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Caryl, Joseph (1602-1673)
An exposition with practical observations continued upon the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh chapters of the Book of Job. Being the substance of XXXV. lectures, etc (J. Macock, 1648)
An exposition with practical observations upon the three first chapters of the Book of Job. Delivered in XXI. lectures, etc (Luke Fawne; H. Cripps&L. Lloyd, 1651)
An exposition with practicall observations continued upon the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth chapters of the Book of Job, etc (London : Simmons, 1654)
Chemnitz, Christian (1615-1666)
Diss. theol. de persona et libro Hiobi
Jena : Neppius, 1688GB 
Coccejus, Johannes (1603-1669)  en nl
Commentarius in Librum I. Jobi (1644)
Commentarius in Librum Jobi (Franekerae : Balck, 1644)
Commentarivs in librum I Jobi ...: Accessit ejusdem Oratio exegetica de idea falsae & verae Ecclesiae ex II. Tim. II. & III. (Vldericus Balck, 1644)
Codurc, Philippe (c.1580-1660)
Libri Job versio nova ex Hebraeo cum scholiis (Lutetiae Parisiorum : ex typographia Petri Variquet, 1651)
Deutschmann, Johann (1625-1706)  en de
Jobeum Fidei Symbolum De Goele Resuscitato, Jobumque Cum Caeteris Fidelibus In Extremo Die Resuscitaturo, Dissertatione Philologico-Theologica adumbratum Ex Hiobi Cap. XIX, 25. 26. 27. & Ad ventilandum propositum in Academia Patria Praeside ... Dn. Johanne Deutschmann/ SS. Theol. D. ... Ab A.R. Immanuele Hammern/ Witteb. Sereniss. Elect. Saxon. Alumn. D. XV. April. A. M.DC.LXIX. ... (Wittebergae : Officina Finceliana, 1669)
Dieu, Lodewijk de (1590-1642)  
Animadversiones In Veteris Testamenti Libros Omnes: In Quibus Ex Chaldaeorum Targumim, & Syrorum, & Arabum & aliorum versionibus, ut & Hebraeorum Commentariis, & Recentiorum observationibus, difficiliora quaeq[ue] loca illustrantur, & diligenti collatione habita explicantur
Elzevir, 1648GB 
Draconites, Johannes (1494-1566)  de
Hiob, Von der Aufferstehung Und eine predigt vom jünsten tage Uber der leiche Gerardi Noviomagi ([Marburg], 1542)
Drusius, Joannes (1550-1616)  en nl
Nova versio et scholia in Iobum... opus posthumum...Edidit B. Fullenius junior (sumptibus J. Janssonii, 1636)
Durell, David (1728-1775)  en
Critical remarks on the books of Job, Proverbs, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Canticles (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1772)
Gregory the Great (c.540-604)  en
Morals on the book of Job, book 1-10 [Library of Fathers] (Oxford : Parker, 1844)
Morals on the Book of Job, book 11-22 [Library of Fathers] (Oxford : Parker, 1844)
Morals on the Book of Job, book 23-29 [Library of Fathers ] (Oxford : Parker, 1844)
Händel, Matthias (fl.1628-)
Christlich Leichgedächtniß Sieben frommer Geschwister : Welche Anno Christi 1626. zur Zeit der Pest ... diese Welt gesegnet/ ... Des Ehrwürdigen Herrn Sigismundi Scherertzii Pastoris zu S. Lambert in Lüneburg vielgeliebten Kinder/ In zweene kurtze einfältige Sermones Aus der Historia Jobs im 1. und 19. Capitel verfasset (Lüneburg : Sterne, 1628) / added author(s): Gottfried Bavarus
Honert, Joan van den (1693-1758)  de
Verklaring van de geheele Heilige Schrift, door eenigen van de voornaamste Engelsche godgeleerden, vol. 5 (Isaak Tirion en Jacobus Loveringh, 1743) / added author(s): Matthew Poole, Simon Patrick, Edward Wells
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