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Brooks, Thomas (1608-1680)  en
The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks, ed. Alexander Balloch Grosart (Edinburgh : J. Nichol)
Vol. 3 (1866)
Vol. 4 (1867) IA 
Vol. 5 (1867) IA 
Vol. 6 (1867) IA 
Brown of Haddington, John (1722-1787)
Address to students of divinity (Edinburgh : Andrew Jack, 1850)
A compendious history of the British churches in England, Scotland, Ireland, and America : with an introductory sketch of the history of the Waldenses, to which is added, an historical account of the secession (Edinburgh : E. Monteith)
Vol. 1 (1820)
Vol. 2 (1820) IA 
A dictionary of the Holy Bible : containing, an historical account of the persons; a geographical and historical account of the places; a literal, critical, and systematical description of other objects, whether natural, artificial, civil, religious, or military; and the explication of the appellative terms mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Testament .. (Edinburgh : W. Anderson and J. Fairbairn)
Vol. 1 (1789)
Vol. 2 (1789) IA 
A dictionary of the Holy Bible : containing, an historical account of the persons; a geographical and historical account of the places; a literal, critical, and systematical description of other objects, whether natural, artificial, civil, religious, or military; and the explication of the appellative terms, mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Testament .., vol. 2 (Edinburgh : Murray & cochrane, 1797)
An essay towards an easy, plain, practical, and extensive explication of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism, 8th ed. (Edinburgh : R. Ogle, and T. Hamilton, London and T. Johnston, Dublin, 1812)
An introduction to the right understanding of the oracles of God (Edinburgh : Barber & Southwick, 1793)
The Self-interpreting Bible: containing the Old and New Testaments : to which are annexed an extensive introduction (Edinburgh : Thomas Ireland, 1831)
Brown of Wamphray, John (c.1610-1679)
An apologetical relation of the particular sufferings of the faithful ministers and professors of the Church of Scotland, since August 1660 : wherein several questions, useful for the time are discussed; the king's prerogative over parliaments and people soberly inquired into; the lawfulness of defensive war cleared; the supreme magistrate's power in church matters examined; Mr. Stillingfleet's notion concerning the divine right or forms of church government considered; the author of "The seasonable case" answered; other particulars, such as the hearing of the curates appearing before the high commission court, etc., canvassed ... (Edinburgh : Robert Ogle and Oliver and Boyd, 1845)
An apologeticall relation of the particular sufferings of the faithfull ministers & professours of the Church of Scotland, since August, 1660 wherein severall questions, usefull for the time, are discussed : the King's preroragative over parliaments & people soberly enquired into, the lawfulness of defensive war cleared, the by a well wisher to the good old cause. (Edinburgh?, 1665)
Christ in believers the hope of glory being the substance of several sermons (Edinburgh : John Reid, 1694)
An exposition of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans: with large practical observations delivered in several lectures (Edinburgh : David Paterson and sold by him, 1766)
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