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Boston, Thomas (1676-1732)
Primitiae et ultima, or, The early labours and last remains that will meet the public eye : in several practical discourses, eminently calculated for alarming sinners and hypocrites in Zion, and affording instruction, correction, and consolation, to genuine believers, vol. 3 (Edinburgh : and for J. Pillans & Sons, 1800)
Select sermons, vol. 2 (Edinburgh : A. Fullarton, 1850)
The straying state and condition of mankind sinners : together with the care of the chief shepherd in returning them; and curing their straying disposition. In two sermons, From I Pet. ii. 25. : Preached at Gallashiels, on a sacramental occasion, in the year 1720 (Edinburgh : David Paterson, 1761)
A view of the covenant of grace from the sacred records : wherein the parties in that covenant, the making of it, its parts conditionary and promissory, and the administration thereof, are distinctly considered : together with the trial of a personal inbeing in it, and the way of enstating sinners therein unto their eternal salvation : to which is subjoin'd, a memorial concerning personal and family fasting and humiliation, presented to saints and sinners (Edinburgh : R. Fleming and Co., and sold at the shops of Mr. James Davidson and John Paton Booksellers, 1734)
View of the covenant of grace from the sacred records... (Edinburgh : and for John Gray, 1775)
A view of the covenant of works from the sacred records : wherein the parties in that covenant, its parts...our father Adam's breaking of it, the imputation of that breach to his posterity, and the state of men under that broken covenant, and under the curse thereof, are distinctly considered : together with a particular application of the subject, for the conviction both of saints and sinners (Edinburgh : and for John Gray, 1775)
A view of this and the other world : with the state of saints and sinners in both, contrasted : particularly describing the solemn entrance which the soul makes into the other world at death : in several practical discourses (Edinburgh : and for John Gray, 1775)
Boyd, Robert (1578-1627)  en
Poetarum scotorum musae sacrae : sive, Arcturi Jonstoni, Medici regii, Psalmorum Davidicorum, Cantici Solomonis, & Canticorum evangelicorum Paraphrasis poëtica ; Joannis Kerri, Cantici Solomonis paraphrasis gemina ; Robert Bodii à Trochoregia ad Christum servatorem hecatombe (Edinburgi : apud Tho. & Wal. Ruddimannos, 1739) / added author(s): John Kerr, Arthur Johnston
Poetarum Scotorum musæ sacræ : sive quatuor sacri codicis scriptorum, Davidis & Solomonis, Jobi & Jeremiæ, poëtici libri, per totidem Scotos, Arct. Jonstonum & Jo. Kerrum, P. Adamsonum & G. Hogæum, Latino carmine redditi: quibus, ob argumenti similitudinem, adnectuntur alia, Scotorum itidem, opuscula sacra. ... (Edinburgi : apud Tho. & Wal. Ruddimannos) / added author(s): John Kerr, Arthur Johnston, Patrick Adamson
Vol. 1 (1739)
Vol. 2 (1739) GB 
A spirituall hymne or The sacrifice of a sinner to be offred vpon the altar of a humbled heart, to Christ our Redeemer. Inverted in English sapphicks, from the Latine, of the reverend, religious, and learned divine, Mr Robert Boyd of Trocborege. By Sr William Mure yo: of Rowallane knight. By whom is also annexed a poeme, entituled Doomes-day. Containing, hells horrour, and heavens happinesse. (Edinburgh : Iohn Wreittoun, and are to bee sold at his shop alitle beneath the salt-Trorre, 1628)
Bradbury, Thomas (1677-1759)  en
The mystery of godliness, considered in sixty-one sermons : wherein the deity of Christ is proved upon no other evidence than the Word of God, and with no other view than for the salvation of men (Edinburgh : Adam Neill and Co.)
Vol. 1 (1795)
Vol. 2 (1795) IA 
Brady, Nicholas (1659-1726)
A New version of the Psalms of David : fitted to the tunes used in churches (Edinburgh : Adrian Watkins, 1751)
Brooks, Thomas (1608-1680)  en
The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks, ed. Alexander Balloch Grosart (Edinburgh : J. Nichol)
Vol. 1 (1866)
Vol. 2 (1866) GB 
Vol. 3 (1866) GB 
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