Watson, Thomas (c.1620-1686) en |
A body of practical divinity: consisting of above one hundred and seventy six sermons on the lesser catechism, composed by the reverend assembly of divines at Westminster. With a supplement of some sermons, on several texts of Scripture: together with The art of divine contentment. To which is added, Christ's various fulness, vol. 2 ( Berwick : and for W. Gracie, 1806) | IA | | |
A body of practical divinity: consisting of above one hundred and seventy six sermons on the lesser catechism, composed by the reverend assembly of divines at Westminster. With a supplement of some sermons, on several texts of Scripture. To which is added, the art of divine contentment, 4th ed. (Glassgow College, Archibald Ingram, James Dichman, John Hamilton, and John Glassford Merchants in Glasgow, 1741) | GB | | |
Witsius, Herman (1636-1708) de en |
Exercitationes sacrae in symbolum quod apostolorum dicitur et in orationem dominicam, 4th ed. ( Herborn : Typis et sumptibus Iohannis Nicolai Andreae, 1712) | GB | | |
Sacred dissertations: on what is commonly called the Apostles' creed ( Edinburgh : A. Fullerton) | |
| GB | | |
Vol. 2 (1823) | GB | | |
Witte, Petrus de (1622-1669) |
Catechisatie over den Heydelberghschen Catechismus der Gereformeerde Christelicke religie, uit-gegeven ... door Petrum de Witte. Den vierde druck. Verbetert en vermeerdert, etc ( Amsterdam : gedruckt by Baltus de Wild', 1655) | GB | | |
Catechizatie over den Heidelberghschen catechismus, 33th ed. ( Amsterdam : G. de Groot, 1728) | GB | | |
Catechizatie over den Heidelberghschen Catechismus der Gereformeerde Christelicke religie, uytgegeven na voorgaende visitatie en approbatie des E. Classis van Hoorn, vol. 1 (Barent van Santbergen, 1684) | GB | | |
Catechizatie over den Heidelberghschen catechismus, der gereformeerde christelicke religie, 33th ed. ( Amsterdam : de wed. van Gysb. de Groot, 1697) | GB | | |
Catechizing Upon the Heidelbergh Catechisme of the Reformed Christian Religion ... ( Amsterdam : Gillis Joosten Saeghman, 1670) | GB | | |
Wyss, Felix (1596-1666) |
Tigurini catechismi analysis : thesibus CCLXII et totidem antithesibus illustrata | |
Tiguri : typis Joh. Henrici Hambergeri, impensis Michaëlis Schufelbergeri, librarij Tigurini, 1648 | e-rara | | |
Tigurini catechismi analysis : thesibus CCLXII et totidem antithesibus illustrata / authore Felice Wyssio, in ecclesia Tigurina divini verbi ministro ( Tiguri : typis Joh. Henrici Hambergeri, impensis Michaëlis Schufelbergeri, librarij Tigurini, 1648) | e-rara | | |
Zeller, Johann Heinrich (-1699) |
Idea catechismi theoretico-pratici oder Entwurff wie unser christliche Catechismus so wol zu Gründung in der Warheit / [Johann Heinrich Zeller] ( Zürich : Joh. Rudolf Simmler, 1693) | e-rara | | |