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« Thomas Pierce (c.1621-1691)
William Jane (bap.1645-1707) »
Richard Allestree (c.1621-1681)
TraditionAnglicanReferenceen | EMLOAcademic TitleRegius Prof. of Divinity, Oxford (1663-1679)
Primary Sources (65 titles, 98 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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L'art de vivre content (dépens d'Étienne Roger, 1707)
The Art of Contentment
ed. William Pridden (1841)GB 
Oxford : At the Theater, 1677GB 
Oxford : The Theater, 1675IA 
2nd ed. / ed. William Pridden (London : J. Burns, 1841)GB 
The Art of Contentment (Oxford, 1675) (1675)
The art of contentment by the author of The whole duty of man, &c. ([Oxford] : At the Theater in Oxford, 1675)
The art of patience and balm of Gilead under all afflictions; an appendix to The art of contentment (London : R. Smith for E. Mory, 1694)
Die Bezähmung der Zunge : entworffen von dem Verfasser der die gantze Pflicht des Menschen geschrieben hat ; Aus dem Englischen übersetzt (Berlin : Haude, 1745)
The Causes of the decay of christian piety : Or an impartial survey of the ruines of christian religion undermined by unchristian practice
London : Norton u.a., 1667BSB 
London : R. Norton, 1667GB 
London : R. Norton for T. Garthwait, 1667IA 
London : R.Norton, 1667GB 
The causes of the decay of Christian piety, or, An impartial survey of the ruines of Christian religion, undermin'd by unchristian practice written by the author of The whole duty of man. (London : R. Norton for T. Garthwait ..., 1667)
The Causes of the decay of christian piety: Or an impartial survey of the ruines of christian religion undermined by unchristian practice (Norton, 1667)
A defence and continuation of the Discourse concerning the period of humane life being a reply to a late answer, entituled A letter to a gentleman, &c. : to which is added, an appendix wherein several objections urged in private are considered, and Mr. Gales severe, but groundless charge is examined. (London : Printed, and are to be sold by Enoch Wyer, 1678)
Les devoirs d'un gentilhomme (E. Roger, 1709)
Les devoirs des dames ([for] E. Roger, 1709)
Les devoirs des dames en deux parties. Par l'auteur de la Pratique des vertus chrétiennes. Traduit de l'anglois, .. (depens d'Estienne Roger, marchand libraire chez qui l'on trou un assortiment general de toute sorte de musique, 1709)
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