Anonymous |
Recit des dernieres heures de monsieur Du Moulin. Decedé à Sedan le 10. Mars 1658. ( Geneve : Pierre Chouët, 1661) | GB | | |
Adam, Melchior (-1622) en de |
The life and death of Dr. Martin Lvther; the passages whereof haue bin taken out of his owne and other Godly and most learned, mens writings, who liued in his time | |
London : I.L., 1641 | GB | | |
Alegambe, Philippe, S.J. (1592-1642) |
Bibliotheca scriptorum societatis Jesu, post excusum anno 1608 catalogum nunc hoc novo apparatu librorum ad annum 1642 editorum concinnata (etc.) a Philippo Alegambe ( Antwerp : Joannes Meursius, 1643) / added author(s): Pedro de Ribadeneyra | GB | | |
Amyraut, Moïse (1596-1664) fr en |
La vie de François, seigneur de la Noué, dit bras-de-fer où sont contenues quantité de choses mémorables, qui servent à l'éclaircissement de celles qui se sont passées en France& au Pays-Bas, depuis le commencement des troubles survenus pour la religion jusques à l'an 1591 | |
Leiden : Jean Elsevier, 1661 | BNF | | |
Anonymous/Pseud. Reformed (c.1550-1600) |
Gratulatio amicorum in doctoratum Davidis Parei Silesii ( Heidelberg : Joshua Harnisch, 1593) | GB | | |
Bachiler, John (-1674) |
The virgins pattern : in the exemplary life and lamented death of Mrs. Susanna Perwich .. ( London : Simon Dover, 1661) | IA | | |
Balbani, Niccolò (1522-1587) |
The Italian convert, newes from Italy of a second Moses, or, The life of Galeacius Caracciolus, the Noble Marquesse of Vico. Containing the story of his admirable conversion from popery, and forsaking of a rich marquesdom for the Gospels sake, trans. William Crashawe | |
trans. William Crashawe (London : A.G., sold by H. Hammond of Salisbury, 1635) | IA | | |
trans. William Crashawe (London : Abel Roper, 1677) | IA | | |
La vie de Galeas Caraciol, marquis de Vico; et l'Histoire de la fin tragique de François Spiere | |
Amsterdam : Daniel Elzevir, 1681 | GB | | |
Ball, Thomas (1590-1659) en |
The life of the renowned Doctor Preston, writ by Thomas Ball in the year 1628, ed. E. W. Harcourt ( London : Parker and Co., 1885) | IA | | |
Bates, William (1625-1699) en |
An Account of the Life and Death of Mr. Philip Henry ( London : Tho. Parkhurst, 1699) | GB | | |
A funeral-sermon for the Reverend, holy and excellent divine, Mr. Richard Baxter, who deceased Decemb. 8, 1691 : with an account of his life ( London : Brab. Aylmer, 1692) | IA | | |
Vitae selectorum aliquot virorum qui doctrina, dignitate, aut pietate inclaruere ( London : George Wells, 1681) | GB | | |
| GB | | |
Baxter, Richard (1615-1691) en de |
An Abridgement Of Mr. Baxter's History Of His Life And Times, 2nd ed., ed. Edmund Calamy ( London : John Lawrence) | |
| GB | | |
Vol. 2 (1713) | GB | | |