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Boston, Thomas (1676-1732)
The Christian Life delineated in the principal lines thereof, both as to its rise and progress : in several practical discourses ... (Edinburgh : and for John Gray, 1775)
The crook in the lot: or, The sovereignty and wisdom of God in the afflictions of men (Edinburgh : Edinburgh, [n.d.])
Everlasting espousals : being a sermon preached at the administration of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, August 1714 (Edinburgh : David Paterson, 1755)
An Explication of the First Part of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism (Edinburgh : W. Gray, 1755)
A general account of my life (Edinburgh, London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1908)
An Illustration of the doctrines of the Christian religion, with respect to faith and practice, upon the plan of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism, comprehending a complete body of divinity (Edinburgh : Schaw and Pillans for Joseph Johnston)
Vol. 1 (1796)
Vol. 2 (1796) IA 
Vol. 3 (1796) IA 
An Illustration of the Doctrines of the Christian Religion: With Respect to Faith and Practice, Upon the Plan of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism. Comprehending a Complete Body of Divinity (Edinburgh : John Reid)
Vol. 2 (1773)
Vol. 3 (1773) GB 
The marrow of modern divinity; the first part, touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: with their use and end, both in the time of the Old Testament, and in the time of the New; clearly describing the way to eternal life, by Jesus Christ; in a dialogue betwixt Evangelista, a minister of the gospel, Nomista, a legalist, Antinomista, an antinomian, and Neophytus, a young Christian (Edinburgh : R. Drummond for W. Gray, 1745) / added author(s): Edward Fisher
Memoirs of the life, time and writings of Thomas Boston (Edinburgh, 1776)
Memoirs of the Life, Time, and Writings, of the Reverend and Learned Thomas Boston (Edinburgh : A. Murray and J. Cochran, 1776)
Memoirs of the life, time, and writings, of the reverend and learned Thomas Boston, A.M. : Divided into twelve periods, to which are added some original papers, and letters to and from the author
Edinburgh : Oliphant Anderson & Ferrier, 1899IA 
Mystery of Christ in the form of a servant ... (Edinburgh : David Paterson, 1755)
Nadur an duine 'na staid cheithir-fillte : no staid ceud ionracais, staid truaillidheachd iomlan : staid saorsa air toiseachadh; agus, staid sonais no truaighe iomlan ([Edinburgh, 1858)
Nadur an duine 'na staid cheithir-fillte : no staid ceud ionracais, staid truaillidheachd iomlan, staid saorsa air toiseachadh, agus staid sonais no truaighe iomlan ([Edinburgh, 1825)
Nadur an duine 'na staid cheithir-fillte; no staid ceud ionracais; staid truaillidheachd iomlan; staid saorsa air toiseachadh; staid sonais no truaighe iomlan; ann an cinn theagaisg f'a leth (Edinburgh : Grant, 1894)
Primitiae et ultima, or, The early labours and last remains that will meet the public eye : in several practical discourses, eminently calculated for alarming sinners and hypocrites in Zion, and affording instruction, correction, and consolation, to genuine believers, vol. 2 (Edinburgh : and for J. Pillans & Sons, 1800)
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