Bastingius, Jeremias (1551-1595) |
In Catechesin Religionis Christianae, Qvae In Ecclesiis et Scholis tum Palatinatvs tum Belgii traditur, Exegemata siue Commentarii: Auctore Hieremia Bastingio Dei Verbi administro. Cum Indice triplici | |
Dordrecht : Iohannes Caninius, 1588 | GB | | |
Heidelberg : Hieronymus Commelinus, 1590 | ULBH | | |
Verclaringe op den catechisme der Christelicker religie ... Gemaect [Bibliotheca Reformata] | |
Amsterdam : J. A. Wormser, 1893 | GB | | |
Beddome, Benjamin (1717-1795) |
A Scriptural exposition of the Baptism catechism: by way of question and answer (Harrold & Murray, 1849) | GB | | |
Belfrage, Henry (1774-1835) en |
A Practical Exposition of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism: Exhibiting a System of Theology in a Popular Form, and Particularly Adapted for Family Instruction, 2nd ed. ( Edinburgh : W. Oliphant) | |
| GB | | |
Vol. 2 (1835) | GB | | |
Boston, Thomas (1676-1732) |
An Explication of the First Part of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism ( Edinburgh : W. Gray, 1755) | GB | | |
An Illustration of the doctrines of the Christian religion, with respect to faith and practice, upon the plan of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism, comprehending a complete body of divinity ( Edinburgh : Schaw and Pillans for Joseph Johnston) | |
| IA | | |
Vol. 2 (1796) | IA | | |
Vol. 3 (1796) | IA | | |
An Illustration of the Doctrines of the Christian Religion: With Respect to Faith and Practice, Upon the Plan of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism. Comprehending a Complete Body of Divinity ( Berwick : W. Gracie) | |
| GB | | |
Vol. 3 (1804) | GB | | |
Edinburgh : John Reid | |
Vol. 2 (1773) | GB | | |
Vol. 3 (1773) | GB | | |
London : William Baynes | |
Vol. 1 (1812) | GB | | |
Vol. 2 (1812) | GB | | |
Vol. 3 (1812) | GB | | |
Brandt, Christian Philipp Heinrich (1790-1857) |
Vollständiges Handbuch zu dem kleinen lutherischen Katechismus : Auch mit dem Titel: Sonntagskinderlehren über den kleinen lutherischen Katechismus Von Chr. Ph. H. Brandt. Heft 1. 2 ( Ansbach : Carl Bruegel, 1842) | BSB | | |
Vollständiges Handbuch zu dem kleinen lutherischen Katechismus : Auch mit dem Titel: Sonntagskinderlehren über den kleinen lutherischen Katechismus Von Chr. Ph. H. Brandt. Heft 1. 2 ; 1,2 ( Ansbach : Carl Bruegel, 1842) | BSB | | |