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Bacon, Francis (1561-1626)  en
De augmentis scientiarum : libri IX. (Lugdunum Batavorum, 1652)
Francisci Baconi,... De sapientia veterum liber... (ed. 3a) (Lugduni Batavorum : J. Maire, 1657)
Barchusen, Joannes Conradus (1666-1723)
Elementa chemiae, quibius subjuncta est, confectura lapidis philosophici, imaginibus repraesentata
Lugduni Batavorum : apud Theodorum Haak, 1718GB 
Pyrosophia (Lugdunum Batavorum, 1698)
Pyrosophia, succincte atque breviter iatro-chemiam, rem metallicam et chryosopoeiam pervestigans. Opus medicus, physicis, chemicis, pharmacopœis, metallicis & non inutile (Lugduni Batavorum : impensis Cornelii Boutestein, 1698)
Barlaeus, Caspar (1584-1648)  en nl
Bogermannus elenchomenos : sive Examen Epistolae dedicatoriae, quam suis ad Pietatem illustr. Ord. Hollandiae et West-Frisiae notis praefixit Joh. Bogermannus Ecclesiastes Leovardienses (Lugdunum Batavorum, 1615)
Bogermannus elenchomenos sive Examen epistolæ dedicatoriæ, quam suis ad pietatem illust. Ord. Hollandiæ ac Westfrisiae notis præfixit Ioh. Bogermannus Ecclesiastes Leovardis. In quo etiam crimina a Matthæo Slado impacta Erasmo Roterdamo diluuntur (Lugduni Batavorum : G. Basson, 1615)
Epistola ecclesiastarum, quos in Belgio remonstrantes vocant : ad exterarum Ecclesiarum reformatos doctores, pastores, theologos : qua sententiam suam de praedestinatione & annexis ei capitibus exponunt... opposita epistolae delegatorum classis Walachrianae ad eosdem doctores singulatim directae (Lugduni Batavorum : Joan. Patius, 1617)
Basnage de Beauval, Henri (1657-1710)
Dissertation sur Rabelais (Leiden : Jean et Herm. Verbeek, 1748)
Bastwick, John (c.1595-1654)  en
[The ansvver of Iohn Bastwick, Doctor of Phisicke, to the exceptions made against his Letany by a learned gentleman which is annexed to the Letany it selfe, as articles superadditionall against the prelats. In the vvhich there is, a full, demonstration and proof of the reall absence of Christ in the sacrament of the Lords Supper, with the vanity and impiety of the consecreation of temples churches and chapples, also the necessity of the perpetuall motion and circulation of worship if men be bound to bow the knees at the name of Iesus. This is to follow the Letany as a second part thereof.] ([Leiden] : [by Willem Christiaens], in the yeare of remembrance, 1637)
The ansvver of Iohn Bastwick, Doctor of Phisicke, to the exceptions made against his Letany by a learned gentleman which is annexed to the Letany it selfe, as articles superadditionall against the prelats. In the vvhich there is, a full, demonstration and proof of the reall absence of Christ in the sacrament of the Lords Supper, with the vanity and impiety of the consecreation of temples churches and chapples, also the necessity of the perpetuall motion and circulation of worship if men be bound to bow the knees at the name of Iesus. This is to follow the Letany as a second part thereof. ([Leiden] : [by Willem Christiaens], in the yeare of remembrance, 1637)
The answer of John Bastvvick, Doctor of Phisicke, to the information of Sir Iohn Bancks Knight, Atturney universall. In which there is a sufficient demonstration, that the prelats are invaders of the Kings prerogative royall, contemners and despisers of holy Scripture, advancers of poperie, superstition, idolatry and phophanesse: also that they abuse the Kings authoritie ... ([Leiden] : [by Willem Christiaens], 1637)
A briefe relation of certaine speciall and most materiall passages, and speeches in the Starre-Chamber occasioned and delivered the 14th. day of Iune, 1637. At the censure of those three famous and worthy gentlemen, Dr. Bastwicke, Mr. Burton, and Mr. Prynne. Even so as it hath beene truely and faithfully gathered from their owne mouthes, by one present at the said censure. ([Leiden] : [by W. Christiaens], in the yeare of God, 1638)
Benningh, Johan Bodecher (1606-1642)
Compendium ethices (Leiden : Isaac Commelin, 1635)
Bertius, Petrus (1565-1629)
Liick-Oratie over de doot vanden Eervveerdighen ende vvytberoemden Heere Iacobvs Arminivs, Soctor ende Professor der H. Teologie inde Hooghe Schole tot Leyden : De welcke by hem is ghedaen inde latynsche tale terstont nae de begraeffenisse in het auditorium der Theologie op den XXIJ Octobris Anno 1609, Ende namaels door een liefhebber verduyst (Leyden : Jacobszoon, 1609)
Liick-oratie over de doot vanden Eerweerdighen [...] Iacobvs Arminivs [...] Dewelcke by hem is ghedaen inde latijnsche tale [...] den 22 octobris 1609. Ende namaels door een liefhebber verduyst (Leyden : J. Paedts Jz, 1609)
Oratio de vita & obitu nobilissimi viri D. Jani Dousae Nordovici domini, supremi Bataviae concilii adsessoris, curatoris academiae Lugduno-Batavae & archivorum praefecti, habita Lugduni Batavorum post exsequas eiusdem (Lvgdvni Batavorvm : Patius, 1604)
Petri Bertii Aen-Spraeck aen D. Fr. Gomarum op zijne Bedenckinghe over d e Lijck oratie ghedaen na de Begraefenisse van D. Jac. Arminius (Leyden : Jacopszoon, 1610)
Scripta adversaria collationis Hagiensis (Lugdunum Batavorum, 1615)
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