Share:  Theology (76) | Related (2) |
Synagoga Judaica | |
3rd ed. / Basel : Ludovici König, 1680 | GB |  |   |
3rd ed. / Frankfurt / Leipzig : Johann Paul Krauß, 1728 | GB |  |   |
3rd ed. / Frankfurt / Leipzig : Johann Paul Krauß, 1738 | ULBH |  |   |
Synagoga Judaica: das ist Jüden-Schul (Ludwig, 1643) | GB |  |   |
Thesaurus grammaticus linguae sanctae Hebraeae, duobus libris methodice propositus | |
Typis Joh. Jacobi Deckeri, 1663 | GB |  |   |
Basel, 1620 | GB |  |   |
Basel, 1629 | GB |  |   |
6th ed. / ed. Johann Buxtorf (Basel : Johannis Buxtorfi junioris, 1663) [scanned backwards - start from the bottom and scroll up. This is because the book is published 'backwards' in accordance with Hebrew book publishing] | GB |  |   |
Tiberias sive commentarius Masoreticus triplex: historicus, didacticus, criticus | |
1620 | GB |  |   |
J. J. Deckerus, 1665 | GB |  |   |
ed. Johann Buxtorf (Basel : J. J. Decker, 1665) | GB |  |   |
Basel : Ludovici König, 1620 | BFL |  |   |