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Calvin, Jean (1509-1564)  en fr
Στοιχειωσις τῆς Χριστιανῶν πίσεῶς, ἢ Κατηχισμός. [Stoicheiōsis tēs Christianōn piseōs]. Rudimenta fidei Christianae, siue catechismus. Huic adiunctus nunc est Catechismus alius magis compendarius ([Geneva] : H. Stephanus, 1575)
Canisius, Petrus, S.J. (1521-1597)  en
Catechismus Minor: Auszug Christlicher Lehre (Wagner, 1796)
Capito, Wolfgang (1478-1541)  en de
Kinder bericht und fragstuck von gemeynen puncten Christlichs glaubens ([Basel] : [bey Thoman Wolff], 1527)
Cappel, Jacques (1570-1624)
Instruction chrét., contenant plus. prières et un catéchisme, confirmant par l'Escr. Saicte la confession de foy des égl. réf. de France: plus a été augmenté de plusieurs catéchismes (Quevilly, 1629)
Chandieu, Jean de (1566-1615)
Chrestienne Et Necessaire Exposition Du Catechisme, Tirée de la Parolle de Dieu. Traduite d'Allemand en François. (Geneva : Jean le Preux, 1588)
Church of Scotland
A collection of confessions of faith, catechisms, directories, books of discipline, &c. Of publick authority in the Church of Scotland (Edinburgh : James Watson)
Vol. 1 (1719)
Vol. 2 (1722) GB 
The Confession of faith, the Larger and Shorter catechisms, with the Scripture-proofs at large: together with The sum of saving knowledge contain'd in the Holy Scriptures, and held forth in the said Confession and Catechisms and practical use thereof, covenants, National and Solemn league / added author(s): Westminster Assembly
Edinburgh : Alex. Kincaid, 1773GB 
Glasgow : J. Know, 1752GB 
Glasgow : W. Duncan, 1768GB 
Chytraeus, David (1530-1600)  de
Catechesis (haeredes Jo. Cratonis, 1580)
Catechesis Davidis Chytraei: Recens Recognita, Et Multis Definitionibus aucta (Crato, 1569)
Catechesis Davidis Chytraei. Postremò nunc ab ipso Autore recognita, & multis in locis aucta. (Leipzig : Abraham Lamberg, 1594)
Catechesis Davidis Chytraei. Postremò recognita. (Wittenberg : Simon Gronenberg, 1588)
Catechesis Recens Recognita, a Davide Chytraeo. (Leipzig : Hans d.Ä. Rambau, 1560)
Catechssis Davidis Chytraei. Postremò nunc ab ipso Autore recognita, & multis in locis aucta. (Leipzig : Abraham Lamberg, 1588)
Comrie, Alexander (1706-1774)  nl
Stellige en praktikale verklaaringe van den Heidelbergschen catechismus, volgens de leere en gronden der Reformatie (Leiden : Johannes Hasebroek, en Amsterdam, Nicolaas Byl, 1753)
Contarini, Gasparo (1483-1542)  en
Catechesis oder kurze Summa der Lehren der heil. christl. Kirchen ... (Dillingen, 1560)
Cotton, John (1585-1652)  en
The New-England primer improved for the more easy attaining the true reading of English : to which is added The Assembly of Divines, and Mr. Cotton's Catechism (Boston : Edward Draper, at his Printing-Office, in Newbury-Street, and sold by John Boyle in Marlborough-Street, 1777) / added author(s): Westminster Assembly
Council of Trent (1545-1563)  en
Le catéchisme du concile de Trente (Paris : Desprez, 1673)
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