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Synod of Dort (1618-1619)  en nl
The articles of the Synod of Dort, and its rejection of errors: with the history of events which made way for that Synod, as published by the authority of the States-general; and the documents confirming its decisions (Utica, W. Williams; New York : Collins & Hannay, 1831) / added author(s): Thomas Scott
Iugement du Synode national des Eglises reformees du pays - bas tenu à Dordrecht l'An 1618 et 1619... Auquel est adiousté le Canon des Egliscs [sic] Reformées de France, conclu et aresté au Synode National tenu à Alez és Ceuennes, le 6. d' Octobre 1620... (Nismes : Iean Vaguenar, Impr. libr., 1620) / added author(s): Reformed Church of France
Jugement du synode national des églises réf. des Pays-Bas, tenu à Dordrecht l'an 1618-19, touchant les 5 articles débatus ès Eglises du dict Pays-Bas
Dordrecht : J. Berewout & F. Borsaler, 1619GB 
Thysius, Antoine, Sr (1565-1640)  en de
Censura in Confessionem: sive declarationem, sententiae eorum qui in foederato Belgio Remonstrantes vocantur, super praecipuis articulis christianis religionis (Leiden : Ex officina Bonaventuræ & Abrahami Elzever. Acad. Typograph, 1626) / added author(s): Johannes Polyander, André Rivet, Antonius Walaeus
Twisck, Pieter Jansz (1565-1636)
Bekentenisse des gheloofs, nae Godes woort: also de selvighe van vele jaren herwaert, ende noch tegenwoordich by diemen Mennisten noemt: ghelooft, gheleert ende beleeft wordt, .. (Hoorn : gedruckt voor Zacharias Cornelisz.#woonende op de Nieu-straet,#, 1620)
Westminster Assembly (1643-1653)  en
Confessio fidei in conventu theologorum authoritate parliamenti anglicani indicto elaborata; eidem parliamento postmodum exhibita; quin & ad eodem, deindeque ab Ecclesia Scoticana cognita & approbata; una cum catechismo duplici, majori, minorique; e sermone anglicano summa cum fide in Latinum versa, trans. William Dillingham (Cambridge : Johannes Field, 1659)
The Confession of Faith, and the Larger and Shorter Catechisme : first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, and now approved by the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, to be a part of uniformity in religion, between the kirks of Christ in the three kingdoms. Together with the Solemn league and covenant of the three kingdoms (London : Company of Stationers, 1651) / added author(s): Church of Scotland [First [!] Printed at Edenburg, and now reprinted at London for the Company of Stationers]
The confession of faith, together with the larger and lesser catechismes, composed by the reverend assembly of divines sitting at Westminster, presented to both houses of parliament, 2nd ed.
2nd ed. / London : E. M., 1658IA 
2nd ed. / London : J. Rothwel, 1658IA 
4th ed. / Glasgow : Robert Sanders, 1675IA 
Englische Glaubensbekanntnus, wie die von den mit Ansehen des Parlaments zu Westmünster versammleten Theologen abgefasset und von hoch-gedachten Parlaments bey den Häusern angenommen und gut geheissen worden / auss dem nach dem Englischen in das Französisch gebrachten und zu Sedan getruckten Exemplar mit allem Fleiss in das Teutsch ubergesetzt durch Casper Wyssen, Professorn der Schrifft Zürich, trans. Hans Kaspar Wyss ([Zürich], 1652)
The Humble advice of the Assembly of divines, by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster : concerning a Confession of faith ; with the quotations and texts of Scripture annexed ; presented by them lately, to both Houses of Parliament (London : S. Griffin, 1658)
The humble advice of the Assembly of Divines, now by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concerning a confession of faith : with the quotations and texts of Scripture annexed ; presented by them lately to both Houses of Parliament (Edinburgh : E. Tyler, Printer to the King, 1647)
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