Primary Sources
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Primary Sources (81 titles, 115 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | | Amsdorff, Nicolaus von (1483-1565) de en | Confessio et Apologia Pastorum et reliquorum Ministrorum Ecclesiae Magdeburgensis ( Magdeburg : Michael Lotther, 1550) | BSB |  |   |
| Arnoux, Jean, S.J. (c.1575-1636) | La Confession de foy de Messieurs les Ministres, conuaincuë de nullité par leurs propres Bibles... Par le R.P. Iean Arnoux... (Claude Morillon, Libraire et Imprimeur de M. la Duch. de Montpens, 1617) | GB |  |   |
| Beck, Sebastian (1583-1654) | Articuli confessionis Basileensis: de quorum orthodoxia & veritate, S.S. Scripturae consentanea... in Schola theologica Academiae Basileensis ( Basel : Georgius Deckerus, Academiae Typographus, 1647) / added author(s): Theodor Zwinger, Johann Buxtorf | GB |  |   |
| Bohemian Church | Confessio Bohemica Evangelica, Das ist: Böhemische Confession, oder Bekandtnuß deß heiligen Christlichen Glaubens, aller dreyer Stände des Königreichs Böhem | | Nürnberg : Halbmayer, 1621 | GB |  |   |
| Brès, Guy de (1522-1567) en fr | Belydenisse des gheloofs: ghemaekt met een ghemeyn accoort door de gheloovighe, die in de Nederlanden over al verstroyt zijn ... 1562 (Adolf Blomhert, 1864) / added author(s): Reformed Churches in the Netherlands | GB |  |   |
Confession de foy : Faicte d'un commun accord par les fideles qui conversent ès Pays Bas, lesquels desirent vivre selon la pureté de l'Evangile de Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ ( [Genève] : [Jean Bonnefoy pour Nicolas Du Bar], 1566) / added author(s): Reformed Churches in the Netherlands | e-rara |  |   |
Confession de foy, faicte d'un commun accord par les fidèles qui conversent ès Pays-Bas, lesquels désirent vivre selon la pureté de l'Evangile de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ ( Geneva : Jules-Guillaume Fick, 1561) [1855 reprint of 1561 original] | GB |  |   |
| Bullinger, Heinrich (1504-1575) en de | Confessio et expositio simplex orthodoxae fidei, et dogmatum catholicorum syncerae religionis Christianae : concorditer ab ecclesiae Christi ministris, qui sunt in Helvetia, Tiguri, Bernae, Scaphusii, Sangalli, Curiae Rhetorum & apud confoederatos, Mylhusii item, & Biennae, quibus adiunxerunt se & Genevensis ecclesiae ministri, edita in hoc, ut universis testentur fidelibus, quòd in unitate verae & antiquae Christi ecclesiae, perstent, neque ulla nova aut erronea dogmata spargant, atquè ideo etiam nihil consortii cum ullis sectis aut haeresibus habeant: hoc demum vulgata tempore, qui de ea aestimare piis omnibus liceat ( [Bernae] : illustrissimae Reipublicae Bernensis typographus, Georgius Sonnleitnerus, 1676) | e-rara |  |   |
| Church of England | Articles de la confession de foy de l'Église anglicane, 1562, nouvellement traduits. [With] Le canon du synode de la province de Cantorberi,tenu 1603 ( Geneva : J. & S. De Tournes, 1665) | GB |  |   |
Confessio fidei in conventu theologorum authoritate parliamenti anglicani indicto elaborata. ( Cambridge : John Field, 1696) | GB |  |   |
The Scriptural unity of the Protestant churches exhibited, in their published confessions, ed. David Stuart ( Dublin : John Robertson, 1835) / added author(s): Church of Scotland | GB |  |   |
| Church of Scotland | A collection of confessions of faith, catechisms, directories, books of discipline, &c. Of publick authority in the Church of Scotland ( Edinburgh : James Watson) | | | GB |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1722) | GB |  |   |
Confessio fidei et doctrinae per ecclesiam reformatam regni Scotiae receptae, exhibitae ordinibus regni ejusdem in publicis Parliamenti (ut vocant) comitiis... per Patricium Adamsonum descripta, anno salutis nostrae millesimo quingentesimo septuagesimo secundo..., trans. Patrick Adamson ( Londini : apud J. Billium, 1618) / added author(s): Patrick Adamson | GB |  |   |
The confession of faith of the Kirk of Scotland : Subscribed by the Kings Majestie and his housholde, in the yeare of God 1580 ; With a designation of such acts of Parlament, as are expedient, for justefying the vnion, after mentioned ; And subscribed by the nobles, barrons, gentlemen, burgesses, ministers and commons, in the yeare of God 1638 ( Edinburgh, 1638) | IA |  |   |
The Confession of faith, the Larger and Shorter catechisms, with the Scripture-proofs at large: together with The sum of saving knowledge contain'd in the Holy Scriptures, and held forth in the said Confession and Catechisms and practical use thereof, covenants, National and Solemn league / added author(s): Westminster Assembly | | Edinburgh : Alex. Kincaid, 1773 | GB |  |   |
Glasgow : J. Know, 1752 | GB |  |   |
Glasgow : W. Duncan, 1768 | GB |  |   |
| Coeffeteau, Nicolas, O.P. (1574-1623) en fr | Examen d'une confession de foy, publiee n'agueres en france, sous le nom du Roy d'Angleterre, & de son Parlement. Fait premierement en Latin, par reuerend pere en Dieu Guillaume Cheisolme Escossoi, ... et puis en françois, & plus au long, par F.N. Coeffeteau .. (Iean Gesselin, rue S. Iacques, a l'Enseigne S. Martin, & en sa boutique au Palais en la gallerie des prisonniers, 1604) / added author(s): William Chisholm | GB |  |   |