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Reformed Church of Switzerland
Confessio et expositio simplex orthodoxae fidei & dogmatum Catholicorum syncerae religionis Christianae / added author(s): Heinrich Bullinger
Berne : G. Sonnleitnerus, 1676GB 
Zürich : C. Froschower, 1566e-rara 
Zürich : Wolphiana, 1608GB 
Confession de foi des Eglises de la Suisse réformée (Berne : de l'Imprimerie de Leurs Excellences, 1760)
Corpus librorum symbolicorum, qui in Ecclesia reformatorum auctoritatem publicam obtinuerunt. Novam collectionem instituit, dissertationem subjunxit, et indices adjecit J.C.G. Augusti, ed. Johann Christian W. Augusti (Elberfeldi : Henrici Bueschleri, 1827) / added author(s): Reformed Church of France, Reformed Churches in the Netherlands, Church of Scotland
Formula consensus Ecclesiarum Helveticarum reformatarum: circa doctrinam de gratia universali et connexa, aliaque nonnulla capita ([Zürich?], 1670) / added author(s): Johann Heinrich Heidegger
Harmonia Confessionum fidei orthodoxarum et reformatarum Ecclesiarum (Geneva : apud Petrum Santandreanum, 1581) / added author(s): Reformed Church of France, Church of England, Reformed Churches in the Netherlands
The Harmony of Protestant Confessions, ed. Peter Hall (London : J. F. Shaw, 1842) / added author(s): Reformed Church of France, Church of England, Reformed Churches in the Netherlands [Harmonia confessionum fidei, orthodoxarum & reformatarum Ecclesiarum]
An harmony of the confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches, which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe kingdomes, nations, and prouinces of Europe (London : Iohn Legatt, 1643) / added author(s): Reformed Church of France, Church of England, Reformed Churches in the Netherlands
Orthodoxa Tigvrinae Ecclesiae ministrorum Confessio, illiorum & fidem et doctrinam, quam cum Catholica sanctoru[m] ecclesia communem habent : continens, in primis autem de Coena Domini Nostri Iesv Christi: una cum aequa & modesta responsione ad uanas et offendiculi plenas D. Mart. Lvtheri calumnias, co[n]demnationes & conuitia, quae tum alibi, tum in nouissimo libello suo (quem Breuem de sancto Sacramento Confessionem dixit) potissimum aedita & uulgata sunt / e Germanico Latinitate donata R. Gualthero interprete (Zürich : Christoffel Froschouer, 1545) / added author(s): Heinrich Bullinger
Sylloge confessionum sub tempus reformandæ Ecclesiæ editarum. Subjiciuntur Catechismus Heidelbergensis et canones Synodi Dordrechtanæ, ed. John Randolph (Oxford, 1804) / added author(s): Reformed Churches in the Netherlands
Reformed Churches in the Netherlands
La confession de foy des Eglises reformées des Païs-Bas, representée en deux colomnes, l'une portant la confession ancienne : et l'autre la revision qui en a esté faite au synode national de Dordrecht, l'an 1619 : Avec le jugement du dit synode sur les 5. articles & la discipline ecclesiastique. Et une preface sur l'histoire de la dite confession, ou est jointe la lettre escrite à Philippe II, roy d'Espagne. Le tout publié par ordre du Synode des Églises walonnes, tenu à Leyden, le 14 septemb. 1667. [Par A. Hulsius.] (Amsterdam : Henry et la Veuve de Théod. Booms, 1687) / added author(s): Antonius Hulsius
Confession de foy, faicte d'un commun accord par les fidèles qui conversent ès Pays-Bas, lesquels désirent vivre selon la pureté de l'Evangile de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ (1562) / added author(s): Guy de Brès
De Nederlandse belijdenisgeschriften, 2nd ed., ed. J.N. Bakhuizen van den Brink (Amsterdam : Ton Bolland, 1976)
Ridgley, Thomas (1667-1734)
A body of divinity : wherein the doctrines of the Christian religion are explained and defended : being the substance of several lectures on the Assembly's Larger catechism, vol. 1 (New York : R. Carter, 1855)
Schlichtingius, Jonas (1592-1661)  en pl
Confessio fidei christianae: edita nomine ecclesiarum quae in Polonia unum deum, et filium ejus unigenitum Jesum Christum, & Spiritum S. profitentur ...
Confession de foi des chrestiens qui croyent en un seul Dieu le Pere, & en son Fils unique Jesus Christ, & au S. Esprit (1646)
Synod of Dort (1618-1619)  en nl
The articles of the Synod of Dort / added author(s): Thomas Scott
Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1856IA 
Philadelphia : Presbyterian board of publication, 1856IA 
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