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Catechetical Commentary

Primary Sources (182 titles, 295 vols.) Suggest a New Source
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Secker, Thomas (1693-1768)
Lectures on the Catechism of the Church of England: with a discourse on Confirmation. Published from the original manuscripts by Beilby Porteus, and George Stinton, vol. 2 (London : J. and F. Rivington and B. White, 1771)
Lectures on the catechism of the Protestant Episcopal Church : with a discourse on confirmation (Columbus : Isaac N. Whiting, 1835)
Selnecker, Nikolaus (1532-1592)  de
Institutio Christianae Religionis: Continens Doctrinam Catecheticam: Catechismum D. D. Lutheri Graecè & Latinè: Decalogi Explicationem: & Quaestiones Catecheticas, accomodatas ad vsum Scholarum, vol. 3 (1579)
Paedagogia Christiana, continens Capita et Locos Doctrinae Christianae,forma & serie catechetica uerè & perspicuè explicata,& ad usum docenti/um & discentium doctrinam Filij Dei scripta à M. Nicolao Selneccero, cùm in Aula Illustriss. Electoris Saxoniae Catechismi capita pro concione doceret. Nuno primùm in lucem edita: ... (Frankfurt/Main : Peter Braubach, 1565)
Sibelius, Caspar (1590-1658)
Meditationum catecheticarum pars qvarta, vol. 4 (typis Ioannis Colombi, 1650)
Meditationum catecheticarum pars tertia, vol. 3 (typis Conradi Thom i, 1649)
Sixtus, Rippertus (1583-1651)
Grondige ende vaste verclaringhe van het hoogh wichtich ende fundamenteel hooftstuck onser Christelycker religie; de rechtveerdich-maeckinghe eens armen sondaers voor Godt ... (Hoorn : voor Marten Gerbrantsz.#inde Kerck-straet, in't A,B,C.#, 1628)
Smytegelt, Bernardus (1665-1739)  nl
Des Christens eenige troost in leven en sterven, of Verklaringe over den Heidelbergschen Catechismus in 52. predicatien; benevens 5. belydenis-predicatien, 2nd ed. (In 's-Gravenhage : Ottho en Pieter van Thol, 1747)
Sohn, Georg (c.1552-1589)
OPERUM GEORGII SOHNII SACRAE THEOLOGIAE DOCTORIS.: CONTINENS EXEGESIN PRAEcipuorum articulorum Augustanae Confeßionis. Tomus secundus, 2nd ed., vol. 2 (Ex Officina typographica Christophori Corvini, 1598)
Spangenberg, Johann (1484-1550)  de
Des kleinen Catechismi und der Haustafel kurtzer Begriff, wie man sie in der Gemeine zu Halle für die Kinder handelt (Eisleben, 1562)
Explicationes Evangeliorum et epistolarum, quae dominicis diebus more usitato proponi in ecclesia populo solent: in tabulas succinctas et ad memoriam admodum utiles redactae .... Accesserunt ... Catechismi Tabulae XLVI nunquam antea editae, Cyriaco Spangenbergio ... autore. Ad haec, Locorum ... (Oporinus, 1564)
Spindler, Georg (1525-1605)
Zwo und funffzig Predigten uber den Heidelbergischen Catechismum, darinnen die Hauptstück Christlicher lehr und die summa der gantzen H. Schrifft richtig ... begriffen : sampt einem Edamine wie die Ministri ... befragen und unterrichten sollen (Amberg, 1597)
Towerson, Gabriel (c.1635-1697)  en
Of the sacrament of baptism : in pursuance of an explication of the catechism of the Church of England (London : Richard Chiswell, 1687)
Of the sacraments in general : in pursuance of an explication of the catechism of the Church of England (London : Richard Chiswell, 1686)
Ursinus, Zacharias (1534-1583)  en de
Catéchisme de Heidelberg, avec une courte explication par demandes et par réponses adjoutée à chaque article, 4th ed. (Berne, 1733) / added author(s): Reformed Church of Switzerland
The commentary of Dr. Zacharias Ursinus on the Heidelberg catechism
Cincinnati : T.P. Bucher, 1851IA 
2nd ed. / trans. George Washington Williard (Scott, 1852)GB 
4th ed. / trans. George Washington Williard (Elm Street Printing Co., 1888)GB 
The commentary of Zacharias Ursinus on the Heidelberg catechism (Cincinnati : Elm Street Print. Co, 1888)
Corpus doctrinae orthodoxae sive, catecheticarum expliacationum opus absolutum: Davidis Parei opera extrema recognitum (1616)
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