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Commentarius in Acta apostolorum et in Epistolas ad Romanos et ad Hebraeos | |
Basileae : J. R. Im Hoff, 1740 | GB | | |
Roterodami : Bernard Bos, 1711 | BSB | | |
A compleat system, or body of divinity: both speculative and practical, founded on Scripture and reason, trans. John Wilkins, William Jones ( London : J. Taylor and A. Bell) | |
Vol. 1 ( 1702) [This work does not fully translate the Latin, includes augmentations from various english authors, and does not precisely observe the section enumeration of the Latin original] | IA | | |
De veritate religionis Christianae amica collatio cum erudito Judaeo | |
Basileae : Joh. Rudolph Im-Hoff, 1740 | BSB | | |
Goudae : Apud Justum ab Hoeve, 1687 | BSB | | |
Historia inquisitionis: cui subjungitur Liber sententiarum inquisitionis Tholosanae ab anno Christi MCCCVII ad annum MCCCXXIII | |
Amsterdam : apud Henricum Wetstenium, 1692 | GB | | |