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Primary Sources (42 titles, 56 vols.) Suggest a New Source
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Reformed Church of Switzerland
Synode de Berne ou ordonnance De quelle maniére les Pasteurs et Ministres de la Ville et Canton de Berne doivent se conduire dans la vie et dans leur doctrine, Avec une Introduction touchant Christ et les saints Sacremens
Synode de Berne ou ordonnance de quelle manière les pasteurs et ministres de la ville et canton de Berne doivent se conduire dans la vie et dans leur doctrine, avec une introduction touchant Christ et les saints Sacremens (dans l'Imprimerie de LL. EE., 1732)
Reformed Churches in the Netherlands
Oude kerkordeningen der Nederlandsche hervormde gemeenten (1563-1638) en het conceptreglement op de organisatie van het Hervormd kerkgenootschap in het koningrijk Holland (1809), verzameld en met Inleidingen voorzien, ed. Cornelis Hooijer (Zalt-Bommel : Joh. Noman en zoon, 1865)
Ridgley, Thomas (1667-1734)
A body of divinity : wherein the doctrines of the Christian religion are explained and defended : being the substance of several lectures on the Assembly's Larger catechism, vol. 1 (New York : R. Carter, 1855)
Strube, Heinrich Julius (1586-1629)
In Augustissimum Corpus Doctrinae Iulium Disputatio II / ... In Ill. Acad. Iulia. Publice proposita Praeside, Henric-Iulio Strubio ... Respondente Anthonio Peitmanno Schaumburgensi. Ad diem 6. Febr. ... (Helmaestadi[i] : Jakob Lucius, 1619) / added author(s): Anton Peithmann
Synod of Dort (1618-1619)  en nl
Kercken-Ordening ghestelt in den Nationalen Synode ... binnen Dordrecht 1618 , 1619: Ende (naer veranderinghe van eenighe weinighe poincten) goedt-ghevonden ... by de ... Staten des Furstendoms Ghelre und Graefschaputphen (Arnhem : Jansz, 1620) / added author(s): Reformed Churches in the Netherlands
Voetius, Gisbertus (1589-1676)  en nl
Disputatio ex politia ecclesiastica de liturgiis pars secunda: qvam ... sub præsidio D. Gisberti Voetii ... (ex officina Johannis à Waesberge, 1651) / added author(s): Simon Oomius
Politicae Ecclesiasticae (Amstelodami : ex officina Joannis a Waesberge, 1663) [The link leads to the four volumes of Voetius' Politica Ecclesiastica]
Weber , Christian
Consistorium, hoc est de iure et ratione consistoriorum quae sunt iudicia ecclesiastica scriptum methodicum (Arnstadt : Saher, 1647)
Westminster Assembly (1643-1653)  en
A directory for church-government and ordination of ministers, to be examined against the next Generall Assemblie (Edinburgh : Evan Tyler, 1647)
A directory for the publique worship of God throughout the three kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland : together with an ordinance of Parliament for the taking away of the Book of common-prayer and for establishing and observing of this present directory throughout the kingdome of England and dominion of Wales : with propositions concerning church-government and ordination of ministers (London : T.R. and E.M. for the Company of Stationers, 1651) / added author(s): Church of Scotland
A directory for the publique worship of God. Together with an ordinance of parliament for the taking away of the Book of common prayer. (London, 1644)
The form of church-government to be used in the Church of England and Ireland: Agreed upon by the Lords and Commons assembled in parliament, after advice had with the Assembly of Divines : Die Martis 29. Aug., 1648 (London : Wright, 1648)
Propositions concerning church government and ordination of ministers (London : Robert Bostock, 1647)
Zepper, Wilhelm (1550-1607)  de
Politia ecclesiastica sive forma ac ratio administrandi et gubernandi regni Christi, quod est ecclesia in his terris (etc.) (Herborn : Chr. Corvinus, 1595)
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