Caryl, Joseph (1602-1673) |
An exposition with practical observations continued upon the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh chapters of the Book of Job. Being the substance of XXXV. lectures, etc (J. Macock, 1648) | GB |  |   |
An exposition with practical observations upon the three first chapters of the Book of Job. Delivered in XXI. lectures, etc (Luke Fawne; H. Cripps&L. Lloyd, 1651) | GB |  |   |
An exposition with practicall observations continued upon the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth chapters of the Book of Job, etc ( London : Simmons, 1654) | GB |  |   |
Chemnitz, Christian (1615-1666) |
Diss. theol. de persona et libro Hiobi | |
Jena : Neppius, 1688 | GB |  |   |
Coccejus, Johannes (1603-1669) en nl |
Commentarius in Librum I. Jobi ( 1644) | GB |  |   |
| GB |  |   |
Commentarivs in librum I Jobi ...: Accessit ejusdem Oratio exegetica de idea falsae & verae Ecclesiae ex II. Tim. II. & III. (Vldericus Balck, 1644) | GB |  |   |
Codurc, Philippe (c.1580-1660) |
| GB |  |   |
Deutschmann, Johann (1625-1706) en de |
Jobeum Fidei Symbolum De Goele Resuscitato, Jobumque Cum Caeteris Fidelibus In Extremo Die Resuscitaturo, Dissertatione Philologico-Theologica adumbratum Ex Hiobi Cap. XIX, 25. 26. 27. & Ad ventilandum propositum in Academia Patria Praeside ... Dn. Johanne Deutschmann/ SS. Theol. D. ... Ab A.R. Immanuele Hammern/ Witteb. Sereniss. Elect. Saxon. Alumn. D. XV. April. A. M.DC.LXIX. ... ( Wittebergae : Officina Finceliana, 1669) | SBB |  |   |
Dieu, Lodewijk de (1590-1642)  |
Animadversiones In Veteris Testamenti Libros Omnes: In Quibus Ex Chaldaeorum Targumim, & Syrorum, & Arabum & aliorum versionibus, ut & Hebraeorum Commentariis, & Recentiorum observationibus, difficiliora quaeq[ue] loca illustrantur, & diligenti collatione habita explicantur | |
Elzevir, 1648 | GB |  |   |
Draconites, Johannes (1494-1566) de |
Hiob, Von der Aufferstehung Und eine predigt vom jünsten tage Uber der leiche Gerardi Noviomagi ( [Marburg], 1542) | BSB |  |   |
Drusius, Joannes (1550-1616) en nl |
Nova versio et scholia in Iobum... opus posthumum...Edidit B. Fullenius junior (sumptibus J. Janssonii, 1636) | GB |  |   |
Durell, David (1728-1775) en |
Critical remarks on the books of Job, Proverbs, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Canticles ( Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1772) | GB |  |   |
Gregory the Great (c.540-604) en |
Morals on the book of Job, book 1-10 [Library of Fathers] ( Oxford : Parker, 1844) | IA |  |   |
Morals on the Book of Job, book 11-22 [Library of Fathers] ( Oxford : Parker, 1844) | IA |  |   |
Morals on the Book of Job, book 23-29 [Library of Fathers ] ( Oxford : Parker, 1844) | IA |  |   |
Händel, Matthias (fl.1628-) |
Christlich Leichgedächtniß Sieben frommer Geschwister : Welche Anno Christi 1626. zur Zeit der Pest ... diese Welt gesegnet/ ... Des Ehrwürdigen Herrn Sigismundi Scherertzii Pastoris zu S. Lambert in Lüneburg vielgeliebten Kinder/ In zweene kurtze einfältige Sermones Aus der Historia Jobs im 1. und 19. Capitel verfasset ( Lüneburg : Sterne, 1628) / added author(s): Gottfried Bavarus | GDZ |  |   |
Honert, Joan van den (1693-1758) de |
| GB |  |   |