Bengel, Johann Albrecht (1687-1752) en de |
Gnomon of the New Testament | |
Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1877 | IA |  |   |
Gnomon of the New Testament; ( Edinburgh : Clark) | |
| IA |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1873) | IA |  |   |
Bèze, Théodore de (1519-1605) fr en |
Ane answer made the fourth day of Septembre a thousand fyue hundreth syxtie [and] one, by maister Theodore de Besza minister of the holie Euangile, in the presence of the quene mother, the king and quene of Nauarre, the princes of the blood royall, and of the priuie counseil, vnto that whiche the cardinall of Lorraine had replied against that whiche was propounded in the first iourney of their talking together, by the said de Besza in the name of the reformed churches. Together with an other short answer made by the said de Besza the 26 day of the said moneth vnto certein articles of replie set forth by the said cardinall. ( Edinburgh : Robert Lekprewik, 1562) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Dialogi ab Eusebio Philadelpho cosmopolita, in Gallorum et caeterarum nationum gratiam compositi... ( Edinburgh : J. Jammaei, 1574) | BNF |  |   |
Binning, Hugh (1627-1653) |
The sinners sanctuary, or, A discovery made of those glorious priviledges offered unto the penitent and faithful under the Gospel unfolding their freedom from death, condemnation, and the law, in fourty sermons upon Romans, Chap. 8 ( Edinburgh : George Swintown and James Glen and are to be sold at their shops ..., 1670) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
An useful case of conscience learnedly and accuratly discussed and resolved concerning associations and confederacies with idolaters, infidels, hereticks, malignants, or any other knoun enemies of truth and godlinesse : useful for these times and therefore published for the benefit of all those who desire to know or retain the sworn to principles of the sometimes famous Church of Christ in Scotland ( Edinburgh?, 1693) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The Works of the Pious, Reverend and Learn'd Hugh Binning ( Edinburgh : R. Fleming and Company, 1735) | GB |  |   |
Works of the pious, Reverend and learn'd Mr. Hugh Binning : containing I. The common principles of the Christian religion; or his sermons on the Catec ( Edinburgh : R. Fleming and Co., and sold by Mr. James Davidson, and John Paton, 1735) | IA |  |   |
The works of the Rev. Hugh Binning ( Edinburgh : W. Whyte) | |
| IA |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1839) | IA |  |   |
Vol. 3 (1839) | IA |  |   |
3rd ed. / Edinburgh : A. Fullarton, 1851 | IA |  |   |
Blackmore, Richard (1654-1726) en |
Poetical works : containing Creation, a philosophical poem in seven books, to which is prefixed the life of the author ( Edinburgh : Mundell and son, 1793) | IA |  |   |
Bolton, Samuel (c.1606-1654) en |
| IA |  |   |
Bonar, John (1721-1761) |
An analysis of the moral and religious sentiments contained in the writings of Sopho, and David Hume: ... addressed to ... the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland ( Edinburgh, 1755) / added author(s): George Anderson | GB |  |   |