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Craig, John (c.1512-1600)
Short Sum of the Whole Catechism (David Douglas, 1883)
Crell, Jan (1590-1633)  
Catechesis Ecclesiarum Polonicarum (1684) / added author(s): Polish Brethren, Jonas Schlichtingius
Catechesis ecclesiarum Polonicarum Unum Deum Patrem, illiusque Filium unigenitum, Jesum Christum una cum Spiritu Sancto ex S. Scriptura confitentium anno Christi 1609 in lucem primum emissa, post per viros aliquot in eodem Regno correcta iterumque interpo (sumtibus Friderici Theophili, 1659) / added author(s): Polish Brethren
Catechesis ecclesiarum polonicarum: primo anno 1609 in lucem emissa (1680) / added author(s): Polish Brethren
Catechismus of korte onderwijzing in de Christelijke religie, van die Poolse gemeenten die den eenigen God den Vader, en des zelfs eenig-geboren Zoon, tegelijk met den H. Geest uyt de H. Schrift belijden, vol. 1 (Hieronymus Veedemond, 1667) / added author(s): Jonas Schlichtingius
Diest, Heinrich von (1595-1673)
Mellificium catecheticum. Continens epitomen catecheticarum explicationum Vrsino-Pareanarum. Cum auctario testimoniorum Scripturæ ... Editio tertia, prioribus auctior (Deventer : Impensis Joannis Janssonii, 1648)
Dod, John (1550-1645)
Een klare ende duydelijcke uytlegginghe over de thien gheboden des Heeren: mitsgaders, een corte catechismus, sommierlijck vervatende alle de principale gronden der christelijcker religie (Leiden : voor Guiliaem Brewster, 1617) / added author(s): Robert Cleaver
A plaine and familiar exposition of the Ten commandements. With a methodicall short Catechisme, containing briefly the principall grounds of Christian religion., 15th ed. / added author(s): Robert Cleaver
15th ed. / London : Richard Field, for Thomas Man, 1622GB 
Dutch Reformed Church of America
The Psalms of David, with hymns and spiritual songs : also, the catechism, confession of faith, and liturgy of the Reformed Church in the Netherlands ; for the use of the Reformed Dutch Church in North America ; with an appendix, containing, Articles explanatory of the government and discipline of the Reformed Dutch Church in the United States of America (New-Brunswick : Abraham Blauvelt, 1798)
Fenner, William (c.1600-1640)  en
The Spiritvall Mans Directory. Guiding a Christian in the Path that leads to true Blessednesse. Jn his III. maine Duties towards God. How To Believe, To Obey, To Pray, Unfolding the Creed. X. Command. Lords Prayer. (London : Iohn Rothwell, 1651)
Fröschel, Sebastian (1497-1570)  de
Catechismus || Wie der in der Kirchen || zu Witteberg nu viel Jar/ auch bey || leben D. Martini Lutheri ist ge=||predigt worden/|| Durch || M. Sebastianum Frœschel.|| Mit erklerung etlicher vieler wœrter || vnd Definition/ so er vom Herrn || Philippo Melanthon bekomen || hat/ gebessert.|| (Wittenberg : Schwenck, [n.d.])
Catechismus Wie der in der Kirchen zu Witteberg nu viel jar, auch bey leben D. Martini Luther ist gepredigt worden ... Mit erklerung etlicher wörter jtzt [!] verbessert (Lorentz Schwenck, 1560)
Catechismus wie der in der Kirchen zu Witteberg nu viel jar, auch bey leben D. Martini Lutheri ist gepredigt worden (Wittenberg, 1559)
Granada, Luis de, O.P. (1504-1588)
Le catechisme (1681)
Catechisme, ou introduction au symbole de la foi: où il est traité des moyens par lesquels les creatures peuvent s'elever à Dieu qui les a crees; --- de L'Excellence de la Religion Chretienne; --- du Mystere e la Redemption et de la certitude de las venue de Jesus-Christs (Perisse Freres)
Vol. 1 (1825)
Vol. 6 (1825) GB 
Le Catechisme, Ou Introduction Au Symbole De La Foy: olu il est trait?e Des Excellences De La Religion Chrestienne, & de ses principaux mysteres, vol. 1 (Le Petit, 1676)
Catechisme: ou Introduction au symbole de la foy ... (1592)
Catechismus minor (1624)
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