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Church of Scotland
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Results 41-56
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The principall acts of the Generall Assembly, conveened at Edinburgh upon the last VVednesday of May, the 29 of that moneth, in the year 1644 (Edinburgh : Evan Tyler ..., 1644)
The principall acts of the Generall Assembly, conveened occasionally at Edinburgh upon the 22 day of January in the year 1645 (Edinburgh : Evan Tyler ..., 1645)
The principall acts of the solemne Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland : indicted by the Kings Majestie, and conveened at Glasgow the xxi. of November 1638 (Edinburgh : heirs of Andrevv Hart, 1639)
The proceedings of the Commissioners, appointed by the Kings majesty and Parliament of Scotland, for Conserving the Articles of the Treaty and Peace Betwixt the Kingdomes of Scotland and England. : With two letters sent to his Majesty, by the Lords of his Privy Councell, wherein the Councell doth recommend to His Majestie, the desires of the saids Commissioners; and the Petition of the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly (London : Evan Tyler, 1643)
The Protestation of the Generall Assembly of the Kirke of Scotland, and of the Noblemen, Barrons, Gentlemen, Borrowes, Ministers and Commons; Subscribers of the Covenant lately, made at the Mercate Crosse of Edinburgh the 18. of December. 1638. (Edinburgh : James Bryson, 1639)
The Psalms of David in meeter (Edinburgh : Evan Tyler, 1698)
The Psalms of David in metre
Edinburgh : Colin MacFarquhar, 1771IA 
Edinburgh : J. & M. Robertson, 1792GB 
The Scottish metrical psalter of A.D. 1635 : reprinted in full from the original work ; the additional matter and various readings found in the editions of 1565, &c. being appended, and the whole ill. by dissertations, notes, & fac-similes (Glasgow : Maclure & Macdonald, 1864)
The Scriptural unity of the Protestant churches exhibited, in their published confessions, ed. David Stuart (Dublin : John Robertson, 1835) / added author(s): Church of England
A seasonable and necessary warning and declaration : concerning present and imminent dangers, and concerning duties relating thereto (Edynburgh : Evan Tyler, 1649)
The service, discipline and forme of the Common prayers and administration of the sacraments, used in the English Church of Geneva : as it was approved by that most reverend divine, M. Iohn Calvin, and the Church of Scotland / added author(s): Reformed Church of Switzerland
London : William Cooke, 1641IA 
A short declaration to the whole kirk and kingdom concerning present dangers and duties (Edinburgh : Evan Tyler, 1648)
A true Copy of the whole printed Acts of the Generall Assemblies of the Church of Scotland [1638-1649] ([Edinburgh?], 1682)
A warning against Socinianism (Falkirk : Printed and sold by Patrick Mair : sold also by Mess. Duncan Ferguson, Glasgow; Michael Connal & Alexander Peebles, Stirling, 1788)
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