Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share: Theology (43) | Related (4) | | Anti-Cavalierisme, or, Truth pleading as well the necessity ... ( London : G.B. and R.W. for Henry Overton and are to bee sold at his shop in Popes-Head-Alley, 1642) | IA | | |
Anti-Cavalierisme, or, Truth pleading as well the necessity, as the lawfulness of this present vvar,:for the suppressing of that butcherly brood of cavaliering incendiaries, who are now hammering England, to make an Ireland of it: wherein all the materiall objections against the lawfulness of this undertaking, are fully cleered and answered, and all men that either love God, themselves, or good men, exhorted to contribute all manner of assistance hereunto. By Jo: Goodwin. ( London : G.B. and R.W. for Henry Overton, At his shop at Popes-Head-Alley, 1642) | EEBO-TCP | | |
The apologist condemned: or, A vindication of the Thirty queries (together with their author) concerning the power of the civil magistrate in matters of religion.:By way of answer to a scurrilous pamphlet, published (as it seems) by some poposalist, under the mock-title of An apologie for Mr John Goodwin. Together with a brief touch upon another pamphlet, intituled, Mr J. Goodwin's queries questioned. By the author of the said Thirty queries. ( London : J.M. for Henry Cripps and Lodowick Lloyd, and are to be sold at their shop in Popes-head Alley, 1653) | EEBO-TCP | | |
The army harmelesse: or, A dispassionat and sober discussion of the late and present proceedings of the army, under the command of His Excellencie, Sir Thomas Fairfax.:Wherein the equity and unblamableness of the said proceedings are demonstratively asserted, upon undenyable principles and maximes, as well of reason, as religion. ( London : John Pounset, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Hand and Bible, at the lower end of Budge-row neere Dowgate, 1647) | EEBO-TCP | | |
The banner of justification displayed: or; a discourse, concerning the deep, and important mystery of the justification of a sinner wherein the severall causes thereof, being both numerous and various, are from the first to the last diligently enquired after, and their severall contributions towards so great and happy a work, clearly distinguished, and assigned to their proper causes (respectively.) and more particularly is shewed, how God, how the grace of God, how the decree of God, how the soveraign authority of God; how Christ, how the active obedience [of] Christ, how the passive obedience of Christ, how the resurrection of Christ, how the knowledge of Christ; how the spirit of God, how faith, how repentance, how works, how remission of s[in,] how the word, how the minister of the word, how the P[ope?] himself which is justified, may all truly, though upon severall accounts, and after different manners, be sayed to justifie. ( London : E.C. and are to be sold by H Ever[sden ...], 1659) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Basanistai. Or The triers, (or tormenters) tried and cast, by the laws both of God and of men.:Or, arguments and grounds as well in reason as religion, clearly evincing the unlawfulnesse of those ordinances or commissions (at least as they have been from time to time declared and interpreted, aloud by the persons acting them, and tacitly by the authority enacting them) with all others of like import, by which the respective courts, or consistories of triers and ejectors (so called) amongst us, are established: together with the unwarrantablenesse of the acceptation and exercise of the powers delegated and granted in the said commissions, by any man, or company of men whatsoever, now in being. By John Goodwin, an aged minister of Jesus Christ, and pastor to that remnant of his sheep, usually assembling in Coleman-street, London. ( London : Henry Eversden, at the Grey-hound in Pauls Church-yard, 1657) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Calumny arraign'd and cast. Or A briefe answer to some extravagant and rank passages, lately fallen from the pen of William Prynne, Esquire,:in a late discourse, entituled, Truth triumphing over falshood, &c. against Mr John Goodwin, Minister of the Gospel. Wherein the loyall, unfeigned and unstained affection of the said John Goodwin to the Parliament, and civill magistracie, is irrefragably and fully vindicated and asserted against those broad and unchristian imputations, most untruly suggested in the said discourse against him. By the said John Goodvvin. Licensed entered and printed according to order. ( London : M. Simmons for Henry Overton, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head-Alley, 1645) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Christian theology (Thomas Tegg & Son, 1836) | GB | | |
The Christians engagement for the Gospell opened in foure sermons on part of the third verse of the Epistle of Jude : also, Christ's approbation of Maries choyce, or, A sermon preached at the funerall of Mris Abbott in Saint Stephens Colman-street, London ( London : T. Cotes for P. Cole ..., 1641) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Confidence dismounted. Or a letter to Mr Richard Resburie of Oundle in North-Hamptonshire,: upon occasion, partly of a title page prefixed before a small treatise of his concerning election & reprobation, conflicting of six sermons preached by him about three years since, and lately published; the said title page bearing in front these words, some stop to the gangrene of Arminianism, lately promoted by Mr John Goodwin, in his book intituled Redemption Redeemed; partly also, a short preface or epistle prefixed by the said Mr Resbury to that his treatise. ( London : John Macock, for Henry Cripps and Lodowick Lloyd, and are to be sold at their shop in Popes head Alley, 1651) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Cretensis: or A briefe answer to an ulcerous treatise, lately published by Mr Thomas Edvvards, intituled Gangræna:: calculated for the meridian of such passages in the said treatise, which relate to Mr. John Goodwin; but may without any sensible error indifferently serve for the whole tract. Wherein some of the best means for the cure of the said dangerous ulcer, called gangræna, and to prevent the spreading of it to the danger of the precious soules of men, are clearly opened, and effectually applied; ( London : M.S. for Henry Overton, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Alley, 1646) | EEBO-TCP | | |
The errours of the carelesse by necessitie confuted [by J. Goodwin?]. ( 1800) | GB | | |
An exposition of the nineth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans: wherein by the tenor and carriage of the contents of the said chapter, from first to last, is plainly shewed and proved, that the Apostles scope therein, is to assert and maintain his great doctrine of justification by faith, and that here he discourseth nothing at all concerning any personal election or reprobation of men, from eternity ( London : John Macock for Henry Cripps and Lodowick Lloyd, 1653) | IA | | |
An Exposition of The Ninth Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans with the banner of Justification Displayed ( 1835) | GB | | |
An exposition of the ninth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans with The banner of justification displayed ( London : Baynes and Son, 1835) | IA | | |
An exposition of the ninth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans. With The banner of justification displayed. To which is added, GEīrynomahía. With a preface by T. Jackson, ed. Thomas Jackson ( London : Baynes and Son, 1835) | GB | | |
A fresh discovery of the high-Presbyterian spirit. Or The quenching of the second beacon fired.: Declaring I. The un-Christian dealings of the authors of a pamphlet, entituled, A second beacon fired, &c. In presenting unto the Lord Protector and Parlament, a falsified passage out of one of Mr John Goodwins books, as containing, either blasphemie, or error, or both. II. The evil of their petition for subjecting the libertie of the press to the arbitrariness and will of a few men. III. The Christian equity, that satisfaction be given to the person so notoriously and publickly wronged. Together with the responsatory epistle of the said beacon firers, to the said Mr Goodwin, fraught with further revilings, falsifications, scurrilous language, &c. insteed of a Christian acknowledgment of their errour. Upon which epistle some animadversions are made, ( London : author, and are to be sold by H. Cripps, and L.Ll. in Popes head Alley, 1655) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Hybristodikai.: The obstructours of justice. Or a defence of the honourable sentence passed upon the late King, by the High Court of Justice. Opposed chiefly to the serious and faithfull representation and vindication of some of the ministers of London. As also to, The humble addresse of Dr. Hamond, to His Excellencie and Councel of warre. Wherein the justice, and equitie of the said sentence is demonstratively asserted, as well upon clear texts of Scripture, as principles of reason, grounds of law, authorities, presidents, as well forreign, as domestique. Together with, a brief reply to Mr. John Geree's book, intituled, Might overcoming right: wherein the act of the Armie in garbling the Parliament, is further cleared. As also, some further reckonings between thesaid [sic] Dr. Hamond and the authour, made straight. ( London : Printed for Henry Cripps, and Lodowick Lloyd : and are to be sold in Popes-head-Alley, 1649) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Innocency and truth triumphing together; or, The latter part of an answer to the back-part of a discourse, lately published by William Prynne Esquire, called, A full reply, &c.:Beginning at the foot of p. 17. of the said discourse, with this title or superscription, Certain brief animadversions on Mr. John Goodwins Theomachia. Wherein the argumentative part of the said animadversions is examined; together with some few animadversions upon some former passages in the said reply. Licensed and printed according to order. ( London : Matthew Simmons, for Henry Overton, at his shop in Popes-head-Alley, 1645) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Irelands advocate: or, A sermon preached upon Novem. 14, 1641.:to promote the contributions by way of lending, for the present reliefe of the Protestants party in Ireland. In the parrish church of St. Stephens Coleman Street London, by the pastor there. ( London : William Larnar, and are to be sold at his Shop, at the signe of the Golden Anchor, neere Paules-Chaine, 1641) | EEBO-TCP | | |