Yates, John (-1657) |
A modell of divinitie catechistically composed, etc ( 1622) | GB | | | 11/6 |
Ammann, Johannes Jakob (1500-1573) |
Rudimenta artium dialecticae et rhetoricae : in minoribus scholis iuventuti Tigurinae confecta / per Ammianum professorem publicum ( Tiguri : apud Christophorum Froschouerum, [n.d.]) | e-rara | | | 11/4 |
Major, John (1467-1550) |
Physica : cu[m] naturali philosophia atq[ue] metaphysica Joha[n]nis maioris hadi[...]gtonani theologi Parisiensis ( Parrhisiis : Parvus, 1526) | BSB | | | 11/4 |
| BSB | | | 11/4 |
Introductorium perutile in Aristotelicum dialecticen ( 1527) | BSB | | | 11/4 |
Introductorium in Aristotelicam Dialecticen, totamque Logicen : nuper ab eodem summa diligentia repositum, & in Duodecim libellos ... Digestum ( [Paris] : Ascensius, 1521) | BSB | | | 11/4 |
In quartum sententiarum quaestiones utilissimae ... ( [Paris] : Badius, 1519) | BSB | | | 11/4 |
Molina, Luis de, S.J. (1536-1600) en |
Liberi arbitrii... concordia... D. Ludovico Molina.. auctore adjecti indices... accedit nunc appendix ad concordiam Liberi arbitrii, 2nd ed. (apud Emman. de Lyra typographum, 1595) | GB | | | 11/2 |
Moore, John (-1730) |
A Calm Defence of the Deity of Jesus Christ: In Remarks on A Letter to a Dissenter at Exeter. By John Moor, ... (John Clark, 1719) | GB | | | 10/31 |
Moore, John (-1619) |
A mappe of mans mortalitie Clearely manifesting the originall of death, with the nature, fruits, and effects thereof, both to the vnregenerate, and elect children of God. Diuided into three bookes; and published for the furtherance of the wise in practise, the humbling of the strong in conceit, and for the comfort and confirmation of weake Christians, against the combat of death, that they may wisely and seasonably be prepared against the same. Whereunto are annexed two consolatory sermons, for afflicted Christians, in their greatest conflicts. By Iohn Moore, minister of the word of God, at Shearsbie in Leicester-shire. ( London : T[homas] S[nodham] for George Edvvards, and are to be sold at the signe of the Greyhound in Paules Church-yard, 1617) | EEBO-TCP | | | 10/31 |
Moore, John (c.1595-1657) |
A sermon preached on the 28th of June, at St. Andrew's Holborn by John Moore ... ( London : William Rogers ..., 1691) | EEBO-TCP | | | 10/31 |
A sermon preach'd before the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall Chappel, on the 28th of May, 1682 by John Moore ... ( London : Walter Kettilby ..., 1682) | EEBO-TCP | | | 10/31 |
A sermon preach'd before the King at St. James's, April 16, 1696 being a day of publick thanksgiving for the discovery of a horrid design to assassinate His Majesty's person, and for the deliverance of the Nation from a French invasion ( London : Will. Rogers ..., 1696) | EEBO-TCP | | | 10/31 |
A sermon preach'd before the House of Lords in the abby-church at Westminster, upon Monday January 31, 1697 ( London : R.R. for W. Rogers, 1697) | EEBO-TCP | | | 10/31 |
A Scripture-vvord against inclosure, viz. such as doe un-people townes, and un-corne fields as also against all such that daub over this black sinne with untempered morter ( London : Anthony Williamson ..., 1656) | EEBO-TCP | | | 10/31 |
Reina, Casiodoro de (1520-1594) |
Expositio primae partis capitis quarti Matthaei, commonefactoria ad Ecclesiam Christi, de periculis piorum ministrorum Verbi in tempore cauendis, vol. 1 (ex officina typographica Nicolai Bassei, 1573) | GB | | | 10/28 |
Confessio in articulo de Coena (Giles vanden Rade, 1579) | GB | | | 10/28 |
Euangelium Ioannis: hoc est iusta ac vetus apologia pro æterna Christi diuinitate, atque adeo, quatenus unum cum eo est, æqualitate cum Patre: aduersus impietatem Iudæorum, Cerinthi ... ex Nouo testamento Syro ... cum diuersa lectione ex Græcis ... et annotationibus ... Per C. Reinium ... (Ex officina N. Bassei, 1573) | GB | | | 10/28 |
The New Testament in Hebrew and Spanish ( London : published by the Trinitarian Bible Society for the Society for Distributing the Holy Scriptures to the Jews, 1960) | IA | | | 10/28 |
| IA | | | 10/28 |