2 (1698) | GB |  |   | 4/29 |
Bèze, Théodore de (1519-1605) fr en |
De Coena Domini, plana et perspicua tractatio ( [Geneva] : Oliva Robert Stephan, 1559) | GB |  |   | 4/29 |
Calvin, Jean (1509-1564) en fr |
Institutio totius christianæ religionis, 4th ed. ( Geneva : Jean Girard, 1550) | e-rara |  |   | 4/29 |
Institutio christianae religionis | |
4th ed. / Geneva : Adam & Johann Rivery, 1554 | GB |  |   | 4/29 |
5th ed. / Geneva : O. R. Stephanus, 1559 [pp. 545-546 missing] | IA |  |   | 4/29 |
Melanchthon, Philipp (1497-1560) de en |
| BSB |  |   | 4/29 |
Annotationes Philippi Melanchthonis in Epistola[m] Pauli ad Romanos unam, Et ad Corinthios duas | |
Strassburg, 1523 | BSB |  |   | 4/29 |
[Nürnberg], 1524 | BSB |  |   | 4/29 |
Commentarii in aliquot Politicos libros Aristotelis ( Wittenberg, 1530) | BSB |  |   | 4/29 |