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The principall acts of the Generall Assembly, conveened at Edinburgh upon the last VVednesday of May, the 29 of that moneth, in the year 1644 ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler ..., 1644) | IA |  |   |
The principall acts of the Generall Assembly, conveened occasionally at Edinburgh upon the 22 day of January in the year 1645 ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler ..., 1645) | IA |  |   |
The principall acts of the solemne Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland : indicted by the Kings Majestie, and conveened at Glasgow the xxi. of November 1638 ( Edinburgh : heirs of Andrevv Hart, 1639) | IA |  |   |
The proceedings of the Commissioners, appointed by the Kings majesty and Parliament of Scotland, for Conserving the Articles of the Treaty and Peace Betwixt the Kingdomes of Scotland and England. : With two letters sent to his Majesty, by the Lords of his Privy Councell, wherein the Councell doth recommend to His Majestie, the desires of the saids Commissioners; and the Petition of the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly ( London : Evan Tyler, 1643) | IA |  |   |
The Protestation of the Generall Assembly of the Kirke of Scotland, and of the Noblemen, Barrons, Gentlemen, Borrowes, Ministers and Commons; Subscribers of the Covenant lately, made at the Mercate Crosse of Edinburgh the 18. of December. 1638. ( Edinburgh : James Bryson, 1639) | GB |  |   |
| GB |  |   |
The Psalms of David in metre | |
Edinburgh : Colin MacFarquhar, 1771 | IA |  |   |
Edinburgh : J. & M. Robertson, 1792 | GB |  |   |
The Scottish metrical psalter of A.D. 1635 : reprinted in full from the original work ; the additional matter and various readings found in the editions of 1565, &c. being appended, and the whole ill. by dissertations, notes, & fac-similes ( Glasgow : Maclure & Macdonald, 1864) | IA |  |   |
The Scriptural unity of the Protestant churches exhibited, in their published confessions, ed. David Stuart ( Dublin : John Robertson, 1835) / added author(s): Church of England | GB |  |   |
A seasonable and necessary warning and declaration : concerning present and imminent dangers, and concerning duties relating thereto ( Edynburgh : Evan Tyler, 1649) | IA |  |   |
The service, discipline and forme of the Common prayers and administration of the sacraments, used in the English Church of Geneva : as it was approved by that most reverend divine, M. Iohn Calvin, and the Church of Scotland / added author(s): Reformed Church of Switzerland | |
London : William Cooke, 1641 | IA |  |   |
A short declaration to the whole kirk and kingdom concerning present dangers and duties ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler, 1648) | IA |  |   |
A true Copy of the whole printed Acts of the Generall Assemblies of the Church of Scotland [1638-1649] ( [Edinburgh?], 1682) | GB |  |   |
| IA |  |   |