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Brown of Wamphray, John (c.1610-1679)
The history of the indulgence shewing its rise, conveyance, progress, and acceptance : together with a demonstration of the unlawfulness thereof and an answere to contrary objections : as also, a vindication of such as scruple to hear the indulged (Edinburgh?, 1678)
Quakerisme the path-way to paganisme, or, A vieu of the Quakers religion being an examination of the theses and apologie of Robert Barclay, one of their number, published lately in Latine, to discover to the world, what that is, which they hold and owne for the only true Christian religion (Edinburgh : John Cairns and other booksellers, 1678)
Bruce, Michael (c.1746-1767)
Works (Edinburgh : Oliphant, 1865)
The Works of Micael Bruce (Edinburgh : William Oliphant, 1865)
The Works of Michael Bruce, Edited with Memoir and Notes by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart : (Mit 1 Facsim.-Taf.) (Edinburgh : Oliphant & Co., 1865)
The works of Michael Bruce; ed. with memoir and notes (Edinburgh : William Oliphant and co.; London, Hamilton, Adams, and co., 1865)
Bruce, Robert (1554-1631)  en
Sermons by the rev. Robert Bruce, ed. W. Cunningham (Edinburgh : Wodrow Society, 1843)
Sermons on the sacrament (Edinburgh : Oliphant, 1901)
Sermons on the sacrament : done into English (Edinburgh : Oliphant, 1901)
Buchanan, George (1506-1582)
Franciscanvs et fratres. Elegiarvm liber I. Silvarvm liber I. Hendecasyllaben liber I. Epigrammtum libri III. Quibus iam recens accedunt De sphaera libri V, vol. 1 (Edinburgh : [Heidelberg] n.p., 1594)
The history of Scotland : from the earliest accounts of that nation, to the reign of King James VI, vol. 1 (Edinburgh : Michael Anderson, for James Kay, bookseller, 1821)
Jephtha and the Baptist (Edinburgh : J.M. Miller, 1870)
Psalmorum Davidis paraphrasis poetica (Edinburgi : G. Adami; prostant venales apud J. Paton et D. Randolphum, 1725)
Rerum Scoticarum historia: accessit de iure regni apud Scotos dialogus (Edinburgh : Arbuthnetus, 1583)
The sacred dramas of George Buchanan
Edinburgh : J. Thin, 1906IA 
Bunyan, John (1628-1688)
Solomon's temple spiritualiz'd or Gospel- light fetcht out of the temple at Jerusalem, to let us more easily into the glory of New-Testament-truths (Edinburgh : A. Brown; and A. Megget, 1786)
The works of that eminent servant of Christ, Mr. John Bunyan, 4th ed., vol. 1 (Edinburgh : Sands, Murray, and Cochran, 1769)
Burnet, Gilbert (1643-1715)  en
A discourse on the memory of that rare and truely virtuous person Sir Robert Fletcher of Saltoun who died the 13 of January last, in the thirty ninth year of his age (Edinburgh : a society of stationers ..., 1665)
A modest and free conference betwixt a conformist and a non-conformist about the present distempers of Scotland now in seven dialogues (Edinburgh?, 1669)
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