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Primary Sources (49 titles, 56 vols.) | Websites (1) | Suggest a New Source | Share: Theology (56) | Related (48) | | The Confession of faith, the Larger and Shorter catechisms, with the Scripture-proofs at large: together with The sum of saving knowledge contain'd in the Holy Scriptures, and held forth in the said Confession and Catechisms and practical use thereof, covenants, National and Solemn league ( Glasgow : W. Duncan, 1768) / added author(s): Westminster Assembly | GB | | |
| GB | | |
A declaration against the crosse petition : wherein some secret letts of the intended reformation are discovered. The danger of division prevented. And the unitie of this iland in religion urged ( [London] : First Edenburgh and now reLondon for I.B. in Cornhill, 1642) | IA | | |
A declaration and warning unto all the members of this kirk and kingdome, : in answer to a paper intituled and reputed the Declaration of James Grahame. ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler, printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1650) | IA | | |
A declaration of the Committee of Estates of the Parliament of Scotland : in vindication of their proceedings from the aspersions of a scandalous pamphlet, published by that excommunicate traytor, James Grahame, under the title of A Declaration of James Marques of Montrosse, etc., printed in the year, 1649 ; together with a declaration and warning unto all the members of this kirk and kingdom, in answer to a paper intituled and reputed The declaration of James Grahame ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler, 1650) | IA | | |
Directions of the Generall Assembly concerning secret and private worship, and mutuall edification, for cherishing piety, for maintaining unity, and avoiding schisme and division : with an act for observing these directions, and censuring such use to neglect family worship. and an act against such as withdraw themselves from the publike worship in their own congregations ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler, 1648) | IA | | |
A directory for the publique worship of God throughout the three kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland : together with an ordinance of Parliament for the taking away of the Book of common-prayer and for establishing and observing of this present directory throughout the kingdome of England and dominion of Wales : with propositions concerning church-government and ordination of ministers ( London : T.R. and E.M. for the Company of Stationers, 1651) / added author(s): Westminster Assembly | IA | | |
England and Scotlands covenant with their God : viz. In The protestation, the vow and covenant, the Solemn League and Covenant, and an Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the taking the same; together with An exhortation made by the Assembly of Divines. An ordinance for the better observation of the Lords day. An ordinance, together with an order, for the strict keeping the monthly fast. ( [London] : Edw. Husbands, 1645) | GB | | |
The Generall demands, of the reverend doctors of divinitie, and ministers of the Gospell in Aberdene, concerning the late covenant, in Scotland : Together, with the answeres, replyes, and duplyes that followed thereupon, in the year, 1638 ( Aberdene : John Forbes, 1663) | IA | | |
The Humble Petition of The Commissioners of The Generall Assembly To The Kings Majesty : Their Declaration sent to the Parliament of England. Their Letter to some Brethren of the Ministery there. And their Commission to their Brother Master Alexander Henderson, January 1643 ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler, 1643) | IA | | |
The National Covenant and Solemn League & Covenant : with the acknowledgement of sins, and engagement to duties as they were renewed at Lesmahego, March 3. 1688 with accommodation to the present times : together with an introduction touching national covenants, by way of analysis on the 29th chapter of Deuteronomy, the substance whereof, was delivered in a discourse to the people, on the preparation day, before they were renewed ( [Edinburgh], 1689) | IA | | |
A necessary warning to the ministerie of the Kirk of Scotland : from the meeting of the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly at Edinburgh, 4 Jan., 1643 ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler, 1643) | IA | | |
Observations upon the chief acts of the two late P. Assemblies at St. Andrews and Dundee, the year of God 1651, and 1652 : together with the reasons why the ministers, elders and protestors, who protested against the said Pretended Assemblies, and the Pretended Assembly at Edinburgh, cannot agree to the overtures made to them at the conference upon the 28. and 29. dayes of July 1652. As also the instructions to such of their number as were sent to the said conference. And the letter directed to Mr. David Dickson for communicating their papers. Whereunto is subjoyned the propositions which were offered to the meeting of Ministers and others appointed to be keeped at Edinburgh July 21. 1652 ( [Leith?], 1653) | IA | | |
The principal acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland ( Edinburgh : George Mosman, 1721) | GB | | |
The principall acts of foure Generall Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland : holden at Edinburgh 1639, at Aberdene 1640, at S. Andrews and Edinburgh 1641, at S. Andrews 1642 ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler ..., 1642) | IA | | |
The principall acts of the Generall Assembly, conveened at Edinburgh the second day of August 1643 ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler, printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie., 1643) | IA | | |
The principall acts of the Generall Assembly, conveened at Edinburgh upon the first VVednesday of August, the 4. of that moneth, in the year 1647 ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler ..., 1647) | IA | | |
The principall acts of the Generall Assembly, conveened at Edinburgh upon the first VVednesday of July, the 12 of that moneth, in the year 1648 ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler ..., 1648) | IA | | |
The principall acts of the Generall Assembly, conveened at Edinburgh upon the first VVednesday of July, the fourth of that moneth, in the year 1649 ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler ..., 1649) | IA | | |
The principall acts of the Generall Assembly, conveened at Edinburgh upon the first VVednesday of June, being the third of that moneth, in the yeer 1646 ( Edinburgh : Evan Tyler ..., 1646) | IA | | |